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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Shame you didn't include combat stats. Magic is always a favorite of mine.My favorite of course is Firemaking, although it's time-consuming as hell, it doesn't take much work to do. Plus I like to set fire to children and buildings IRL so I feel like I should be an accomplished arsonist on RS as well.
  2. And let us begin DEAD WEEK!!!

  3. I would have to disagree. I found it easier to gain levels in WoW because you could do anything to raise your level. You could explore a new area, fight, skill, or quest. Unlike Runescape where you have to do one specific thing over and over again to achieve that.
  4. Yeah that's why I sold it to that guy before I killed him. Besides console commands, which I'm assuming you don't play on the PC, you can try depositing all your items and going to jail. This probably won't work as the item is marked as important, but worth a shot.If that doesn't work, then I'm afraid you may have to lug it around everywhere.
  5. Don't care about playing WoW at all, but their expansion packs are always pretty amazing. HOLY PANDA.
  6. Have you tried turning it off and on again?
  7. Must resist temptations to try this out!!!Nice guide though. I might just try it out once just to confirm it.
  8. I never put Heavy Armor on any of my mage characters as my atronachs and followers would take most of the damage, but I'd understand why you would have it up there. I don't think putting that many perks into the right tree for better protection is necessary though. On my thief character I have at the moment, I only have 3 perks in the first perk (the one that improves the effectiveness of light armor in general) and, with smithing and enchanting boost, I passed the max armor rating. I imagine it'd be easier to achieve that with Heavy.Good build overall though. I too hate enchanting my feet.
  9. Well the perks like Expert Restoration, Master Restoration, etc just halve the magic used to cast those spells. With the 100% Restoration Magic cost reduction, those aren't really necessary. I can understand investing in them when you first start out though.By the way, here are the master Restoration spells.Bane of the Undead-Sets undead up to level 44 on fire and makes them flee for 30s. Guardian Circle-Undead up to level 35 entering the circle will flee. Caster heals 20 health per second inside it.
  10. Yeah, 54 is a more realistic goal for the average player. Ideally, I'd keep them all at 50, but I'd let anything up to 55 slide.As for the enchantments for the helmet, I'd go with Fortify Magic. Neither one is really needed because with 4 Fortify Restorations you'll be casting all healing spells without wasting magic, but better than nothing I guess.
  11. Hell, I don't know. Oblivion did it. Maybe to lessen lag or whatever? Skyrim seems to be a bit heavier on the console than Oblivion was.
  12. Ahh I see. This would actually make an interesting idea for a guide, featuring some cool ideas for builds and such. Just something worth noting.
  13. They only tell you news regarding your safety. So you'll hear about the crime, but nothing else regarding the search and arrest. By the way, when they talk about black people, do they use the word "dark complection"? Cause that is hilarious.
  14. Don't see the practical implications of having an item with both a one handed and two handed enchantment. Nice build though.
  15. Teaser at an update most likely. They do that all time time.Or maybe it's just intercourse between Zeus and the earth.
  16. Also, Ramen never gets old. Ate it for dinner for a month straight once. Enjoyed every bowl of beef noodles.
  17. I like the part where colors.
  20. when I get home, I'll look around a bit. I imagined that you've already have, so I doubt I'll find one in any obvious place, but I'll try.
  21. I'll start by saying the "girl" is actually a guy. :PIs Ancano, the high elf, shooting fire at you or is it the orb? The orb shouldn't be attacking you as it has no arms. Casting fire is hard if you don't have arms. If Ancano keeps killing you, then I have some ideas to help you.
  22. I would climb the hell out of that mountain.
  23. Haven't played in months, but I was under the impression they were all taken care of. Is this no longer the case?
  24. David is on the brink of a rant!
  25. The absolute best way to minimize glitches while acquiring thaneship/buying the Riften house is to either do the Civil War quests up to the point Maven is put in charge or do the Seasons Unending quests (main quest where you host a peace council between the Imperials and Stormcloaks) so Maven is put in charge. Just make sure there aren't any quests involving her in progress before you ask.
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