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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Na the 50% is 50% more smithing xp, not improvement on items.
  2. Merged your post together.Yeah, great comprehensive guide. Great reference if I ever find myself with bits and pieces of strange ingredients.
  3. Consider this. He said the shark was worth 1000 coins, compared to its 633 price now.Thank you, Joe Ducey, for protecting my pirate's hook for another day.
  4. I don't wanna be "that guy" but how the game treats women is actually a tad disturbing. At one point... Also, Duke has the worse one liners ever. At one point he actually looks in a mirror and says "I'm bringing sexy back". That line worked on Cheekychips, but still.
  5. Also, I did this quest and got some permanent effect called Elder Knowledge that gave a permanent 15% xp boost to smithing. Not sure if this would stack with Lovers Comfort and Warrior's Stone, but if it did, that is 50% more xp.
  6. That response was directed at me, which I finished that guide. We need an Alchemy guide and a Smithing guide that doesn't mention the iron dagger method though.
  7. Blake

    Dirty Mind

    *wonders if this is worthy of his mod duties*Seriously though, none of this is funny.
  8. I always see people from Canada posting pictures on the internet of their hospital bill and the free health care always pays all but eleven dollars of it. Kind of off topic, but here is a confession that not a lot of people know about me. When I was like 15 or 16, I woke up because my stomach area was hurting. I thought it may be pancreatitis, because I thought my side area was hurting a bit too. After laying on the couch for a half hour, my dad decided to take me to the emergency room to get it checked. This was all at like 7 or 8 in the morning. So I went in and they did the works: X-ray, they drew blood, etc. After the doctor being gone for like 2 hours and me just sitting on a hospital bed in the emergency room in pain, they came back. They confessed that they were confused at what was wrong, but eventually figured it out. Apparently, I haven't shit in a long time and the air was backed up causing the pain. So they sent me out with the orders, "Relieve the pressure". I shat horribly for 3 days after. They billed me a couple of hundred dollars.
  9. Blake

    Stealing Clothes

    Suddenly, rape.
  10. Blake

    Lazy Skyrim Player

    Well, I know how I'm spending my next play through.
  11. Blake

    Pay To Play

    Because I find myself at the library studying, doing homework, or just busy, I did the same thing, but with porn. His pictures weren't of his face though.
  12. Blake

    The Dragonborn Comes

    It's funny because ewwww
  13. Blake

    Race Selection

    Wtf is the girl doing. And why does the guy look French?
  14. Blake

    Voice Actors

    But the managed to pull enough to hire Sean Connery for Esbern.
  15. Blake

    Sad Faise

    I slayed her dragon, raided her dungeon, and became hero of her Sovengarde. Sexually.
  16. Blake

    Y Dovahkiin No Share?

    I see two followers. Obviously a modder who wouldn't need the magic sword.
  17. Blake

    Over Encumbered

    The flower is still in the last frame.....
  18. I guess Norwegians aren't good at lining up charts.
  19. It should also be noted that after level 50, leveling becomes noticeably slower, with you having to raise even more skills just to raise one level.
  20. By worse game ever you mean as far as current gen consoles are concerned, then yes, I would say so. Just to put this in perspective, this let down of a game was being highly anticipated for about 20 years.
  21. Looks really nice and professional so far. At first I was gonna suggest tying them together, but I also see the practical reasons to keep them separate. Keep up the good work though.
  22. Yeah you could just go for 95, save a couple mill.Really though, what kind of answer is "Maybe"?
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