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Everything posted by Blake

  1. My number one problem with the Hulk is his shorts stay on when he transforms. I can't be the only one that wants to see Hulk penis.And to an extent, I'm kind of glad the movies don't follow the comic books strictly.
  2. Blake


    Played it. got bored fast. Wouldn't recommend it.
  3. Blake

    Over Encumbered

    So your hands are never used to pick things up? Well then why did this character use his hands? As you see, this comic doesn't follow the Skyrim "no hands" rule, so you can plainly see he just picked it up, not put it in his bag. Point Blexun.
  4. Na there isn't anything specific for that enchantment: whether it's a level req or location. Just getting lucky =/
  5. Big fan of Sly Cooper 3 and Portal 2, so I'd like to hear you say how much you love them.Wait. You added Little Big Planet. I think you know what you have to do.
  6. Blake

    Over Encumbered

  7. He pounded down the doors. Legolas later came and killed him.
  8. Maybe there is a difference between American and Norway Google. Either way, I win.
  9. I've only ran into one out of all the times I've played. I was something like level 43. I disenchanted it, but I never bothered to enchant it to a weapon. It is just one of those enchantments that is really hard to find. All I can suggest is keep playing.If somebody played on the PC, they could always spawn one and test it out. I'm pretty sure you don't or you would have already, but if somebody on here has.
  10. Glad to see Ezio made an appearance. He even threw a smoke bomb.But seriously, I need a new pair of pants. A bit more realistic than the last, which I guess can be appreciated. I don't see the point of killing both sides. Could just teleport into the building and kill the Jarl, but whatever floats his boat.
  11. I'm pretty certain it's Thanos. I really wish I could find a Youtube video for it. I'm also outraged. Sadly, the Oracle refused to cooperate with the studies. Also, I'm extremely homophobic.
  12. Nobody likes The Hulk. I mean, three different actors played him between the 2003 film, the 2008 film, and The Avengers. Thor I didn't mind though. And I thought Hawkeye was pretty cool, but I get your point with the whole arrow thing. And yeah you could guess it, BUT I BROUGHT IT ALL TOGETHER.Also, I don't mind teams, but Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye is pushing it. And if they add Spider Man, I can see how that'd be confusing.But Scarlet Johannson has boobs. Who cares?
  13. Originally, this was gonna be a blog post. But screw that. I need this to be seen and I'm hoping posting it as a topic will attract more attention. Unlike my first Conspiracy Theory, this one isn't about Runescape. Also, this one is really serious and not at all like my last. Lastly, I'm sorry I couldn't make due on my promised Conspiracy Theory. As interested as we are as to why Ice Mountain looks like a penis, that one will have to wait. Seriously though, I miss that topic. But I digress. Here is the totally serious topic. CONSPIRACY THEORY 2: AVENGERS TWO?!?!? What you may not know, I'm a bit of a film/super hero buff/nerd. Not the over annoying kind that knows entirely too much, but the casual kind that enjoys a decent super hero movie. When the Avengers came out, you can imagine my delight when I actually went to see it. Not the best movie ever, but really exciting and a good 2 AND A HALF HOURS. Way too long, am I right?So during my Statistics exam, I had an epiphany on the subject. Note, this topic contains spoilers about multiple movies, even ones that came out years ago. Now, allow me to take you back in time, to all the movies leading up to The Avengers. First up is Iron Man. First movie in the Iron man trilogy. Well, it will be a trilogy in 2013. So, I stayed in the theater after the credits and was treated to this scene. Sorry about the quality. The guy on Youtube must of used his potato to film this. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYGI6ygsUSE OH MY GOD THEY ARE GONNA MAKE AN AVENGERS MOVIE! So I figured this would come out a year or so later, but in hindsight, that was stupid thinking. Why release movie when you can build up so much hype. And that is what they did when they released The Incredible Hulk. Now, I haven't seen this movie, mainly because I heard it was awful. But I was happy to find out it too featured an Avenger teaser scene, this time right before the credits. Probably cause only losers wait for credits. Here is the scene. Now, I'm very very sorry, but this is the only video I can find. It is the same exact scene, just the guy did it with Legos. And no, Spiderman wasn't in the scene. If you are confused, Tony Stark (Iron Man) talks to some military guy about recruiting the Hulk. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ed3VVzg7v8 So obviously, the Avengers is on their way. And to make the fact more obvious, Iron Man 2 hinted it at it all the time. After the credits were done rolling, we were again treated to a scene. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OGzDpLrw_k&feature=related While not a teaser for The Avengers per say, it hinted at the Thor movie that would come out. And a year or so later it did. And as usual, I stuck around for the scene. This scene was a bit of a double whammy. Also, video is fuzzy because it was in 3D. PUT ON 3D GLASSES NOW! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8jXepCjlJc So that cube hinted and played a huge role at a Captain America movie. Also, you find out Loki is still alive, so that brings him in as The Avengers villain. And finally, my favorite, Captain America. Same routine, I hang out a little while longer, ushers are telling me to get the hell out so they can sweep my popcorn, but I was adamant I was! Anyway, here it is. And yes, they decided to squeeze in a trailer after the credits, those bastards. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKmvpq9zWnI&feature=related So there you go. They hide these scenes, builds up Avenger hype for 4 years and makes this movie. BUT The Avengers also has an after credits scene that hints at a sequel. Sadly, Youtube only has "parodies", which is actually stupid joke videos. Basically, the aliens claim the humans are stronger than they thought they were and recruit the next villain, Thanos. If you don't know who that is, I don't blame you as neither did I. So what? What was the point of all of this? Well I'll explain it all in one smallish paragraph. Originally, Spiderman was a member of The Avengers, but he didn't make the cut. However, there is going to be a new Spiderman movie coming up called The Amazing Spider Man. While it doesn't feature a red head Mary Jane (sad faice), it will a have a revamped Spider Man and a new actor. As I've already showed you, Marvel Studios have a history of putting teasers after the credits. So why simply make a sequel to The Avengers when you can hype it up by introducing fucking Spider Man. So, there you go. Spider Man to be in the next Avengers movie. You heard it here first kids.
  14. My last football game was 2002 for the Game Cube. I could play as the Ecko United team. I was Xhibit and was all "yo i heard you like football"
  15. Blake


    Giants forget how to physics.
  16. Blake

    Skyrim Geography

    Actually Skyrim is roughly based on Iceland, in more than one way.
  17. Blake

    Bacon Helmet

    This is terrifying.
  18. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=the+site+that+told+you+wich+game+you+could+playIt's like the third result.....
  19. H's are for liberals.
  20. And yes, the claw is sell-able. Although, I like to set them up around my house and say "LOOK LYDIA. WHILE YOU WERE HERE COOKING AND SITTING IN THAT SAME CHAIR ALL DAY, I WAS OUT DOING STUFF".Our relationship is on the rocks.
  21. Now that you mention it, yes, it does. I'm kind of mad that banner didn't work though. It had a button that directed you to that website and it was all flashy and glittery. It worked for like 3 minutes then the link broke.
  22. I hate that style soccer ball. My parents would always buy them for me. And the other kids would say "BLAKE AS THE MAXI PAD BALL".God I miss playing soccer.
  23. Kids These Days In the eight grade, I had to interview my grandfather with a list of questions given to me by my teacher. I then had to compare them with myself for some ultimate lesson I've failed to remembered. I love my grandfather, but that project made me realize he is a bit of an old fuck. When he wasn't bragging about all the farm work he did or how he built his log cabin workshop, he was droning on and on about how "kids these days" are lazier, namely how they play video games all day. I think he is just pissed off I beat him Wii bowling. What was the point of that? Well two main reasons. One, I like writing intros. I mean, you have to admit, that intro will tie in nicely with the rest of this blog. You are probably reading this sentence, but still thinking about that introduction and wondering where I'm going with this. Maybe you are laughing, or at least smiling. And you are resting your head on your hand. Secondly, that experience made me vow never to become like him, in the sense that I complain about today's youth. It wasn't until around a month ago that I remembered all of this and realized I've failed. So without further adieu, the top 5 things I hate about kids these days. Wait. Not enough hype. http:%3Cspan%3E/%3C/span%3E%3Cspan%3E/%3C/span%3Ei.imgur.com%3Cspan%3E/%3C/span%3E2jKom.gif Nice, right? Just don't click it....Oh nevermind. My flashy banner didn't work. You might as well click it now. 5. Weird Ass Things To Get Drunk/High Sorry for the crude title, but that is the only way I could efficiently describe how I feel about this. My little sister recently came home with a note from the school. Apparently kids have been drinking hand sanitizer to get drunk. I mean, what the fuck. And this isn't even the worse. I've seen news and commercials about the choking game, inhaling some crap that comes out of air conditioner hoses, and my favorite, raw sewage inhaled out of bag, commonly called BUTT HASH. Not sure how popular any of these things actually are, but if one kid does it, then I hate all of them for it. 4. Stupid Clothing Honestly, this is the major reason why I hated the majority of people I went to high school with. Well, not really. They were all douches. But this is a close second. So what attire did I find unbearable? A bullet-ed list for your viewing pleasure. Jordan sandals with sock Shorts with long sleeve shirts (this isn't that weird. I just don't like it) Black plush hoodie lined with fur. There were at least 10 different guys who paid like 90 dollars for this coat Crocs The feather in the hair thing And much much more!!! 3. General "No Fucks Given" I'll admit, this one makes me sound like a boring prick. I'm not so much against this type of behavior, just when it leads to whoever doing stupid crap that we all have to deal with later. Two major instances of this happened to me when I was younger. Some kid threw a rock at a school window and we had to sit in assign seats at lunch. I hated that kid for the rest of my school career. Secondly, some kid in high school shat in a Pringles can and offered it to the bus driver. In hind sight, it was hilarious, but he became the bus Nazi and made me hate not driving for the rest of the year. 2. Taste In Music Mainly, stupid rap songs, hip hop shit, and Disney douches. Apparently the new big boy band is One Direction. After seeing this picture, I promised to hate them forever. 1. Facebook Habits Sign in to Facebook. Look at the people you only add to boost your own friend count/because they requested you. Look at their statuses. Shoot yourself. So maybe I'm a boring, irritable person. At least I can look back when I'm 80 and proudly tell my grandchildren I've never stooped as low as to wear sandals and socks and listen to Lil Wayne. My dignity remains intact.
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