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Everything posted by Blake

  1. 25 isn't that hard to get so you really don't need to put that much effort. Giving money to a beggar should do the trick for a few quick levels.
  2. I trimmed a guy's hedges today for $20 (not code for anything, I swear). I'll toss some money your way when I deposit it.
  3. You need to have like 25 speech (I'm pretty sure) to use the persuasion option. To get this, try using a trainer or just keep playing, leveling up speech by buying things or talking to people. I think giving money to beggars raises your speech for a short period of time. Not long, but maybe long enough to glitch to 25.
  4. I suppose it can always be based on a general feel, such as "I crafted this and got to this smithing level in a pretty short time. The ingredients are blank and blank and they can easily be found here". Nothing fancy just something to patch up the Smithing guide.I'm at my parents until I move into my new apartment, so I really have nothing better to do than figure this out.
  5. If only we had a fantastic Dragon Mask Guide that covered all of these problems!!!!But yeah, to finish this topic off, Skyrim is about enjoying yourself and giving the player freedom. Their are relatively few guidelines to restrain your adventure. Just do what you want, keep saves after you think you accomplished something important or entering a dangerous area, trim the saves every now and then, and have fun.
  6. Yeah confused about the russ bit, lol. But really cool blog. The pictures are also really nice. I also forget that other countries have their drinking age below 21, which irks me a bit.
  7. At first I was like "I HAVE 3 DOLLARS AND SOME CHANGE. I'LL SAVE THE SITE" then I logged into my account and forgot I bought chips and a drink two days ago.So I donated everything that I had, minus a penny so I can keep my account open. And with that, we are 25 cents closer to our goal. Or if you are an optimist, 8.33% of the way there.
  8. It was just some redneck complaining about youtubers making videos and using their breasts in the thumbnail to generate views.
  9. Yeah I remember that topic. I might try that guide out, except I'll just use the information I wrote down to argue against it. I guess if anything, I suspected my Words of Power guide to have more hits, but after reading your blog, I guess there are lots of other sites on that. I also really need to clean that guide up, which I vow to do one day. By the way, what does com. mean?
  10. I really liked this one. They don't all have to be funny, just entertaining/interesting. So if I write a guide on Skyrim Abortions, is it sure to get a lot of hits?
  11. I want two equip-able rings.Obviously, some big explorer-able area.More children of different races.Quest having to do with the back stories of the Thieves' Guild members. (Think, WHAT IS SAPPHIRE'S REAL NAME?)CAPES OMGWTFBBQ
  12. If I'm ever on, I'll do my lower leveled with you. Usually I c1 them, but I'd be willing to do medium if I had company.
  13. 100 reputation. Let's hear it for 100 more!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anarchy


      lmfao at david

    3. Blake


      So I don't have to worry about your 100 reputation then. Thank God.

      Sadly, I hate all of you. So I'll be forfeiting the friends thing.

    4. cheekychips
  14. I actually took the time to read Apolly's story. I have to say it is a bit unique. Who told you about bird roleplay Tuesday?
  15. I actually had one typed up, but I was waiting for you to reply asking for it. I've always been a fan of the bi-Monthy. Two weeks is a long enough time to get shit together. That is also a long enough time for Runescape to update with new crap to talk about.
  16. I'm a bit hurt you didn't include me like what was originally planned. I wrote a hell of an "April Fools Pranks of the Internet" article.Great newsletter though. Noticed a couple of mistakes so make sure to re-read it multiple times.
  17. Just noticed Diablo Three has it's own header and everything. I have high hopes for it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      What are the kids saving up their pennies for now?

    3. David
    4. David


      Not sure if that's a stretch for a new section since our demographic with the "Elder Souls" things seems to be the medieval RPG-types.

  18. Blake

    Over Encumbered

    They don't use their hands when picking up objects to put in their bag either. Mine has never let go of his axe since he left Helgen.
  19. I looked up in the sky while I was in Sovengarde yesterday. I need a new pair of pants.
  20. On an unrelated note, one of the funniest comments on that story that was meant to be serious was..."Obama only did this to get votes from the gay community"1. I doubt the gay community was a game changer in any election2. The amount of votes he probably lost by backing up gay marriage doesn't make up for any gained gay votes.3. Who were the gay community planning to vote for? Romney?4. Everybody knows gays don't vote
  21. So Fox Nation got a little eccentric with Obama's recent endorsement for gay marriage. They changed the header hours later after receiving a fair amount of criticism. Punchline: I didn't know Obama's sandals were such avid supporters for gay marriage.
  22. Blake


    Na I was doing pretty average. Played it for like 3 hours so I gave it a chance.Paul put it best when he said it was "DotA for kindergarteners."
  23. Rewards for registering our emails? They are using them for something. For what, I've yet to find out...
  24. I actually read it. I figured it can't be any worse than that one series of books in Oblivion that is 60~ pages each and like 5 books.It was actually an interesting read. You can see that the civil war in Skyrim is no different than the Thalmor's other attempts at breaking up the Empire, especially considering how much the Nords did for the war. I was also unaware they changed the name of the Summerset Isles and that the Oblivion Crisis happened in more places than just Cyrodill. What exactly did they hope to accomplish by doing that? "Let's go see if they will agree to a truce and listen to our demands" "We just killed the Empire's best fighters, so I have no reason to believe that they'll disagree. Just in case though, you should cut off their heads, put them in a cart, and wheel it with you, claiming it's a gift." "Won't the cart get checked" "Na"
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