Considering your last link, here is a couple of perk changes I'd suggest. [*]Since you'll ultimately be making zero-cost Restoration and Conjuration armor, I'd only invest up to Apprentice Restoration for Fast Healing. It's a very dependable spell and should get you through the early levels [*]You invested two in Recovery. I understand the meaning behind this, but if you want to invest in a more long term build, you can take one perk out of Recovery and invest it in Avoid Death [*]I'm not a fan of Arcane Blacksmither as I always build my gear than enchant it. But if there is some specific unique enchanted item you want to use, then feel free to keep it [*]This may just be personal preference, but I always take the Heavy Armor side of the Smithing perk tree. You still get Dragon Armor at the end and you have access to Daedric weapons as opposed to just Glass. Not a huge difference though, so this can be kept as it is [*]Only kept Novice Conjurer. I'd understand why you'd go up to Apprentice or Adept though. [*]From personal experience, I only need like 3 perks in Light Armor to achieve the maximum armor rating. This is if you use smithing and enchanting to its fullest potential That frees up a good number of perks as well.