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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Submitted my application. Now time to ensure I get selected. Ritual tiem!
  2. So I won't have to delete all your Skyrim topic related posts.
  3. Our Admin, ladies and gentlemen. Roommate had a similar experience. He already graduated from NCSU and is going to Wake Tech to pick up some classes he needs for something or another. Anyway, it took a whole class period to get people to set up a school email.
  4. The buttons look fancy. I like.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. David


      The funny thing is that I got the idea because I accidentally copied code for the buttons and repasted it into itself, creating an odd, mutilated, yet strangely beautiful case of buttonception.

    3. Blake


      I like that story.

    4. cheekychips


      I dont like that story.

  5. So apparently the new thing around the internet is the Sandy Hooks theory was a set up to push gun control laws. It's amazing what people will believe after watching one Youtube video.

  6. I'm only joking. I didn't vote either, but mainly because I wasn't registered. And I knew no matter what I did, Raleigh would be mostly liberal, but lose the state to the hicks. Also, I don't do taxes.
  7. Frank West for the cheesiest one liners ever. Navi I actually like Desmond, so....
  8. Between Problems with American Democracy, Social Deviance, and Modern Asian History, the last thing I want to do is read your homework. But I will say you attacked the author in your written response, which is always great. Shows more comprehension than agreeing with the author.
  9. Have sex with her. That'll show her. Make sure to upload pics of that too.
  10. May write a blog entry on how some guy I played soccer with killed a friend of mine. Or one on campus dining halls.

    1. David


      I'll believe it when I see it.

  11. I thought/hoped you died in a horrible accident.
  12. Originally voted for myself, because quite frankly, I'm the thing I most enjoyed about Eldersouls. Then I realized, who has put the most hard work, time, and money into this website? So I gave David his ego boost of the year. Congratulations.
  13. Finally read David's Batman article. Sad to say I was a bit disappointed. =/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. David


      Do you mean "These are not actually plot holes" or "now my favorite movie of all time is ruined for me because I can now see nothing makes sense"

    3. Blake


      Little bit of both D:

    4. David


      Meh, I still really enjoyed the movie. I can ignore everything I complained about besides the police stuff.

  14. I think he meant "Robin" as in John Blake, not Robin the character in general.
  15. Some guy posted this on Reddit claiming it was his girlfriend. Then he was immediately bombarded by internet neck beards, being told "OH YEAH WELL UNLESS YOU ARE CHRIS HARDWICK, THEN YOU ARE A LIAR LOL GOT YA" Then the poster was all "I am Christ Hardwick" and then the naysayers took a massive hit into their karma. I can't believe I remembered that.
  16. Gears of War 2 Oblivion Halo 3. The last boss sucked anyway, the actual ending was pretty cool.
  17. I'll run it by David when he is done raping and pillaging the commoners.
  18. lol'd People who sleep under the library desks instead of using them, causing me to go up to another floor just to find a desk to use. People who honk and yell from their car at other people along the street. Double posting and spam posts.
  19. Blake

    Just some Oglaf. Midly NSFW

    Understatement of the century.
  20. I guess the point is you can have the same good deals with Steam without worrying if your computer can run it. Of course you'll be paying god knows how much for a console. I don't really care about THQ, so let it burn.
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