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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Full story http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2258877/Chinese-father-hires-virtual-hitman-kill-son-online-games--job.html Summary: Basically, a Chinese father, tired of his unemployed son playing video games all the time, found and hired better players to constantly kill his son online in order to encourage him to stop playing video games. The son eventually found out, but isn't bothered by it.
  2. The Walking Dead ap is probably the best thing I ever downloaded.

  3. Blake

    Just some Oglaf. Midly NSFW

    NSFW because it's a comic on a video game site that you shouldn't be looking at while you are working.
  4. And so begins another semester of classes. Also, hello guise.

  5. Dem glitches. Also, this is now a "Shit my wife did" thread. 1. Decided to marry Mjoll as she is both a wife and a follower. The guy she friendzoned also moves in with us, completing our weird sitcom-esque living arrangement. Lydia is extremely jealous. 2. While not technically my wife, Lydia knocks my decorations down all the time. Which is why I push her into dungeon traps. 3. I bought the house in Riften. I noticed there is a closet that is never filled, even if you upgrade the house completely. So I, being the mage that I am, decided to store bodies in there to turn into Thrall Zombies whenever I want to. I spend hours adding strong bodies to my collection: master wizards, quest npc's, daedras, and other fun people to zombify. I even added a master vampire to the collection. After a few days of exploring, I decide to visit the house to sell my loot. My wife, who was an Orc, was sitting at the table. All of a sudden, battle music started playing. My wife got up and ran to the closet, blocking me from entering. Apparently my master vampire respawned for some reason and started resurrecting my other trophy bodies. My wife was decked out in pretty good gear, so she was tearing them a new one while the vampire kept resurrecting them. And when they died, they turn into ash. I lost a lot of good bodies that day.
  6. Best: Mjoll because she tells stories when you go on adventures. Hottest: Shahvee. That tail. Most Money: Definitely Borgahk the Steel Heart. Nobody runs a business like an Orc. Outfit: Tavern outfit. Of course, you'll have to enchant it to make your wife wear it. And only if she doubles as a follower. 3 guys and a horse: Money is hard to come by....
  7. .... ........ .. ............ .......... . .. I thoroughly enjoy the series. Your opinions now mean little to me.
  8. Radagast? J.R.R. Tolkien already beat you to the spoilers, sorry.
  9. So I'll be gone for about a month. Toodles.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      1. You have a MONTH off for break? 2. Your parents don't have internet? How is the weather in the slums of Africa?

    3. Blake


      1. I have no idea how long my break is. I said a month so when I come back early you'll be pleasantly surprised. 2. No D: Way too many black people.

    4. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      But doesn't your parents have internet?

  10. Blake


    Somebody asked me how I'm going to deal with my finals this semester. That being said, last one tomorrow. Well, actually today since it's 2am. I've been playing SWtoR with Nuggeh and Sauce, so pretty much the exact opposite of what I should be doing.
  11. He'll be in a room full of fat, sweaty, LotR neckbeards. I think that'll play to his advantage.
  12. I really couldn't decide how to respond to this. So here you go.
  13. Or maybe it is out on 12/12, but at midnight, meaning you have to be at the theater at 11/12. Sorry, too busy counting all my article views.
  14. Midnight release. I'll be there....hopefully. Also, I'm 73% sure Stephen Cobert is making an appearance in that movie.
  15. I think 12% is the minimum you are supposed to tip. Don't ask me how they came up with that. The real question is who came up with the 12% rule. So yeah, $2 is generous. Though with the delivery fee added, The Universe won't strike you down for withholding the $2. I once ordered a pizza and a drink. The guy forgot to bring me my soda, made a Spongebob joke, and gave me $2. mfw pizza guy tips me for eating pizza
  16. So you are going to go ahead with the purchase? You make me sad. D:
  17. Even if we haven't played Portal, we know the basic concept to it: you have a gun that shoots an orange and a blue portal. Whatever goes in one portal comes out the other, and vice versa. That being said, what do you think will happen in the following three scenarios?
  18. Eldersouls was broken. Scariest half an hour of my life.

    1. David


      Is that all it was down for? Pretty much shit myself when I logged on for the first time at like 12:30pm and saw it.

    2. Blake


      I only noticed half an hour. Checked it after I finished my exam, cried a bit, then checked it around 30 minutes later. So it was down for like 2 hours?

    3. David


      I fixed it at like 1:40PM, so that makes sense. FOR THE RECORD it was not my fault; some bug with automatically setting software you own to a 14-day limited trial that self-destructs after two weeks.

  19. I imagine penguins would taste like both chicken and fish. Chicken of the sea.
  20. Heard it would feature an easy mode for those who just want to get through the game. Not that I care as long as it still has its ball-bustingly hard mode.
  21. Lol'd at the thought. I originally typed arm span, then decided to go with arm length since it was more relevant. Just forgot to change the number. So yeah, around 4 feet.
  22. When you ace the rest of your exams, you'll thank your PS3 for taking one for the team. But yeah, can't relate.
  23. I just realized how useless our advice was, though. Squishy-Yes you can Blex-No you can't Tragic-Maybe Still, sad to hear that D: I recommend spending all your days in the Winking Skeever and drinking. Solves most problems.
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