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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Pretty much all of this. Though I would also like to add some shit. 1. If a knight managed to shield a blow from a gorilla, I would imagine the resulting blow would damage the knight's arm. 2. I wouldn't even give the knight a horse as it is supposed to be the knight v.s the gorilla. 3. If a knight were to throw his sword, I'd imagine it'd have to be in the same fashion as one throws a spear. Assuming that same technique would work with a sword (which I have no idea if it would or wouldn't), I don't see a knight, in all of his heavy armor, would be able to go through the motions needed to throw the sword in the same manner. 4. A gorilla's arm length is around 8 feet. The only way I see the knight winning is if he just walks up to the gorilla and stabs it in the face. Gorillas are peaceful creatures unless fucked with, so that will be the knights only true advantage. Of course, this topic is implying the gorilla is pissed off.
  2. Blake

    Lord of the Jedi Potters

    Game of Thrones=best movie ever.
  3. I don't know where to begin. My girlfriends are imaginary too.
  4. I really just used "monkey" as a catch-all term for primate, although I know that is incorrect. Inb4 humans are primates too But yeah, humans aren't really built for epic combatz. A better fight would be a grizzly bear against a silver-back gorilla.
  5. Gorilla. Monkeys are fucking insane. Unless the Silver Back Gorilla is some peaceful breed of monkey.
  6. That awkward blank space to the right. Why? Besides that, I'll get used to it, but I won't like it.
  7. Who knew exams were capable of sodomy

  8. I actually don't think you can get it back, sorry.
  9. Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.
  10. "Error you have ran out of space for uploads" :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      A regular size Skyrim comic. Still getting dem messages.

    3. David


      Was the image over 400KB? Try now.

    4. Blake


      Ahh. It was 488KB. I'm not sure why though; it seems to be a regular sized image.

  11. The hero Eldersouls deserves. Not the guy on the video. He's a fag.
  12. I don't even know what that means. And as far as the MGS4 final boss, while probably not the most exciting, it was definitely the greatest. It featured music from all 3 past MGS games while both Snake and Ocelot switched fighting positions based on other past MGS heroes and villains. Also, dat acoustic guitar finish.
  13. Nothing you say matters to me anymore. I actually haven't played FF7, but mostly because turned based RPG"s aren't my thing. Actually that's a lie. I play some turn based RPG's. I just haven't played it at all. But from what I remember, isn't the Sephrioth battle in FF7 the one where you just Omnislash and you win? Also, about embedding dem videos.... From the little I played/seen of SotC, that really wasn't a favorite for me. Maybe it was because he wasn't that big. I liked Avion better, or pretty much all of the flying ones.
  14. Just those fights that made you look forward to replaying the game again and again. Three come to mind at the moment. 1. Zelda Series in general has epic boss fights. The sword fights with Ganon are usually the best, so here's the most recent one. 2. Kingdom Hearts boss fights are also pretty epic, if you can tell what's going on half the time. Again, a lot too choose from, so I'll just pick one of my favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkfqVA5dOwU Oh. And Sephiroth. 3. And finally, MGS4 Final battle. inb4 Shadow of the Colossus. Edit: So do videos not embed anymore?
  15. You just confused me. I might get on again just to try it out. Though I did play it to death on beta.
  16. The real question is, how many users will still care?
  17. I would of given my lunch money for the game.
  18. Submitted a picture to Imgur. Got on the front page. My life has fucking meaning.

  19. You are from Norway, so I don't blame you for not knowing the following. Canadians will fall for anything.
  20. I was unaware they were still making Dynasty Warrior games.
  21. Was me breaking out in song at the end not hint enough?
  22. What they should do. 1. Only accounts that like their Facebook page will get the Face Book. 2. Once they hit 1million likes, no more Face Books will be handed out. Will make the plunge worth it.
  23. Looked it up I can just feel the poop from this picture.
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