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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I just don't reply cause I don't have much to say on the stories. Which is weird, cause I usually reply regardless. I'm confused at your Mass Effect/Black Ops story.
  2. I think you'll appreciate this. Landed in some snowy place. Instantly thought it was Antartica. Fuck this shit. Turned off stealth. I was in Norway. Laughed a bit. Still left Norway.
  3. Hello. Usually my topics are designed to entertain and educate, but today, no. Please, sit down as I tell a life and a legend of Eldersouls' mascot, That Cat Guy. Just looking at him brings back memories. The Skyrim gallery was hitting a slow period. We needed somebody to help push it along. And who was there? That Cat Guy. With his beautifully radient face, he inspired other members to post their Skyrim pictures and, eventually, helped the Skyrim get to it's 100 picture and beyond. So who was "That Cat Guy"? Well he was born Dennis Avner, a former Navy Seal sonar technician, had the Native American name Stalking Cat. His goal was to adopt the spiritual essence of not just a tiger, but a female tiger. Sadly, Cat Guy lived a roughed life. Though I'm too engulfed in sorrow at the moment to go into the details, CG took his own life. Maybe it was in an effort to finally become a tiger in the after life. Maybe being our hero was too much for him. Either way, it is a tragedy many of us will have a hard coping with. But we shall not remorse for long. Even though he hero died, CG wouldn't want us to fell sorry for him. Cat Guy is in a happier place, prancing through the after life as the female tiger he has always hoped to be. So as you go about the rest of your week, remember the life and the legend that is Cat Guy. Also, keep this in the back of your head as it'll get you through the worst of times. What Can Khajiit Do For You Cat Guy August 27, 1958 – November 5, 2012 http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/death-cat-man-probed-article-1.1201336
  4. Even though nobody really plays Runescape anymore, Captain Falcon continues to update us on news. A true Rebel.
  5. If you use Firefox 1. Control+Shift+Delete 2. Only check the box "Cache" 3. Select "Everything" as the time.
  6. Though you may be happy to know that clearing my cache did fix my problem.
  7. Up till 4 am finishing Entomology project, Pandora playing the whole time. As soon as I finish, "When It's Over" by Sugar Ray plays. This is a sign. Of nothing.

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Gratz pall!

      I felt I had to write something, but didn't really know what.

    2. Blake


      There is nothing more to say.

    3. Jake


      Except for this sentence.

  8. There is nothing like boredom that sparks our better half. I was planning on a backstory for this, but instead I'll just jump to the game. Directions 1. http://www.mapcrunch.com/ Takes you to a random Google Street view 2. Select "All" towards the top right corner 3. Check the box "Stealth" 4. Click "Go ->" Challenge 1. Find an airport or train station to get back home 2. Figure out where you are Pray to god you don't get stuck in Ireland.
  9. No, on the regular site. I just figured out this is only for old articles, and topics too, made prior to the forum update. Which is to say all articles and most topics. Unless you aren't seeing this, in which case my pooter is just broken.
  10. That problem also appears in some articles.
  11. You broke your signature buttons. WHERE'S YOUR GOD NOW!!!!!!!????? Also, nice job. Make registering as hassle free as possible.
  12. Thanks for that David. Have two papers and a scrapbook due this week/next week, so forgot this entirely.Also, I was confused as hell why a random picture of He-Man was uploaded to the gallery.
  13. I'm not a fan of bookmarks, especially the internet bookmark tab. Sure, it helps keep track of some important links, but for the most part, Firefox points me in the right direction automatically. So what do I use my bookmark list for? Lulz sites. Sites I don't normally go to unless I need a giggle. So I thought I'd share a few, and by few I mean all of them. Hiyoooo! Have you ever told the best joke ever, but nobody laughed at it? Well, maybe it wasn't the best joke ever. Maybe it wasn't even that funny. Maybe you didn't really say it out loud. But they would have laughed had they heard it! Well... Maybe there is no "they" because you are home alone right now when you thought of a joke, but you didn't say anything cause you have no friends. Oops. I made myself sad. Pretend You're Xyzzzy In case you haven't heard, Cards Against Humanity is a hell of a game. Have you ever played Apples to Apples? Well, imagine Apples to Apples had a dark, sick, and twisted cousin, and that is what Cards Against Humanity is. Well, there happens to be a website for that game. While the site is still under development, and for some reason is called Pretend You're Xyzzzy, this game is worth the lulz if you play it with friends. Still, the actual card game is worth getting if you have horrible and hilarious friends. Hey, what's gooooin' on? Heyyeyaaeyaaaeyaeyaa Click that link right now and let it be background music for this topic. Fits the mood perfectly, am I right? Saw this posted in Imgur and knew it was a keeper. I could type pages on this video/song, but I'll let He Man speak for himself. PostedVia Facebook can get bland and downright depressing. If you ever want to post in style, give this little website a shot. Simply log into Facebook, post a status, and choose what "method" you want to post it by. Personally, I'm a fan of "The Afterlife." The Fucking Weather It is nice to know the weather ahead of time when you live in an apartment far away from your school. But all of the other weather websites are too... vanilla... for my taste. Which is why I love The Fucking Weather. It starts off my day by kicking my ass and telling me exactly what I'm thinking about. Procatinator If you are like me, then the internet supplies you with 3 things your life desperately needs: boobs, cats, and music. Here is a website that combines all... Well, the last two. There is a website called kitties and titties, but I decided not to share it (officially). Kick Ass Have you ever been browsing a forum and you really hate this one poster? I mean, RREEEAAAALLLY hate the poster. Maybe you despise a whole website. Either way, this app is for you. Visit the link, drag and drop the button into your bookmark tab, and with just a click, you can take control of an Asteroid-esque ship and blow a whole website page to hell. Please finish this list before blowing it up. Please. Japanese Bug Fights Honestly, I threw this last one in here because having 7 items on a list is kind of cheesy. My Entomology (study of insects) professor shared this with us and I liked it well enough. I also hate bugs of all kind, so I feel alpha as fuck having them fight for me. And there you have it. 8 websites to make your day a little less bleak and depressing.
  14. You should create a fancy graphic and speech for the winner.Or I can be put in charge of that from now on.I will do this no matter what your answer is.Anarchy.
  15. EoC is decent. I just stopped playing cause it just wasn't doing it for me anymore. Maybe when some more quest comes out. =/
  16. And I hit reset.My pubes, though. THEY SHALL BE FREE!
  17. April 09. I'm now 1/12th more awesome than you are.Helene is a solid guess too. Sadly my only other group shot of this doesn't reveal anything else except Brenden came. He always cared...
  18. I imagine you are making the same face as your avatar.But seriously, this looks great. But, you know, PS3.
  19. There is a bug on the website. I've clicked ModeratorCP at least 10 times now, but I've yet to be linked to child porn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cheekychips


      I just get linked to cheese pizza

    3. Jake


      At least it didn't show you a gallery of chicken poo.

    4. David


      Try clearing your cache.

  20. Yeah I remember, lulz. And if I remember correctly, that is Reina in the top right and Walter in the top left. Not 100% sure on Reina, but pretty sure about Walter.Now I'm doubting myself about Reina.That may or may not be Reina.
  21. So I may or may not win this.And who cares about citizen votes?
  22. And Obama wins re-election. I've been talking shit on Yahoo all night. Yes, I have no life.Now we see if my 64% electoral win holds water.
  23. I know that feel, David.Shaved the mustache only. Still have beard hair growing rampant.
  24. Brad and Tynisa are correct.
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