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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. Mid/late June for me a-swell. Exams starting mid-may. Hey.
  2. Waw. I thought GW2 was abandoned. I'm on the verge of dowloading it again. Problem is my computer is shit, and I deleted it so that it hopefully would be a tiny bit less shit. I guess my experience was kinda broken from only being able to play about 1 hour before the game totally lagged out.
  3. I don't understand how you managed to work out that were competent, after the discussion going on in this thread. Also, I probably won't get it: maybe late this year if I do, because I might have a new computer by then.
  4. I guess it could be good that guilds registreted on this site could make their own chat rooms? But idk.
  5. I got Durham, Washington DC and New York. Idk wat too sei.
  6. no doobt, i juss got bord. but i is alweis bord. is me naim. riley is. u stil pley doe? also, i lag aftr i pley liek 1-2 hour.
  7. Ah noooo... I bore aftr lvl 30. no fun no peeps peeps to pley wit i meen
  8. It looks a lot like WvWvW in GW2 Edit: fak u u stiil my rep
  9. I'd just wait for Traag to magic up some answer. He usually know these things. I gave up making replies like these long ago; they were always deleted.
  10. I miss Tcee... And Huygens... And somewhat that communist guy. But he might have been banned in a period I was dormant. Oh well... But Huygens, WTF? Where are you? I almost want to message him on facebook, but that would be weird. Also, I want Brad and Tunisia(I never remember the spelling) to be more active again.
  11. Ugh, seems 80 is my absolute max... Same I got last year, and I've gotten it several times now.
  12. 'Tis be a question I have also asked. It stands for "the" and derives from a period when David made several threads starting with "tOfficial".For references, the original topic for the previous typing contest was "tOfficial Elder Souls Competition".
  13. We did this a long time ago. And I lost. *cries* http://10FastFingers.com/competition/533c679f2195a gg
  14. I liked it, hoping that you'd stay and write something funny. When it comes to the original topic though; I'll probably never play the game, but if I did, I'd probably play as nord, because I am a nord. I not, a khajit to please Blex... ...sexually Edit: After reading the title, I realize I completely misunderstood. I'm least liekly to play any race is my answer.
  15. 3,333 Total Members

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      33,129 Total Posts 3,333 Total Members beryl94903 Newest Member 830 Most Online. Much 3s.

    2. Francis


      My lucky number.

  16. I didn't see any animations... I think the realism and the job is the april fool's joke here, but the pokemon cathing on google maps app is real. It's boring and addictive.
  17. I now have 17/150 Pokemon. Now it's getting hard. I don't understand how I find them, but a lot were right by the starting location, and some were in "large" cities in my country.
  18. Well, rebel, I mean. Besides, with the time in LoL that's quite a few years...
  19. Can't say i noticed the site being slowing tbh. Also: this means Premium Members aren't only veterans anymore O.o
  20. I've seen it before, but then without the last picture... Probably fake.
  21. I guess accessing it with incognito mode would work as well, without clearing cookies.
  22. White? Then you can't browse at nigth without burning your eyes out... White looks good at daytime when your fully awake though.
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