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Everything posted by Blakelington

  1. If we're going for "rebellious" we gotta go with Oswald.
  2. Err...ok. I'll try to get some vouches I guess..
  3. ^Best unofficial music video and funny as well
  4. Damn. When I first heard about it I was like "Well it's just another hurricane. They happen every year, so what's the big deal?" But it got bigger and stuff, and seeing this thread kind of shook me. Realizing that people I know, people that I expect to be there, could be gone at any second. Sorry if I'm over dramatizing, that's just what I felt when I read all of this.
  5. Ok, sorry then. But I like the first one out of all the new ones you just posted. Nature = calm = TRR
  6. You might try to not distort the skull/swords and the compass, so it doesn't look like it was thrown together in Paint. Besides that, I think it really good
  7. My friend has been nagging me about this- specifically firemaking. But I make all my money from woodcutting so if it's really "dead" tell everyone you know to stop cutting my yews!
  8. Now that's a reasonable excuse.
  9. Life without internet? I'm surprised you're not on here writing us your suicide letter
  10. Weird. He doesn't like me, so I don't talk to him that much.
  11. Good job and good luck in your duties TRR FTW!
  12. Don't let the cows drive you crazy!
  13. I never really had an opinion of you (unless you count the whole clan rivalry thing, which I don't consider very strong) but I thank you for apologizing. Hope life is better for you now.
  14. I'm actually anti-government, but that's not something I'm willing to stand on voting/political wise. I consider myself a Tea Party Republican and also liberal. Sorry, I'm weird.
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