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Everything posted by Blakelington

  1. I figured we might need some images behind some, so I pulled some images off google and made this little thing... not that we should use this font/style, I just thought it looked best. Tell me what you think! https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/VKlYzOTmMq5bDHmoR0dvkA?feat=directlink
  2. Why thank you! Lol, I think..
  3. Sorry if you can't handle the truth...
  4. Zooey Deschanel is the best! I love her to death! Favorite actress <3
  5. Put my friend on it. Keylord134. He doesn't get on much but he considers himself apart of TRR.
  6. http://www.skinbox.net/skins/ipb-3-1-x-skins/professional-skins/surface/110Really like this one (green version) but it IS $18. Still high quality and professionally made, though.
  7. I just got on. Thought it was a problem with SwiftKit but you guys are probably right.
  8. Ok...I've been looking around and from I've seen there's a lot of basic ones But here's a few I liked: http://skins.invisionize.com/index.php/f/6958http://www.ipbskinworks.com/products/p13_sectionid/1/p13_fileid/7http://www.ipbskinworks.com/products/p13_sectionid/1/p13_fileid/14
  9. That's my email, lol. And I thought I did? I just posted a link to all of the designs. If someone can delete all my previous attempts at posting them, it would be appreciated.
  10. How much? Just so I know what to look for..
  11. Hey, I'm Blake. And I just cheated the system. You're welcome TRR. I missed you dearly.
  12. <a href="http://cooltext.com" target="_top"><img src="http://cooltext.com/images/ct_button.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator" /></a> Sorry, I know all these don't have any effects. Also, the website asks that if we use it that we put a link tocooltext.com somewhere around it. Here's one with graphics... Oh shit...I'll try reposting them. (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) Yeah, I'm working on it. I contacted them and waiting for thier reason for removing them. https://picasaweb.google.com/blake.aka.mrbuthul/TRRGraphics?authuser=0&feat=directlink
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