<a href="http://cooltext.com" target="_top"><img src="http://cooltext.com/images/ct_button.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator" /></a> Sorry, I know all these don't have any effects. Also, the website asks that if we use it that we put a link tocooltext.com somewhere around it. Here's one with graphics... Oh shit...I'll try reposting them. (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) (made using CoolText.com) Yeah, I'm working on it. I contacted them and waiting for thier reason for removing them. https://picasaweb.google.com/blake.aka.mrbuthul/TRRGraphics?authuser=0&feat=directlink