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Everything posted by Blakelington

  1. I think it's a good idea just because we might be able to get people in the 'community'.
  2. I refuse to answer such a revealing question!
  3. What's the point of Minecraft? Not to sound mean, I'm just wondering.
  4. after watching crazycows video of him and illini, i REALLY want a rs best friend :P

    1. Aliath


      Eh. Illini and Crazy aren't RSBFFS. Crazy is MY RSBFF.

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      crazy is a god, therefor he is all our RSBFF

  5. That's awesome and you totally should Stuart!
  6. That looks great, I'll use the second one! Thank you so much.
  7. I've never tried botting but maybe I'll try it out? Any suggestions?
  8. Sent you one. If you didn't know.
  9. Oh damn, those look good. I got an idea when I was looking through my emoticons- could i have my guy leaning against some of the words?
  10. Yeah I can do that. Just standing or doing an emoticon?
  11. is semi coming out of my break. if you havent noticed already

    1. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Very glad to hear! :)

  12. Favorite band is Paramore. Favorite genre is probably alternative rock/indie. Though I do like quite a few select artists in electronic, rap, hip hop, and pop.
  13. She's like always changing her hair...
  14. personal record is 2-0 thanks to all the awesome people in TRR!

  15. I'm gonna test you out...1. what do you want? ( signature,banner,logo etc) or give me the dimensionsLogo. But my 'logo' now is a banner, so if it looks good that way then I wouldn't care.2. colour preferences(Dark) green and gold. White or grey if necessary.3. text preferences, fontsWhat it says on my one right now. No font in particular. Oh, and if you would incorporate the number 42 (preferably somewhere not that noticeable), that would be great! 4. Border?Not unless you think it would look better.5. What do you not want on it?tlolI don't know if you were planning on doing this, but could you make more than one so I have some to pick from? Thanks.
  16. I'd hardly call it a 'scandal' when she admitted to accidently sending it to Twitter.
  17. Hayley Williams (of Paramore)
  18. My friend showed me this. Interesting, to say the least. And if you need a good laugh...Blah blah blah
  19. Ultimately, I think Taco Bell wins. Mostly because they have a wide variety of things I like. McDonald's is great in proportion, though. Also, Steak 'n' Shake has some good food and they have drive thus
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