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Everything posted by Blakelington

  1. Oh goddamn, I just saw the recruiting one. I know I at least recruited 10 when I was going strong on the other forums. But does that still count?
  2. got a new signature picture.

  3. Not sure if I 'recieved' MoTM award..?
  4. Is it too much of a request to ask for your ideas on the best F2P money making?
  5. I just created one. But rather than tell about my (nonexistent)RuneScape life, I'll stick to my real one..
  6. It was nice to be back on RuneScape...and winning clan wars is always fun.
  7. Hahaha. Also, what about a map, compass, and air tanks/gas mask?
  8. Your signature is beast. It should be our logo.

  9. I was raised Catholic, so when I became atheist and started to form my own opinions it kind of seeped through. I believe that the entire universe is the 'higher being' and that it created us. However, I don't necessarily believe that it has a personality, emotions, or goals. I don't worship anything, so its weird to call it a religion. In theory, everything is based on reason and/or the accepted scientific theories with the exception of humans having souls. Where the souls go I have not really thought about. But if I had to answer I'd say they either exit the body upon death and become one with the everything. And that's basically it. If you guys have any questions just ask...
  10. I was very fond of KidRoach before he left. I'm not even sure if he was in TRR when I talked to him, I just thought he was cool.
  11. Tally-ho = Spader from Pendragon
  12. Lol. This thread has successfully weirded out and depressed our clan members.
  13. I must be soulless or something, then.
  14. Lol, mono. I will. And Traag, I might have to come out and play again just to beat you
  15. Hey guys, I'm sorry to say that I'm going to take be taking a break from Runescape. I'm sorry this is so out of the blue, but I've gotten pretty bored in the game recently. And with school approaching, all my friends are scurrying to hang out with me before it gets busy. Once school hits it'll be up in the air when I come back. I mean, I've returned every time since I started 5 years ago, and that's without a clan. I'll stick around for the hide & seek event and probably get on after that when I get bored. It really is just the game, I'll come back to TRR when I feel I'm ready.
  16. Well since F2P can't get skillcapes my goal is to max out every skill. Which I know sounds unrealistic but I highly doubt I'll get membership unless that happens (well, unless I'm still playing when I move out).
  17. http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/112-1st-ever-trr-hide-seek-tournament/page__view__getnewpost^Go check it out guys.
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