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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Wimen are all stupid, and none of them can drive properly. Wimen also think they can cook, but men just make them think that so they dont have to cook everyday. YEAH.
  2. Its because the Invisible chest is invisible. The cat lady tricked you.
  3. They had Final fantasy ... that online one, for the Xbox 360 that was an MMORPG, needed a USB keyboard to play it.
  4. Its okay brad, we have Las Iguanas, some of the best Mexican food i have tasted. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
  5. Consoles, or just PC? Im guessing just PC, and if my piece of shit laptop can run it, i will purchase.
  6. Wont be driving, unless i fancy it. This thread has not been helpful. All i know is that i may or may not see fat people, and that i live in a strange country.
  7. Dont like Shen, he smells. Prefer to defend the killing machines, people dont understand how to peel or initiate properly. Well, not at 1500 they dont.
  8. Im from the UK, as most people know. Me and the bitch are visiting her relatives in San Diego, i dont know the exact shit, but its 20 mins from the airport. Anyway, tips, things i should know before i arrive?
  9. But tanks are the most fun things to play in LoL. Tank everything never die.
  10. The two guys with wolverine claws on level 2 of Streets of Rage. Oh, wait, u mean.
  11. Commodore 64 - Flimbo's Quest Sega MegaDrive - Golden Axe, Streets of Rage PS1 - Vacation 2012, or some shit, i cant remember its exact name, but it was so fucking fun. Doom, C&C (only when link-cabled together with two PS1's and two TV screens.) PS2 - PES 20(xx), Edit: GTA3, the first 3d GTA. SO FUCKING AWESOME. -- As you can tell, i had a brother, therefore every game i played was co-operative, or vs. I suppose this excludes Flimbo's Quest, but whatever. I wish games were as good now as they were when i was younger. There's nothing like battling through hordes of enemies with a 2d character, a small moveset, and only half a screen to move upwards or downwards. It didnt matter though, working together to kill shit is fun, and always will be.
  12. Hmm. Do a new section, it will give me more places to post my advice and gaming tips on Skyrim.
  13. Funny emails are funny. I still like the ones from people in Nigerian banks wanting to give me monies. I so rich in Nigeria!
  14. This sounds good, i think i will like this a lot more than the other games then, since i WANTED to get into them, i just didnt like all the level's theorycrafting i had to do. Im a slight perfectionist, so when i gained a level when i didnt want to, it annoyed me, because of the consequences of gaining a few levels and not really having the skills needed to kill shit. Hmm, interesting, i might do this, but i've been itching to play Skyrim for a while All my posts legit bro. Sorry, i thought you might want something to do. Although, dem posts legit. CBA, scummy Lincoln scumbag. <3
  15. Interesting. I was so lazy with the title naming, look at those poor words just wanting to be capitalized. Anyways. Points taken. Leveling system is different? Yay! So, am i likely to get left behind the mobs/monsters/things, or keep up, or wha? Care to explain a little about the leveling system, so i dont have to search and probably be confused.
  16. Well, the game is old enough now to cost £15-20 on ebay, maybe a little less. Should i buy? I didnt really like morrowind, and i dont really like the leveling system, the fact i can have my main skills as skills i can train "whenever" to gain an advantage confuses me. Pros/Cons? How much time will i have to spend to enjoy the game, and how easy is it to navigate.
  17. Meh. It is what it is, its open-ended enough for people to assume what you want to assume. Its not like film-makers never changed anything from the comic or book they were made from.
  18. Tremendous battle my friend. Until next we meet.
  19. Petition to keep Tynisa here: 1. Brads mum Guess i stay
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