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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Lol, daaaang. I've never had probs with obstacles loading, however i have hit a few "small rocks" that were apparently like an iceberg in the titanic film. Any of your main characters died yet? I fucked up bad, gave Maya Shotgun specialisation, because i assumed you could get both a melee AND a gun spec, i was wrong. - Not used her ever since. After that Ed got ripped in two by a Big Fucker in front of my very eyes. Hard to watch. I also gave Marcus the edged weapons spec, because i had to Heavy weapons to abuse his "Powerhouse" ability - however i later found out that edged can work well on powerhouse people, because the weapons get easily broken/damaged, powerhouse helps to make them last longer with their chance to insta-gib. - So that turned out okay in the end! -- Im in the Trucker place too, its probably one of the two best options in the game. -- Quick tip: Materials are quite hard to locate, and get used up quite fast by your population - however there is a glitch where if you find a materials resource, and then ask for a scavenger to come pick it up, but then afterwards loot the SAME material resource for yourself, they still come and pick it up - 2 Material Resources in one. I've only used that trick for materials, saves time and effort.
  2. Framerates drop when in a car, but its not killer, and its not all the time. This game is just a step to a potential big MMO anyways, and for only 2GB of space, its a lot of game. IDM, i enjoyed it anyways.
  3. GTA V, maybe. Watch Dogs, maybe. IDK, not many games interest me these days, apart from League.
  4. I refer you to: http://eldersouls.com/topic/4210-state-of-decay/ TBH, co-op might be applied, but probably not. Do a little more research, and you will find that this game is a "test" for their next big game, "class 4" - as its being currently called. Class 4 is supposed to be an mmo, and an improvement on the things "class 3 ( State of Decay)" has wrong with it.
  5. I can agree for the most-part. I think i'm just too old to care about an extra amount of cash. If i want to play something, i guess i have shifted to the "okay" mindset group. Cool thing is, there aint that much i even want to play anymore anyways, so it hasn't effected me that much.
  6. Every new game that there is has those retarded "online-pass" things you have to buy anyway, AND you have to pay £40 for a years worth of XBLA. So i don't see the care about one payment made to let you play online. It is what it is. Then again, i aint looked at any numbers, and i don't know if this removes the "online-pass" stuff. I should do research. -- Technically, you pay an online subscription to play online games on your laptop/computer though, you pay for the internet itself. idk
  7. HA. Great game for 1600 MS points, if you have an Xbox 360 of course. First game i've played for more than 15 minutes in a LONG time. Its only a XBLA 2GB game, but its openworld, zombie apocalypse survival. Pretty much does what it says on the tin, its not perfect, but for half the cost of a normal game, you are getting a lot of content. Anyway, just thought i would spread the love about a game that i actually enjoy playing.
  8. Tuna. WAT -- I lurk, i only read non-elder scrolls related material, so yeah. Lol.
  9. I just wanna bone Leo Caprio. -- It was a good film, i think there were some holes, or things that didn't make sense on the first watching - which i think i filled in on the second watching. Honestly, i don't know if i understood everything, but i enjoyed watching it either way. I guess in Murica people hyped it, i didn't catch all the advertising and hype over in the UK, i just watched it because i like Nolan.
  10. Never seen or heard about it. It sounds fucking epic.
  11. Is it bad that i wanna watch this now?
  12. In regards to "what". The idea of people fighting in an arena has been done to death, but i havent heard about, read about or watched anything in this style to do with Children. Most books are based on things though, its hard not to base a book on something else, or have overlapping themes.
  13. Supeman has an ass chin. Fuck that guy.
  14. Just play league of legends. Its not an MMO, but its constant "pvp" action, where you don't have to spend all your time farming items to enjoy the game. You do technically have to waste time pre level 30 to "level up" but its time decently spent, you learn the game and its available champions, and their abilities. If you are playing on EU-West servers, feel free to add me : Disco Pangoon Always happy to help someone new who wants to learn. -- tl;dr try out league of legends, its a MOBA, but its addictive all the same - especially if you want constant "pvp" interaction.
  15. Im interested to try the new superman movie, but i have never appreciated the fact he has pretty much no real weakness, unless someone hits him with green rock. Gonna give the new film a shot though, im hoping that nolan will have had a decent effect on it.
  16. Can't troll my own topic. Yet.
  17. Superman and Batman BOTH wear their underwear on the outside of their costumes. Superman however decided "FUCK DIS SHIT, I WAER MAI UNDAPANTZ IN DA CULUR RED SO U CNT C DEM" At least Batman tried to blend his shit in, instead of making it blaringly obvious he is wearing his shit the wrong way round. Fucking idiot, god i hate Superman, who invents a superhero who has no weakness's apart from a space rock.
  18. The death books are also some of my favourites too, i loved Mort. The Guards books were good, but at the time i started reading them, i'd already tackled all of the Rincewind books - so i was always looking for a character i loved as much as him, and never found it, so i lost a little interest. Never liked the Witches books though, a friend told me they are worth reading, but idk if i can be bothered. -- Discworld I and Discworld II, featuring Rincewind, point and click adventure. God damn these games are awesome, they were before the time of "GameFAQS" and the like, so actually completing these games without a guide was damn hard. It was my mum and dad who played the game when i was small, i would just watch and try to help in the best way i could. -- That mostly consisted of telling him to put items with things that OBV made no sense together, so Rincewind would say "Lets just leave well enough alone. They are still worth playing, if you can get them cheap enough, but even if you can't i bought both games for £40, and re-sold for £50 - so it depends on what time and day you pick to buy them from ebay.
  19. I haven't read for a while but some of my favourite books are; [*]The Discworld Novels: By Sir Terry Pratchett (I've read about 6 of them and I have another 2 or 3 but I want to read them in order and since there's about 50 of them its really hard to find the ones your after.) Actually its probably a decent part of the reason why I haven't read much for a while, I kind of have a thing where I can't start something new until I've finished or given up on what I was doing and since I really enjoy Discworld but can't get the books...you get the idea idk if this will still quote but w/e I FUCKING LOVE DISCWORLD - actually i tell a lie, I FUCKING LOVE RINCEWIND. Rincewind is definatly one of my top three favourite characters to ever grace the planet. Did anyone play the discworld PS1 games? They were point and click adventures based on Rincewind and his adventures; well the first two were, the third game, noir was something to do with something i didnt care about, so i never played it. However the first two games were AWESOME. ---- As for LOTR, i watched the films, will probably never read the books. I imagine it would be a great read .. but i've ruined it by watching the film first.
  20. Books, that is. I've tackled: Twilight 4 books - IDC what anyone says, i liked the books. Blow me pls. Hunger games, 3 books - Loved them, completely addictive. The "Watch" 4 Books by Sergei Lukyanenko - Amazing set of books, vampires, werewolves, witches - but in a city setting, really worth a read. Name of the wind, and Wise Mans Fear- Awesome, it really got me started into reading books that are specifically about one person, and that persons life. Leads me into my current series - The Assassins Apprentice - apparently quite a famous set of four books, great reads once again about one person and his life, from young boy to kings assassin. Anyway, there are probably some of my favourite books in my recent past - anyone else actually read these days?
  21. I read all three books in a very short space of time. Its a been done idea, but never with children (?) I enjoyed them all, however there is quite a lot of "boring building" before you get to the actual action. Its not that i don't enjoy a scene being set, but i wanted more action, as that was the most enjoyable part to read. The first FILM was good, it didn't really cut much out that i fully noticed - however i did read the book AFTER watching the first film. The only part that bugged me was HOW she got the pin from a random seller in the "market", instead of from the village "in charge person who i cannot think of the term for's" daughter. I believe that Cinna becomes her "best friend" because he is the only one who seems to treat her more as a person, than a tribute. This is just my minor not well thought out rambling though. I think i went off track. tl;dr I enjoyed the film and all three books.
  22. Indeed. The only game i play these days is League of Legends, and thats only because i enjoy the strategy involved, and because i have made numerous friends playing the game. I lied, i play draw my thing with friends, because dat shit b hilarious yo. -- I dont get the same kick outta shooting people that i used to. When i played GoW 1/2, and Battlefield 2, i loved that shit. I could play it even when i didnt have friends online to shoot shit with. Nowadays, shit just aint as fun. I played GTA3, GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City, Saints Row 1/2, basically anything sandbox. However recently, bought GTA 4(?) and cant be bothered, bought saints row 3, cant be bothered, nothing really catches my eye as new these days. I did however enjoy sleeping dogs for a while, it had something that other games didn't have - originality. Not everything, of course, but elements which made it enjoyable. This has turned into a very badly composed rant, but i have enjoyed typing it out for all to see.
  23. idk. i dont really give a shit what its called, i think i've finally gotten too old to buy another console, i hardly play any games on my 360, and when i do i buy them, play them for 15 minutes and realise im bored. Shit.
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