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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. hahahahahahahah. -- So yeah, after taking a perk in heavy ar, it seems that light ar is the way to go, since i can still hit the cap with enchanting and smithing, apparently? do the 3 core crafting skills take a lot of effort to level up, or should i just stick to heavy? tbh, i picked it up to quest, have some fun killing shit, and just go from there - im not really looking to min/max everything, as i can see that ruining the experience.
  2. i no challenge myself. i just fought the bandit leader for a bounty i got from a pub in the first village for the nord guy. died 4 times before i actually killed him, haha. level 1 op! ------ it also took me like 45 mins longer than it should have to get there, because i kept getting distracted with all the shiny map icons. i also managed to die to a giant, who one-shotted me over a mountain.
  3. Magic in one hand, instead of a shield! Genious! Im still getting to grips with stuff, should i shoot people with a bow and arrow, then favourite switch to my mace?
  4. I chose an Orc, because i love their teeth. it makes me lmfao. Anyway, idk whether to go with the trusty steel mace i battered a bandit for, or the greatsword i found. I kinda like having a shield, so its been the mace so far, but im still a bit unsure. How do i use the berserk rage, or whatever the orcs skill is? I bought this on XBL because i wanted to play it NOW. So there is no book. lol -- So, tips for playing a badass big toothed orc?
  5. So i bought it. I have nothing better to do this weekend than try out this game, and i have a good 8-10 hours of gametime planned. I might end up playing League of Legends instead, but im sure a good 1-2 hours will be spent trying to figure out this game. Any fun tips and tricks for me, since im just starting out? (I could read the guides, and other stuff, but theres a 95% chance i wouldnt' understand any of it anyway.)
  6. Bloats are eww. Firebombs do great against big uns, a couple of those and its usually gg for them. I dont mind meleeing them, but one wrong dodge and its gl hf getting ripped in half. Especially if im with someone, it can go to hell in a handcart. I once had a situation clearing an infestation out, just the basic two screamers, nothing special, either way, i thought i would bring along one of the "fear itself" mission guys, just some no name with a frying pan, but the distraction when taking out infestations helps a little. Down to the last couple zombies, and a screamer - i've forgotten my bullets, o boy. "A horde has been alerted" - no problem, there are two of us, a horde should be easy, and i have a couple snacks to chew on anyway. Big Fucker arrives. While im trying to clear out the smaller less effective zombies out, so i can concentrate solely on the big cunt, my ladyfriend decides to 1v1 him. RIP. ---- SoD can turn an easy situation into RIP in a matter of seconds. Gotta love that.
  7. Big cunts. Tore ed up in front of my very eyes. I dont know why he had to fight him, he went out of his way to do it - he was just supposed to pick up a medicine resource. Dont see many bloat's tbh, lol. -- I wanna find a psychopath, should be funny. Still haven't played much, but on my second playthrough getting people to join me is a lot easier, and i've started killing off the shitter members too, they are a needless burden. I just picked up a powerhouse, tools expert, but he is an autocrat - if he causes too much trouble, its off into the middle of a horde for him! haha.
  8. you JUST learned this?1 get a life nerd! -- First time i saw this video i lol'd a lot too, and i didnt even know what WoW was. 56k internet OP
  9. Tynisa

    Board Games

    I enjoy a nice game of backgammon with my bitch, and monopoly too! High flying couple op.
  10. It certainly isnt Waterboy, so i give this film: elephant out of 5 banana's.
  11. Tynisa

    Board Games

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us Lets do this. -- Does anyone actually enjoy board games anymore?
  12. You can always trial a post count removal. Its not like the change would be forever - however if i was new to a forum, i probably wouldn't be as inclined to post if the main users of the forum all have 1k+ posts. I am the Hero this forum needs, but not the one it deserves. For the greater good i would sacrifice my hard earned pixelated numbers.
  13. Im glad you noticed. It gives you stuff to do, as well. Thank me.
  14. True, it has potential, and i guess thats all it is at the minute, but im sure in time, maybe if we are lucky, we can play IRL assassins creed.
  15. Yes, its funny when drunk. The biggest problem with it, is much like the wii, there are very few games that make use of it, or use it well. I don't really know what you are expecting, i mean its a "you are the controller" gadget, something that is as advanced as any other of these contraptions. The games are made for party play, not for any form of super competetive play, and thats what you get. A laugh.
  16. Lol, least you can get people to join, apparently a lot of people are struggling to get people to join them. Havent played at all this week, so idk yet. lol
  17. BEER PONG OP! Haha. I suppose you can't get more beds then, :-p How many people do you have with you? Sounds like you got a massive group - i never had a problem with beds on my first playthrough, and i recruited a couple of enclaves, had something like 12-18 people, and i don't think i even added another sleeping area to the trucker place. IDK, its been a few days since i restarted after finishing it the first time. -- New play, first enclave recruited has a chef AND a tools expert, so its looking good. :-D
  18. Where are you residing? Im at the trucker warehouse, four parking spaces OP. If you havent patched yet, you get the infestations bug which lowers morale, and you also get the car and weapons bug, where instead of taking one INGAME day, it takes one REAL LIFE day to fix them. Cardio tip is nice, but its also pretty easy to max it out just jogging around looting as you normally would too. The in-ground rucksack bug sucks, not much you can do about it. I wouldn't worry about Marcus dying, he is a beast, but you can find people who also have the leadership skill anyways. Im on my second playthrough now, and my plan is to try and ignore Marcus, Maya and Ed and focus on some of the random people you can meet. If you don't have enough beds, you can always build some? Surely thats a better option than killing people off the weak, you evil man! Love this game.
  19. My super cereal posts always get deleted. Sigh

  20. Are the books confusing? I can't deal with things that have too many characters in it, and lots of fantasy names like Tricueluaba Formaluati from Ovenguardingland of the 9th age of the Trubelifaggot tribe. I'm not saying my memory is bad, im just saying i can't store the names of a zillion people with fucked up names.
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