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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Dont start again mate, there isn't much point.When pures existed, it was okay, because your main may have had too much defend to PK with.However, with the new changes that will be coming into fruition, you might as well just debug your computer (Im sure someone can come up with the best way to do that) - Then procced to carry on as normal.Thing with RS is, you dont gain anything new by creating a new account, all you gain is the ability to do stuff you have already done, again.To top it off, if you are keylogged, when you DO raise the new account to a decent level, and get decent cash, chances are your going to get hacked again.--Do you not have a bank PIN?
  2. Tynisa


    Its WW5 first.Thats the beauty of World War 5, its so powerful it skips the other wars.(Family Guy - Its not the exact quote, but i cba to google.)
  3. Tynisa


    I can look at myself in the mirror, even if i just ran over 10248230 people in a tank.Fact is, i know i wouldnt do things IRL that i do in games.I'm never going to be able to dress up in a full Halo suit and go slaying aliens on a distant planet, but i get to experience that in a game - i hate halo, but tbh i wouldnt have known that if i had not experienced this myself.it doesnt exactly make my point valid, but it is still a point.
  4. It sounds okay.Kinda gay defenders are useless though, is my only comment.
  5. Tynisa


    Never smoked anything, injected, or taken any drugs.I dont think i will like the feeling of "Not being in control"At least with Alcohol i know where i stand, well .. most of the time. >.>;;(I understand its a slight contradiction, but in essence, you never really know the "%" of what you would be taking, whereas Alcohol has a typical standard, dependant on what it is - therefore i know what im doing.)--Ethics wise, i wouldnt slay many wimen and children, steal someones car, U-turn it and then drive it down the pavement, slaying yet more people - only to ring my buddy to deliver me a tank, and proceed to get the army to chase me while i fire shell after shell into everything and everyone. (Saints Row.)Sorry, i just dont get how doing something in a game in any way relates to doing shit IRL.
  6. Tynisa

    New Diplomat

    Dunno how late i am, because i dont know what date it is.Good luck though, bringing in new recruits has always been the toughest position in my eyes.
  7. Turn on Swiftkit.Press Play.Turn off swiftkit and go play League of Legends.
  8. Thanks Traag.Didnt realise he went all crazy. Lol.Oh well, its good to know.
  9. Tynisa


    I dont watch WWE, since it wasnt WWF.BUT!I play the games, because they amuse me.
  10. Haha Dan,What did Deus get banned for?Zakman was .. euh, Zak.A C E M A N 1 .. or something, he wasnt famous.--Thanks for the info though.
  11. HTC's are good, but i still love my iPhone .. so yeah, i'd say stick to it.
  12. Delly, Heated Deus, "111 Zeus 111", Zakman, Yoshi, Aceman, Oranges (Forgot his proper name.)These guys still alive, hang around, anything?--I would add you Brad, but you seem to be here.
  13. Most interesting event RS.Real.--You forgot the props to that sexy bitch Tynisa for helping you test this.
  14. Dis be true.TBH though, home tele is funny - and if you do get PK'd you'll only lose like 100k or something
  15. Tynisa

    Clan Citadel

    HOW FUN!Yeah sure, i'll do it.
  16. Str,1800 Total, 200 Posts, Biggest Schlong
  18. PKing bots at green drags is just funny.It's not always profitable, because your invent is usually full anyway, but you can always kill them and fill a BoB with the bones. Its a good time passer, and a laugh.
  19. Tynisa

    Clan Citadel

    I will visit, no worries.What does visiting do .. ?
  20. I should be there, but i will be drunk - my bitch is out, so its get drunk time.We need ventrillo or TS3 or Skype.
  21. Stop changing your name, dork.You hang around RS at all, then?
  22. Nice read.Throw me something to do for this month, i'll always write a little piece to help out.
  23. I will re-try.I played RS this week.
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