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Everything posted by Tynisa

  1. Not much more to say.A pair of shoes and you are good to go. Or a pair of tight fitting Speedo's.
  2. Or the freedom to get a free house, free money every week, and free healthcare from our retarded system that benefits people who do nothing over those that work.If things are SO bad where these people come from, why would they want to still portray the homeland that they come from? Its bad, stop it - you want to be a part of another country, so be a part of it.I dont want a German "Blonde Hair Blue Eyes" society, i just want one where people aren't afraid to go to the shops, because theres gangs of kids knocking about who think they are still in the wild fighting over the last banana.I made myself lol.---Maybe its just me not understanding. I just cannot comprehend moving to another country, and then purposely not wanting to be a friendly, fair member of it.
  3. And maybe my woman wouldnt want to wear what they want her to in THEIR country.It works both ways.Honestly though, thats not exactly a main point that is worth caring too much about - it just highlights the difference between our attitude and other peoples attitudes.We are far too soft in the UK.---Point is people come here, don't even attempt to fit in, whether it be clothing, language, or even just being polite in the streets.Too many people are here for PHR33STUFFZ.
  4. Postpone it for me. Im pretty sure it will be a small enough turnout as it is. :oX
  5. Mine's going on Range prob. Dunno tho.
  6. I don't know what Ecology is.
  7. Welcome.You will enjoy it here. We have quite a few "Play for an hour" memebers, and decent activity.Stay active on the forums though, theres' usually some form of conversation going on here, and everyone is friendly as hell. :-P
  8. I too have cash to spend on Riot Points, so i have a plethora of skins and champions. Some i bought when i was newer to the game, and played once then never again. Slight waste of cash.Don't spend too much IP - you need a LOT of it when you get to level 20, because that is the level that the highest powered runes become available. Buying runes pre-20 is pointless, and just a waste of time, you will never use them again. Heh.Its fun to get good enough to play ranked 5's with friends - there are a plethora of champion synergies, and team compositions you can play together, that need good communication on a common "talking apparatus" :-pYou on EU-W?
  9. I personally cannot help, but with this information hopefully someone can.Honestly though, unless its a game bug that can be fixed, i would hope you have got yourself a nearby savepoint that you can reload from.
  10. I donated pre-this board, gimmie my spechul member thing back!!?!?!?----If for some reason it doesn't count, i will cry about my lost £5-10.--Biggest Schlong award.
  11. The Runescape Rebelz - Home of those that don't play runescape.Our new slogan.
  12. Why does this need classifying?If people come together to play a game/sport/activity/etc together that they all enjoy, and in the end there is a winner of said game, why can we not just be happy with that being a good thing?Putting people into categories is what generally causes problems in the first place.Religion
  13. I understand 3 terms out of your whole post.
  14. Don't worry, the first time i downloaded it on my other laptop, i had the same issue. First time i got an error, second time i was fine.Forgot to add, quickly read: http://eldersouls.com/topic/3117-lol-beginners-short-guide/page__hl__%2Bleague+%2BlegendsIts a pretty quick guide that explains the very basics - and should stop people getting mad at you.
  15. I half agree. What is good for one, has to be good for another. If in their country wimen have to abide by their culture and beliefs, the same should be done in our country.I don't want to strip people of their identity, that would be unfair, but in reality, we are stripping ourselves of our own culture at the same time. Britains favourite dish these days? A Curry. There are a decent portion of people who dress and act like they do because in reality, they dont want to be here, or be a part of our society. Obviously, you cannot tell the difference, so as a human being they all get lumped together as one big majority.
  16. PMB had some issues for me too.You have to also open a few different ports, cannot remember which ones - if you cannot find out which ones, i can do this for you tomorrow. (You can just google it "which ports do i open for pmb" or something should do the trick)If PMB is allowed by your normal firewall (McAfee, Norton etc), try disabling windows firewall outright just to get the download actually started and then re-activate windows firewall.These things solved my problems.----------Do not be put off if you are bad. You WILL be bad unless you have played other MOBA's - and even if you have, you will be bad.Persevere, and you shall prevail.
  17. I would actually like to know the figures of immigration into the UK, but apparently we lost about 2 million immigrants, or something?Its hard to lump everyone together, but at the same time its quite hard to not do that. I work with two Polish people, and as it stands they are nice people who work hard and go home happy.Englishmen SHOULD have the job these two polish people have taken, but unfortunately too many english people are Lazy sons of bitches.Reason WHY they are lazy-childmaking-scumbag-machines? - You get paid for it, so its more beneficial to chuck out "Bastard Children(Born out of wedlock) than to actually work for a living.On actual topic - who wouldn't come here, you get free NHS whether you paid into the country or not.---My post probably makes no sense, but i feel better.
  18. The pain, the paaaaain!I pretty much always regret it. At least if its an all night drunk, your okay, because sleeping is not an issue.MEOW.
  19. If i could, i would double-like your post.I'm thinking of creating multiple accounts just to do this for you.<3
  20. Been to London once, and it was horrible. So many different ethnicities, which im sure COULD be a good thing, but as it stands you can't smile, say hello, hold open a door for anyone. You get looks through because nobody understands eachother, there are too many cultures mixing together, but not being "one" with eachother.Needless to say, if i hold a door open for someone coming out of a shop in Sheffield, i will get a nod, a thank you - something. For this i am happy.D:
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