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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I guess them showing up means quest where they will have to search everywhere for the illusive nirnroot.In Skyrim, they aren't that bad. Since 200 years passed from Oblivion, the regular Nirnroots are 10X more common. Also, I can only think of a few quest that even ask you to get a nirnroot. The hard to find Nirnroots is the Crimson ones in Blackreach, and even then, they aren't that hard to find.I guess haters gonna hate.
  2. Wards are from the Restoration school. I don't use them that often, but I may give it a shot on my current character.For Alteration, I've been raising that just for the perks, namely magic resistance and atronarch. No special reason, just for fun I guess. I may end up pusing Paralysis and Dragon Skin, which blocks 80% of all physical damage.Illusion, not so much. I'll probably just zero magick Illusion and cast Muffle repeatedly for 100, but I don't plan to actually use Illusion. Assuming I don't level much past 50, I'll have some perks left over after I buy everything I really need, so maybe I'll invest some in Illusion and get Call to Arms and Harmony.
  3. Just got Assassin's Creed Revelations. Skryim had it's turn

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      They will come. Would of done it last night, but I had a 7 page paper to type and I didn't feel like it after that

    3. kingotavio


      AC Revelations climbing sistem really bothered me. That' s why I only did the main quest.

    4. Blake


      Oh yeah. I mean, I didn't play Brotherhoods so the amount of extra content between Assassin's Creed 2 and Revelations was kind of overwhelming.

  4. So I often wear some casual outfit when I'm just walking around town doing stuff, then swtich to combat gear afterwards. Do you do this? If so what do you wear when you are skilling or shopping?Usually I'll wear a set of fine clothes. I recently decided to Destroy the Dark Brotherhood as opposed to join them, so I've been wearing Nazir's outfit, which I rather like.
  5. I've never cared about collecting guard outfits, but if you really wanted one, just kill a guard somewhere discreet.Edit: Oh. I'm dumb. Ehh I guess Tragic's advice is the only thing I would suggest.
  6. Where are the questions!!!

    1. Fergal


      Ad-sense monies gone? D:

    2. David


      Adwords money has been gone since like the 25th, that's part of it. I stopped advertising on Yahoo Answers too. Right now traffic is up but people actually posting is down and it will probably be that way for a bit.

  7. It seems to be a lot easier to make whatever type of character you want with any race in Skyrim than it was in Oblivoin. I always tried tweaking the game with each character, like specializing in Light Armor or being primarily sneak. For Argonian, I say go for the assassin type character.
  8. As far as my favorite races go in Skyrim...1. Khajiit-Not sure why. I hated them in Oblivion, but they look so cat like now.2. Imperial.3. Altmer-Being taller is always fun.4. Orc-Again, never really played them in Oblivion, but there is something about how they look in Skyrim. Maybe it's the beards.5. Dunmer-Favorite race in Oblivion, but they look a bit more creepy now.6. Redguard7. Nord8. Bosmer-Found them to be slightly gay.9. Breton-Die Frenchie10. Argonian-Something about being a lizard killing my flying lizard brethren is a tad unsettling.
  9. Do Dark Elves make decent spellswords? I figured a Redguard would be pretty good with that.
  10. A lot of the shield perks sound really cool, like the 50% fire, frost, and electric resitance when blocking an incoming spell and the block arrows with shield thing. Never got that far into block though.
  11. Yeah I guess the final alternative is to get 100 smithing and see if you can make Dragon. If you improve that, it'll be better than Daedric anyway.Edit: Just thought of something. A very unpractical idea, but if you do the Conjuration Ritual Spell quest, which requires like 90 or 100 conjuration, you can get a Sigil Stone, which can be used to unlock the Atronach Forge. After this, you can use the forge to craft the Daedric items. From there you should be able to improve them.
  12. Another guide being typed up today. Maybe tomorrow. Anthropology test tomorrow D:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. David


      I need to start my next one before you surpass me in guide number. We should do a meta guide on the fastest way to train all of the skills, and then link that to specific skill guides

    3. Blake


      Explain yourself. Now.

      You could just a bit on raising other schools of magic onto your Enchanting/Smithing guide, like casting Telekinesis for Alteration or Muffle for Illusion.

    4. David


      Not sure the best way to go about it. I think I'd briefly explain smith/ench in the meta guide and then just link to it. Then just remove conjuration from that guide and add it to the meta along with all the other magic skills since after unlimited magicka they're pretty obvious

  13. As I've said in my status, I love the Perk Calculator. Figured I'll only need to get 44 to get all the perks I want.And what do you mean the Chat application?
  14. That is the same reason why I love Skyrim. A lot of us are so sure that America is the best country and it won't get attacked by dragons. Well, they don't know that.
  15. Alva. That sly mynx. Pretty much any NPC who wears the Tavern Clothes doesn't look half bad. And how could we forget Susanna the Wicked?
  16. Had trouble reading your post. Then I realized I was wearing a towel. After I got dressed, I understood it.Currently I'm a High Elf. Pure mage so I'm always dual casting and conjuring. For destruction I have impact, improve damage for fire frost and lighting and stuff like that. For enchanting I'm climbing the middle tree. For conjuring I might clime both the atornarch and the zombie tree. Restoration I'm just picking up some perks like recovery and necromage. And finally for alteration, I'm ultimately going for atronarch, but I'm not sure if I should get mage armor or magic resistance.
  17. I actually did marry Ysolda my first play through. I wasn't sure how marriage worked, so I was just wearing the Amulet of Mara because I knew I had to. I talked to her and asked if she was interested in me. I just responded and BAM married. Nothing wrong with Ysolda, but I like marrying followers.
  18. The majority of the characters I made were solely dual wielding, so I used the dual wielding power attack, which gets in like 4 hits. That is probably the only power attacks I've seriously used. As for shields, only the very first one I made used a shield. He wasn't very good though so I didn't really maximise the potential from him.
  19. How often does Mehrune's dagger actually one hit KO? I've gotten it plenty of times, but when I did I had over powered weapons so I just stuck with those.
  20. I imagine my High Elf sounds like Morgan Freeman, unless he gets excited or scared. Then he sounds like Chris Rock.
  21. Questing is my favorite thing to do, but when I'm not questing, I usually find a camp or ruins and just kill eveyrbody in there. I'll ocassionally go dragon hunting or I'll just go collecting ingredients for enchanting or alchemy.
  22. One of the biggest reason I play a game is for the story. For the most part, I won't bother with a game if I think it's story is kind of week (exception is TLoZ. Damnit Link I love you). So what are some of the best stories in video games? Here are some of mineAssassin's Creed: Probably my favorite. It goes a lot deeper in history and attempts to explain how every religion in the world is both correct and incorrect. It also creates stories about how big historical figures, such as Ghandi and FDR, all did what they did with the help of a Piece of Eden. Very interesting if you enjoy digging through the game to figure it all outHalf Life: Ever since I bought The Orange Box, I really got into this game. I actually enjoyed figuring out what happenes next more than playing it. Here's hoping Valve makes the 3rd episode soooooooon.Mass Effect: Really love I can transfer characters from game to game, so my decisions impact the story from one game to the next. Really pumped for the 3rd installment, especially since they plan to implement that idea even more.
  23. After half an hour messing with a background image for my profile, i managed to edit a pretty cool one. :D

    1. David


      Totally worth the $3 when you're moved back, amiright?

    2. Blake


      Can I just pay $3 now?

    3. David


      Or were you talking about the Mod rank?

  24. An adult woman considered a child? Sounds like Jeremey's dream girl. *ba dum clang* Yeah just like Hroki, there are a bunch of other woman dressed like her. I call them the town whores. I think Hroki rocks it the best though. I'm partial to Aela the Hunteress.
  25. Unless Bethesda just throws their lore out the window, I doubt you can actually ever be a Dwemer. Making their big quest about them isn't entirely unlikely, but I think it'd be more likely to see it be based on the Thalmor.
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