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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I kind of want this mod now.... I'll settle for the naked one though.
  2. So I ran into some money and my parents are letting me go on vacation pretty much any where in the world. Sounds a bit unbelievable, and I thought so too, but they assured me I can go anywhere. So one place in particular to mind.Would you guys recommend I go to 1230 Hubbard Drive in Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109?
  3. Blake

    massing For Cw

    Oh god i didn't know it would embed...
  4. Blake

    massing For Cw

    When I look at this picture....
  5. har har har jajajajajlolololol lmaogh ahr harh har Chance*And is it a bad game or do not a lot of people do the whole pc download thing on Amazon?
  6. I hope this confuses the hell out of you. http://i.imgur.com/Us4QZ.gif

    1. cheekychips


      ...What? I cant... what?

    2. Tcee


      What is that from! It looks familiar... Labyrinth?! &gross,lol.

  7. Blake

    Oh Dragonborn, you so silly

    Well I guess it depends on how far you go back.
  8. To loosely quote David"Wonder Woman is one butch lesbian"
  9. Blake

    Oh Dragonborn, you so silly

    Na I didn't create this.
  10. Those are random jobs. I'm not sure how far you are into the questline, so I can't tell you what to do next.
  11. Yeah, don't understand why. Marvel has a gay superhero though, so maybe they are playing catch up.Prominent is in quotations because chances are it'll be somebody we've never heard of.
  12. You have to cure your werewolfism first. To do that, first complete the Companions questline. You'll be presented with the opportunity to do so. Afterwards, you can become a vampire.
  13. So in an interview at some comic book convention, DC Comics Co-Publisher Dan DiDio said a "prominent" DC character will come out of the closet soon, being their first gay super hero.So any guesses on who it is? As for me, I'm guessing Robin. I think a lot more happens in the Batcave than Batman cares to admit.
  14. Why is Facebook and Alexa browsing our forums so much?

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      because they know we are a 100 times cooler than they are... :)

    2. David


      Facebook browses every page that has a Like button on it or that you view while logged in to FB. It's pretty frightening actually because it makes it apparent how much of your information they track/steal. That's why there's always a Facebook bot looking at a thread after you do.

      I haven't seen Alexa that much, but it means we're getting more established and our "Alexa Ranking" is increasing significantly.

    3. Blake


      Ahh, okay. And this is for you.

  15. Yeah it really is, considering that it means that dragon was trapped in there for who knows how long and has either been alive this whole time or awakened by Alduin, which doesn't really make sense either.
  16. Blake

    Moments of Skyrim

    Ahh, it was zoom-able when I read it. You can always right click on the image, click large, then press ctrl+plus to zoom in. Or check out this link. http://isriana.deviantart.com/art/Skyrim-Meme-Bron-295277427
  17. Blake

    Moments of Skyrim

    The real joke is you can't read it. Na I had it readable on the site I found this. Let me see what I can do.
  18. *sigh* From left to right, top row then bottom. 1. Cache 2. Danger (or Deathly Hallows HAR HAR HAR) 3. Escape Routhe 4. Fence 5. The Guild 6. Loot 7. Protected 8. Safe Edit: Regarding the one you didn't get, the Nord who you ride the carriage into Helgen with says he was sweet on a girl from Helgen once that used to make mead with Juniper berries in it. I guess I'll share this the gallery wouldn't let me upload it because it was too large. If you side with the Rebels and do the whole civil war quest, they lock up all the Jarls and important people in a basement in the Blue Palace in what Is the most awkward moment in Skyrim,
  19. I won't try to force this mod upon you. HAR HAR HAR!!1!
  20. Dragonborn tends to get a bit sidetracked
  21. Blake

    Moments of Skyrim

    More of a fun read than a joke
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