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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    Over Encumbered

    I was gonna try to make up an explanation as to why you are wrong, but he picked the flower with his left hand and that i the hand that we can't see, so I'll let you have this one.
  2. Another fix that I found is trying to get your companion to join The Blades. This requires you to do The Blades "special assignment" (spoilers withheld) but from what I know, it fixes a lot of the companion problems. Note that you'll never see this companion, so your Blades team will be short a man, not that that really matters. Also, you can only do this fix three times, but what are the chances you will have this problem 2 more times?
  3. I think her voice is a kill-boner though. Maybe that is just me.
  4. You took my color and gave me blue. I no longer like you.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. David


      The one for Category Moderators that Anarchy has.

    3. David


      Also, it's orange.

    4. Blake


      Green is......acceptable.

  5. Pssh. Screw David. You over power him now.
  6. Today I learned Anarchy's clan rules are so strict, even he can't break them.
  7. I take offense to the "trying" to be funny. It's just you use game specific names and places.
  8. Mhmm. Yes. I see. I know some of these words.
  9. And I lose again. :(But seriously, congratulations Anarchy. You have the least coolest job here and you manage to come home to me everyday with a smile on your face.
  10. Blake

    Hey guys!

    I've grown an extra scrotum since you left. Thought you'd like to know.
  11. And that comes from the person who had two chicks as his avatar and a signature with the girls and the trumpets.
  12. Blake

    Over Encumbered

  13. Blake

    The Dragonborn Comes

    Wow. I guess I'm not as perverted as my therapist says I am.
  14. Actually maces cause the most damage, but are the slowest. As far as I know, swords have the best damage to speed ratio. I've never been upset with any of the three though, so it really doesn't matter.
  15. Yeah. The Master Conjuration just casts for half the cost. And I would say Thralls are necessary. They are significantly stronger than regular summons and they last until they die, which is useful considering you'll be holding a sword and healing spell in your hands.On the flip side, you can try taking the Zombie perk tree instead. It is arguably more useful. and a lot more fun.
  16. Ahh, not a bad idea. Needs to be cleaned up a bit to match the quality of your other guides, but really good content.This can serve as the illegitimate way to raise your item's stats while mine will still be the legitimate way if/when this bug gets fixed.
  17. Oh I noticed something. The font for the first couple of ingredients is bigger than the rest.
  18. Considering your last link, here is a couple of perk changes I'd suggest. [*]Since you'll ultimately be making zero-cost Restoration and Conjuration armor, I'd only invest up to Apprentice Restoration for Fast Healing. It's a very dependable spell and should get you through the early levels [*]You invested two in Recovery. I understand the meaning behind this, but if you want to invest in a more long term build, you can take one perk out of Recovery and invest it in Avoid Death [*]I'm not a fan of Arcane Blacksmither as I always build my gear than enchant it. But if there is some specific unique enchanted item you want to use, then feel free to keep it [*]This may just be personal preference, but I always take the Heavy Armor side of the Smithing perk tree. You still get Dragon Armor at the end and you have access to Daedric weapons as opposed to just Glass. Not a huge difference though, so this can be kept as it is [*]Only kept Novice Conjurer. I'd understand why you'd go up to Apprentice or Adept though. [*]From personal experience, I only need like 3 perks in Light Armor to achieve the maximum armor rating. This is if you use smithing and enchanting to its fullest potential That frees up a good number of perks as well.
  19. Well the requirements to marry Ria is being Harbinger, so I'm not sure. Dumb question, but are you wearing an Amulet of Mara.
  20. I would say Uncharted, Heavy Rain, and my personal favorite, Metal Gear Solid.
  21. Dayum son.I'm totally buying members to watch you get your 99's.
  22. Mary Louise Parker is one hot milf.
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