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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Blake

    Skullgirls Review

    Actually took the time to read this. +1 Like for "bouncing bewbies" Really well done review. Got lost on a bit of the terminology, but the only fighting games I've ever played are the usual; Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and SSB. Edit: Took time to watch the video, and yeah, the animations and graphics are pretty cool. How does controlling multiple people work though?
  2. The first one was great, but the second one was a lot better imo. They vamped up the combat and made it a lot more fun and just made your character feel more awesome by the end of the game.Kingdom Hearts is a great series, albeit a bit cheesy at times.
  3. I do understand the negative reaction to Nintendo's ads, but it isn't necessarily a bad idea. The 3DS is handheld for both the hardcore, with games like Snake Eater, Kingdom Hearts, Ocarina of Time, and the casual, with it's other features and less serious games. I just don't know how a video game ad is going to appeal to a non-gamer.And the Romney image will never happen. Everybody knows Gabe Newell won't release Half Life 3 until somebody beats all 3 waves of Mann V.S Machine at Mannworks.
  4. Nothing wrong with it. I like it that I can tan all spring/summer, then go into a nice, timely pale at fall/winter.Except with your case, I imagine you are perpetually pale.
  5. Not impressed. I do this every day.Also, you are as pale as I predicted you'd be.
  6. Oh yeah, love the fan base of soccer. Not including the angry rioting fan base of course.World Cup time is always the most fun. Watching soooo many games at my godfather's restaurant, eating free food and what not.
  7. Blake

    Cod or Haddock?

    Haddock cause it's easier to smoke.
  8. Summoning to 80. That way I can unlock titans so I can use them on nothing cause I hardly play anymore.
  9. I assume football is your uppity, British way of saying soccer.I actually play a lot of soccer, but I wouldn't really call it the purest of sports. It's a lot of action going on, but for one part of the field at a time. Other times it's just me watching where the ball is, positioning myself, and trying to nonchalantly unstick my balls from my legs.This is when Fergal says how great Gaelic Football is. Then Ericblood talks about Norway or some crap we don't understand.
  10. Like if being a sport was a sport, then the sport that I would choose would be the sportiest of all sports?You covered the bigguns, so I'll say boxing and a lot of other types of fighting. Physical strength to cause damage, endurance to withstand it, and reflexes to dodge and what not.
  11. Going to give up fapping. Discuss.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      squishy,.... the boner thing was a lil gay bro... lil gay

    3. Jake


      Video game strategies are genderless. Therefore...not gay.

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      fine then you're strange how about that lol

  12. Alright guys, time for your future of Runescape jokes.and go!
  13. They still want to hold on to their heritage, they just can't be, or don't want to be, in its associated country. For example, I'm a huge Twilight fan. However, the teenage girls blindingly grasping at Patterson's loins has given us a bad name. And I forgot where I'm headed with this metaphor.And I guess Europe is probably worse than America when it comes to Asian and Middle Eastern immigration, so I can't really grasp how bad it seems to you. Raleigh has it's fair share of angry Asians though, but if I lived in China, I'd probably feel the same way.
  14. Also, Botany Bay is the "final punishment" type deal, where an account is brought there after they receive the appropriate amount of warnings. So I would guess it'd be more common once it has time to age.Also, I don't think Jagex released it's official Bot Nuke yet. I could be wrong though.
  15. So I will be stopped when I try to create the USFL.United States Fapping League.
  16. You think they have those backwards?Skill outfits=good ideaSoF skill outfits=shit
  17. Not sure about high jump or javelin, but shot put definitely does take physical exertion if you want to be any good. Especially considering how far I threw it when I was just lulzying around at highschool.
  18. My all nighters are either hanging out with friends or during exam week. I can only take hour doses of Runescape.
  19. I feel the complete opposite, lol. There are a fair number of Africans and Muslims in my school and they wear the traditional hair dress and what not because it's a part of who they are. I wouldn't force them to give up their culture and ideals just because they want to go to a better school in another country.Language though, that'll piss me off. If an Asian wants to go to an American school, that is fine with me. But when he can't speak English and expects me to try interpret his hand gestures and broken bits of English as "Hey do you want to alternate sets on the assisted dip?" then I get a little peeved.
  20. A federal court actually ruled that cheerleading wasn't a sport as the debate came up when a school dropped it's volleyball team in favor of a cheerleading squad.http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/prep-prep-rally/federal-court-rules-once-cheerleading-not-real-sport-155124994.htmlI know they have events and stuff, but for the most part, I consider it a preforming art type deal, like dance and the likes. And this is the grey area that I hate. I really do see how gaming, and other touchy subjects like professional poker, can be considered a sport as it does take some degree of skill to do either and you have events, rules, etc. The same can be said about cheerleading, but that is where a line has to be drawn. So I can understand either side of the debate.But regardless of what a dictionary says, I don't think if you play a sport, you are automatically an athlete.
  21. Blake

    Green Day

    I KNOW RIGHT. The guitar should be smashed by the 3rd attempt at the latest. Then again, that Gibson.
  22. All three Ezio games for $40 dollars isn't bad if you are new to the series, especially considering I payed about 3x that for only two of the games.I hope there will be more bundles as this gen of consoles ends.
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