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Everything posted by David

  1. You don't actually have to clean anything up. The quest should continue regardless after you leave the temple. That was what happened to me, anyway.
  2. How is Windhelm easy to navigate yet had a section you hadn't found before? LolMarkarth is difficult to navigate, but it has a really badass layout that makes it inevitable and more than makes up for it in my opinion. Yeah, the corruption thing is bad but the background story with the Forsaken makes it more interesting to me and thus gets a plus.
  3. Best: Solitude Worst: (all of the minor cities e.g. winterhold) then Windhelm Windhelm is a pile of shit. I get lost in it everytime I go there. That's not even getting into the fact it has a terrible layout, has random graves everywhere, is always super dark, and has messy rubble strewn throughout. I think it sheds light on how Ulfric is out for himself. His city is in ruins while he has this great palace. Meanwhile, Solitude under the Empire is beautiful and prosperous in all respects.
  4. Alright, this is now an official article on the guide page (there's also a link in the original post of this thread). I didn't really change anything except for the title/intro format to match the other guides.Also edited the title to differentiate it from the other guide that sorts by effects.
  5. I think clan ranks are going to be like total/level posts in that you get the highest you've achieved (unless you prefer one). Awarded AotM.
  6. Make sure you're deleting both the Game Data AND the patch. There are two things: a file called "Skyrim" and one called "Skyrim Patch" (both under the Game Data Utility folder). If done correctly, there's no reason that shouldn't work.
  7. Right now it's 20 and I'm seeing how much it stretches the post by looking at Brad's profile, since I think he has the most. I think I'll change it to 10-15 eventually, though.
  8. Yeah. Half of them are photoshopped anyways. I don't know when the whole obsession with collecting likes started, or why it matters. It's not like there's a counter on your profile that keeps track (such as here, where they mean everything. )
  9. You can just do your own posts and write-ups on funny facebook things you've witnessed. I won't say you can't take things from failblog/failbook and such, though it would be best if you use original stuff since half of those are fake. I've made you both Editors of this blog so you can see what I'm talking about. 1 Blog =/= 1 person. Facebook does have a longer shelf life, but only because of its size. It will stop being socially relevant long before it stops being widely used.
  10. Facebook has been tanking downhill as fast as Myspace ever since it opened to the general public. Nowadays (at least in my case), my facebook "friends" (most of whom I neither know nor like) do little more than spam my feed with religious and political debates, game spam, idtiotic fake accounts, and the recent "LIKE/SUBSCRIBE TO RECIEVE 2000 FRIENDS LOL". It's a disgusting, horrible place that needs to die now. Facebook will be dead soon, and the cool people will migrate to Google Plus. A year or two later, it will be overtaken with the next wave of users: the preteen girl and "adult who doesn't understand the internets" demographics. Following this, it too, will die. In the meantime, I'm creating a blog. It may turn into a facebook blog of hilarious stupid shit people post, it may never be updated after today. Either way, though, I'm looking for people that are interested and want to run the blog with me. Hopefully we can all share laughs at our Facebook friends' expense regularly from this point onward. I'll start by providing the following.... My great-great-grandparents passed away the other day. I'd better just cease to exist because anything else is impossible. You don't even need to believe in evolution to face palm at this. Public education at work. Here's a graph I made in Paint in 4 seconds explaining how this is possible for those of you scratching your heads.
  11. I don't think we should make anymore in-game ones like combat, at least for now. Like Apolly said, we should be rewarding people for things they do for TRR and the site. There's a limit to how many awards can display under the avatars, so we should leave some space for clan/site activity and involvement awards.
  12. Everyone needs to get this game, one of the best (if not THE best) games of 2011. Might actually play this again tonight since making this thread has made me remember I have some unfinished things to do in it. The game is worth it just for the ability to play the poker mini-game in it. Red Dead Redemption - $29.99
  13. The cheapest I've seen for all of them. They're all PC downloads via Amazon that activate on Steam. DG III has had poor reviews, but Deus Ex is definitely a good game, especially at this price. Dungeon Siege III - $4.99 Deus Ex (standard edition) - $6.99 Deus Ex (augmented edition) - $7.99
  14. Finally remembered to personally test this. Without boosting via enchanting/alchemy, Dragonplate's Legendary AR is 83 (84? don't remember), while a Daedric chestplate is 87. Lies, I say.
  15. The maximum overall level in Skyrim is 81, which translates to a total of 80 perk points being available. Since there are 251 perks in total, this is why character builds become significant even at high levels.
  16. All I know is that I didn't appreciate getting bombarded by two three-minute commercials for the game every break inbetween what few shows I watch when it came out. THe commercials even made the game look horrible. At any rate, it must not have sold too well, because as of my recent scourge of Best Buy... The price is $2.99. That's hilarious and unheard of for a game of this console generation.http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Duke+Nukem+Forever+-+PlayStation+3/1443608.p?id=1218259333361&skuId=1443608&AID=10597222&PID=1312731&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestbuy.com%2Fsite%2FDuke%2BNukem%2BForever%2B-%2BPlayStation%2B3%2F1443608.p%3Fid%3D1218259333361%26skuId%3D1443608&ref=39&CJPID=1312731&loc=01
  17. David

    Lazy Skyrim Player

    Serious in a game, fanciful in real life.
  18. David

    Pay To Play

    It's not the same...
  19. David

    Skyrim Technology

    Skyrim: now shipping with Google Maps!
  20. Battliefield 3 - PS3 Battliefield 3 - 360 Really good deal, this is as cheap as it's going to get.
  21. We were going to ask for permission to use their 99 medals, but decided we'd just make our own. We did keep their round button format, but Cons is the pro that made all of these.
  22. One of the reviews has the g700 lasting 2-3 days with 8+ hours of gaming each.Oh, and I just wasted a good 20mins watching your sig.
  23. We're going to have post awards for sure, in the past I haven't seen any significant increase in spam from them. Spammers gonna spam regardless. Poor Blex hasn't had anything to do anyways.We could also switch it up and maybe award them based on new threads created instead of, or along with, posts. Donations are going to get quite a few too, I know we had it tiered at 5, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100+ last time.
  24. Wait, so they repaid you money + didn't charge you anything = you got free money for having surgery? Clearly a better system than the U.S.
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