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Everything posted by David

  1. Now live for the PS3! Bought mine. There's also $0.99 release date delivery.
  2. SkyrimBlack OpsDragon Age 2Uncharted -> Uncharted 2Infamous 2
  3. He was on a Dark Brotherhood contract, so he wasn't on a side, just killing whoever was in-between him and the Jarl (who was apparently the contract). I think the "teleport" thing is a Mod that's just a line of sight, short distance thing.I was sad that the Mammoth didn't really have a kill animation or really do anything except be there.
  4. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuyT5UBkUoY I think they even outdid the first!
  5. There won't be a level cap on something like that. I don't believe I personally own one, but I've never looked for it either. Just stick with it and you'll run into one, probably when you're not even looking for it knowing how things work out.When I look for enchantments, I just camp out at one store that has the most of whatever item carries the enchantment. From that point I just check, wait 48 hours, check the store again, etc. until I find it. Good time to multi-task and have something else to grab your attention in the meantime,
  6. I don't even follow the comic-based movies and knew Spider-Man was going to be in the next Avengers.My opinion: the "Avengers" would be better without retarded superheroes no one likes such as the Hulk and Thor. It would be better without a marksman carrying around a fucking bow with arrows in the year 2020. Basically, it would be better if it was Iron Man 2.5.I have enough imagination for Iron Man, Spider-Man, Batman, etc... in their own universes. I lose track when they combine 6+ super-heroes into an orgy created solely to get off the forever alone comic-con nerds living in their parents basement.If you read this far, bravo. I'm actually just mad my friends went to the movie already and didn't take me.But seriously, the Hulk and Thor suck.
  7. Gallery hook is now on the side. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jake


      I can see the advantages to having it in either place. I personally liked it at the top, but it's not that big of a deal. Maybe you could have a settings option to switch between them?

    3. cheekychips


      i too liked it better on top, but its really not something to get up in arms about.

    4. Blake


      ^Nickel for everytime I heard that one. HUH? HUH? HUH!!!???

  8. David


    I love the physics of this. Giant swings down in an action that should send the tiger downwards into the dirt, yet he flies miles up. Also, this is the most HD gif I've ever seen in my life.
  9. David


    Don't fuck with Giants.
  10. David

    The Great Skyrim Gif

    Skyrim in 5 seconds.
  11. David

    Skyrim Geography

    It's located Southeast of Madagascar.
  12. David

    Skyrim Encumberance

    This comic is based on your life.
  13. David

    Bacon Helmet

    Mother of Bacon.
  14. David

    Hey guys!

    I'm assuming you just didn't remember your password? Haven't heard of anyone with log-in problems, though I guess if it was a mass issue no one could log in to report it. I would be surprised if we didn't have the ability to tag members ala Facebook/Twitter within the next few months.
  15. I'll be all over this in the event they move the deal to include the PS3, which is likely (eventually). NCAA Football 13 - $45 Now live for the PS3!
  16. Who was the best character? Alistair with his antics, or Morrigan with her emo? I also forgot about her stealing my love child until I read this. She will not be forgiven (unless she wants to make another).
  17. Looks good. Never bought any of the DLC for fallout besides the one that raised the level cap (Broken Steel?). Fallout was just a bit too bland and boring for me (in comparison to TES), though I still played the hell out of it.A good game for sure, but too much of the same wasteland environment, clunky movement that was a step back from Oblivion, and generally pretty forgettable quest stories save a few.
  18. How did you know?! I let myself get trolled into clicking the link. I then listened to the song as background music for the rest of the entry when I was reading. It went quite well with it. 5. Never heard of any of this, but I was a sheltered child. Drinking hand sanitizer? The hell? 4. Shorts + sweatshirts. Long-sleeved shirts don't really bother me, but the sweatshirts do. Though I've been guilty myself a time or two. Just lol... Would have liked to see the reaction.
  19. Hello, welcome to the site. :) Let me know if you ever have any suggestions or anything.

  20. A good general format for an article in general is.... [*]Take some common term or concept people google a lot or are interested in, such as Ulfric Stormcloak [*]Put some controversial slant on it, e.g. saying Ulfric is a Thalmor Spy. [*]Back up your claims.
  21. You can also do some quest that forces a companion with you, such as the Main Quest or one of the Companion's such as those requiring Farkas.
  22. No Skyrim guides come to mind right away, but I'm sure I can think of something. [*]You can write funny/informative articles based on things in Skyrim. [*]Guides in other games, such as Fallout.
  23. Annnnd I've moved this over to article format as well. Again, great work - nothing really had to be fixed at all. I did remove the in-table colors as articles should have the standard font color (different users using non-dark skins are unable to see the text the same way) -- [this is fine in non-article guides]. It's unfortunate that the topic is automatically edited to match the article, as you do lose some basic things, but nothing major at all.Again, great job.
  24. Hm. Mediocre niche games on the cheap. $1.99 (Sunday only) - $3.99 (Monday - Saturday) - Steam required $2.99 - Steam required $7.49 - Steam required $9.99 - Steam required (Separate keys for each game)
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