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Meanwhile, in Facebook...



Facebook has been tanking downhill as fast as Myspace ever since it opened to the general public. Nowadays (at least in my case), my facebook "friends" (most of whom I neither know nor like) do little more than spam my feed with religious and political debates, game spam, idtiotic fake accounts, and the recent "LIKE/SUBSCRIBE TO RECIEVE 2000 FRIENDS LOL". It's a disgusting, horrible place that needs to die now. Facebook will be dead soon, and the cool people will migrate to Google Plus. A year or two later, it will be overtaken with the next wave of users: the preteen girl and "adult who doesn't understand the internets" demographics. Following this, it too, will die.

In the meantime, I'm creating a blog. It may turn into a facebook blog of hilarious stupid shit people post, it may never be updated after today. Either way, though, I'm looking for people that are interested and want to run the blog with me. Hopefully we can all share laughs at our Facebook friends' expense regularly from this point onward.

I'll start by providing the following....


My great-great-grandparents passed away the other day. I'd better just cease to exist because anything else is impossible.

You don't even need to believe in evolution to face palm at this. Public education at work.


Here's a graph I made in Paint in 4 seconds explaining how this is possible for those of you scratching your heads.


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The Elder Souls blogs have been tanking downhill as fast as Facebook ever since it opened to the general public. Nowadays (at least in my case), my Elder Soul "friends" (most of whom I neither know nor like) do little more than spam my notifications with random and stupid rants, game reviews, idtiotic fake personal stories, and the recent "HERE IS WHAT HAPPENS BEHIND THE SCENES CAUSE I ADMIN!". It's a disgusting, horrible place that needs to die now. The Elder Soul blogs will be dead soon, and the cool people will migrate to http://eldersouls.com/HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA/ (broken link. you fail). A year or two later, it will be overtaken with the next wave of users: the pedo from California and "adult who doesn't understand the internets" demographics. Following this, it too, will die.

Facebook has a way longer shelf life than what I think you give it credit for. But yeah, I really agree with the Facebook friends I neither know nor like. I only really use Facebook to talk to the people I still want to keep in contact with, but can't. That being said, I try not to read the News Feed unless I really have nothing else to do. That and I'm eagerly awaiting a couple of "friends-of-the-female-persuasion's" "OMG SUMMER OF 2012 YOLO!" Facebook albums.

And finally, two blogs? You fucking like-whore monster. Here is my favorite Facebook moment.


And one kind of funny one that happened to me.


And here is the link I posted in the link above (If you are confused by that statement, click the above link first)


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So, how exactly can I "help" you run the blog? I'm all yours if you need any help.

You can just do your own posts and write-ups on funny facebook things you've witnessed. I won't say you can't take things from failblog/failbook and such, though it would be best if you use original stuff since half of those are fake.

I've made you both Editors of this blog so you can see what I'm talking about. 1 Blog =/= 1 person.

Facebook does have a longer shelf life, but only because of its size. It will stop being socially relevant long before it stops being widely used.

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I've made you both Editors of this blog so you can see what I'm talking about. 1 Blog =/= 1 person.

Gee, thanks Trag. I check Facebook regularly, not to see my friend's updates, but to hear announcements from my favorite game developers. This will give me something else to look out for. Mind, I don't find stuff this funny very often, but I'll keep an eye out.

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The worst is when people post pictures of babies with birth defects for sympathy likes. Then post a comment about liking them for 2000 friends.

Yeah. Half of them are photoshopped anyways.

I don't know when the whole obsession with collecting likes started, or why it matters. It's not like there's a counter on your profile that keeps track (such as here, where they mean everything. :P )

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Facebook will continue until people actually grow bored of the dozens of crappy games on there, or realize that putting your sensitive information on a public site, in which sells that information to anyone with enough money...is friggin' stupid. I don't expect it to die anytime soon though, as it's the main source of 'communication' between old "where's the power button" people and their attention whore kids. It's too well known to simply fade away, like youtube.

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The most common thing I have to keep saying to ALL my friends is "STOP! sending me stupid requests in Blahblahblah and STOP! blowing up my damn notifications, DAMNIT, I don't want to play you're stupid ass game Farmville or what the fuck ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and this happens every two days, you'd think they'd learn...

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