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Everything posted by David

  1. As Blexun said, you probably have a bounty. If you resolve that people should stop attacking you.Let us know if that's not it, though. It could be something else.
  2. Unless you have the PC version, you are only able to be married once. This includes situations where your spouse dies.PC users can "divorce" NPC's with console commands, but even then it's a manual workaround as opposed to something built into the game.
  3. The 28th of June will forever be remembered as the morning of the Great Spam.

    1. Tcee


      We must celebrate... With more Spam! >>

  4. Agree, Magic is rather underpowered. When you combine that with having a very very limited amount of mana early on, Mages are easily the most difficult to play with.
  5. We have a fix for the bug in this thread, along with 5 pages of confirmation that it works. Here it is: Directions [*]Navigate to the "Game" category on the navigation menu. It's the same place you navigate to launch your games. [*]Find the "Game Data Utility" folder. DO NOT go to the "Saved Data Utility" folder, which contains your game saves. [*]Delete the game data (titled "Skyrim") and the updates/patches (titled "Skyrim Update") from "Game Data Utility". After that, you'll have to run the game and it will re-install the game files automatically. If you deleted the patch (as you should have), it will also re-download and install the most recent patch assuming you are connected to the internet. Oh, and you don't need to create a new topic to reply: just use the form at the bottom of this page. Let us know if the solution works or not. You don't need to create an account to reply, but having one makes it easier and opens up numerous other features here. Welcome to the site! EDIT: There are two folders that keep Skyrim data under the "GAME" category on the XMB (the navigational bar) that people are confusing... [*]Game Data Utility [*]Saved Data Utility (PS3) "Saved Data Utility" contains your game saves (profile data, characters, etc.); you do NOT touch anything in this folder. "Game Data Utility" is where you need to look. It contains two files: "Skyrim" (file installed off the disc the first time you play) and "Skyrim Update" (patches downloaded from the internet). Neither of these are related to your game saves, and need to be deleted for this fix to work.
  6. David


    Welcome. :smile:It's always good to see new people registering. We have a good deal of open discussions laying about the forum, and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on them.
  7. I don't know much other than that things like gates and what-not are added as you progress through the Dawnguard storyline. Apparently, anyway. I'm not sure how substantial the upgrades are if true. Here's an image... It's located east of The Rift, which partially explains why the landscape there is so amazing yet there was previously little reason to ever venture there.
  8. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

    1. drake


      Thanks, i will.

  9. The following is just speculation of what is unique to each since I have a PS3, and as a result, have not yet played. Vampires get... [*]The ability to fly [*]The bad-ass looking vampire form. [*]Various new powers and attacks when in said form. The Dawnguard... [*]Crossbows (I don't know how/if they made this unique to the Dawnguard). [*]Armored Trolls [*]An upgradeable fort. For me, it's going to come down to whether or not I see my character as good/evil. I'm also going to check out the Dawnguard fort and see if it's worth it, as it seems to be the only really cool benefit the Dawnguard have.
  10. David

    Skyrim Pokemon Battle

    This is what happens when E meets M rated games.
  11. Does anyone here have it yet? Unfortunately us PC/PS3 gamers are going to be waiting ~1 month to get at it. At any rate, I thought I'd post this to see what your initial thoughts were if anyone here has purchased it.
  12. No guests could talk in the clan chat (I just got off from fixing it). I've had to do this several times in the last few weeks. That box was unchecked. It MUST be checked for guests to be able to talk. Whenever you change the permissions settings to set a clan rank as the minimum rank able to speak (say, Corporal because you wanted Recruit muted) that guest box is unchecked. This is because you can't have a clan rank muted while at the same time allow all guests to speak freely. That box is an extension of the minimum rank system they have in the permissions area. By checking it, Guests are the minimum rank, so all others must also be allowed to talk.
  13. Some quest items are known to be bugged and can become unremovable. But there are others that appear as loot in dungeons and caves before you even start the quest, so they will just remain with you until you are tasked with finding it. At that point you can just talk to the NPC again instantly and it will usually be removed. [*]The Curious Silver Mold is involved with the quest Silver Lining. You have to deliver it to Endon of Markarth. [*]The Amulet of Talos is from Return to Grace. [*]Briar Hearts are used in Repairing the Phial. Generally all of these quest items will weigh 0 or some other neglible amount anyways. The main reason to get rid of them is to reduce clutter.
  14. You can change your forum display name by editing your profile. Note that your log-in name (what you enter when you sign in) will remain getpkerslapd; it's just what everyone else sees that changes.If you want me to change your log in name as well, I can do that.
  15. I snipe at it with the expert lightning spell, and by the time it lands it's at half health or less just from that. From there I run up and wack it a few times with my enchanted daedric sword and it's dead in about 10-15 seconds. Of course, nothing offers much of a challenge after level 50 or so. I used to have to be much more strategic.
  16. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  17. The Cold War thing with the penguins and Hunt for Red Raktuber (or whatever) are the only two quests I have enjoyed in the entire game. Those two did get a chuckle out of me, though. Who doesn't love KGB penguins?
  18. Available from Newegg. Good price if you enjoy the Motorstorm games.Motorstorm Apocalypse for $19.99The original Motorstorm is also available for $9.99.
  19. Posting this for Blexun. I've read that you can even upgrade to a HD if you have the original core/Arcade systems that don't come with one. This is a lot of cheap memory available from GameStop until 6/27/12.Note that these are all refurbished. This generally means they were returned to the store and then tested/repaired and determined to be in working order by the manufacturers.$10 20GB [gamestop.com]$15 60GB [gamestop.com]$22.50 120GB [gamestop.com]Shipping on all of them is $3.50.
  20. I came into the game a firm believer in mage characters, largely because they've been extremely powerful (to the extent of being OP) in previous games. To make a long story short they're easily the weakest in Skyrim, so long as we can't make custom spells (if this happens they'll be the most powerful again due to unlimited mana capability).Melee is very easy. It has the potential for a lot damage and hitting the enemy is easy, so the damage per second is high.Archery does the most damage, but I'm not sure how simple it is to hit fast-moving targets. Besides that, the amount of attacks you can get in in a few seconds is lower than melee. Someone should do a test to see what the DPS of each is; archery is high but melee can generally get more hits in. I haven't played with an archery character yet so I can't really offer more.Good thread though, your analysis was pretty spot on.
  21. Anti-Virus Avira is good if you can stand the advertisements. It's what I've personally used for years without any problems. I will say that many critics say it's been going down hill compared to Avast recently, and I'll admit some of the new advertising shit they're doing is complete garbage. Either Avast or Avira will be fine, though. Firewall For a firewall, you can't beat Comodo even if you use a paid one, and it's free. Scanner Malwarebytes is good. I've used Super-Anti-Spyware as well and it used to be great, but it too has fallen off in recent times. I would actually advise against scanning and deleting things from your registry. Free cleaners like that are far too prone to delete something important and honestly you get neglible (if any) benefit from it regardless. Oh, and there's like a 99.99% chance your account was hacked because you were password sharing or something. I have no idea what your history with that is, but accounts are damn near impossible to hack these days with the different log in names. Most of these things, although probably a good idea for PC security in general, probably weren't why you lost it.
  22. And so begins the competition for the 20,000th post.

    1. Blake


      I'm totally staking out the forums now.

  23. David

    My return

    It's good to have you back. I'm surprised it was so difficult tracking us down again. I thought most of the top results in google for "The RuneScape Rebelz" were ads updated with the new site, but I may be wrong. It's something we should look into because I'm sure there are others in the same boat.
  24. $45 with free shipping from Best Buy.PC DEAL360 DEALPS3 DEAL
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