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Everything posted by David

  1. I said HP just because the other two will be 99 by the time you achieve it.
  2. What happened to all of the high quality blogs?

    1. Jake


      Sorry Trag, I just haven't been in the mood lately. I've been thinking about writing a Demon's Souls review, especially since they extended the online period again. Maybe I could even continue the reviews through my new article job, though I was hoping to do something completely different for that role.

    2. Blake


      I might work on one called Walker: Texas Shark Jumper

  3. Yes, the items will still be there when you return so long as it doesn't take you 2+ days to do so.
  4. Like how it's going so far.One adjustment, though. I've discovered that there are actually multiple *slightly* different versions of the gray used on the site; so far I've found #101010, #111111, and #121212. So for the examples you've posted so far that just have the 1 background color, can they be made so that the background is transparent instead? If you make any that have an image-based background, then obviously that takes precedent and it won't matter.I just noticed looking at the guest message on an article ( http://eldersouls.co...ble-apparel-r25 ) and you can tell there is a slight color difference if you look closely (then again my screen is very HD), whereas the current BG matches perfectly with the header message.
  5. No. As long as you delete the correct files your game saves/characters will not be affected.
  6. Yeah, honestly there aren't any fixes that jump to my mind besides the ones that you have already tried. I'm not sure if this is where you read the fixes you mentioned, but the TES wiki appears to have quite a bit on that bug.If none of those work you may have to resort to reloading a save from before you began the quest.
  7. Does anyone actually own the Vita? I never used my PSP, and as expensive as it was the Vita is even worse. Don't see myself ever buying it (or probably any other gaming handheld again with the advent of smartphones).Anyways, the game looks interesting enough. I've never played any of the non-main (i.e. handheld) versions of the AC games, though. Do they really add anything to the story?
  8. Moved it to Event Reflections.For the record, all Event Coordinators are Mods of the "Community Events" forum and all related event sub-forums. Both of you could have moved it.Looks like a fun event.
  9. I actually have 0 interest in the perk trees. Unless I'm making a build SPECIFICALLY to be a Vampire/Werewolf for the ENTIRE game (unlikely in itself), I'm never going to invest anything in them. I'm famously cheap with my perks, though. I think at level 50 something I have mid-20's unused because I don't want to waste them.I'm not sure if I like Dragon weapons being above Daedric, especially because the armor isn't. I wish they'd redesign Dragon armor to make it bad-ass, then boost the stats past Daedric a bit if they're going that route.Disappointed with the "10-20 hours of new content." The main quest is supposedly like 25-30 hours (yeah right). That seems like a tiny expansion for $20 considering Shivering Isles was roughly $20-30 and added like a good 30% to the gigantic ass game that Oblivion was. Still meh on the vampire thing as well.
  10. He's the hero Skyrim deserves, but not the one it needs right now.So we'll worship him. Because he deserves it.Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector.A dead Nord. True. But really, sending a letter by courier? What is he, a God or the Dovahkiin's aging grandmother? As a God, if it were really him who sent the message, I'm sure he would do something much more badass. Think about all of the quests that involve divines/gods/etc in Skyrim. One talks to you inanimately through a haunted house. One makes you create some type of super-LSD substance in a pot and makes you snort it. Talos is not going to follow those acts up by sending a quaintly written parchment letter. He's going to zap you in the ass with a thunderbolt and tattoo his message on your rectum. I meant it was a test before (or for when) you even met them, you get the letter one quest before you're summoned by the Greybeards if I'm not mistaken. Also, I was not aware that there were multiple letters from "A Friend" besides the one.
  11. No, Compelling Tribute and Reunification of Skyrim are both quests from the Civil War quest line. The main quest is the one that involves battling the evil dragon, Alduin. Here is a good overview of it. As it says, though, this is a pretty long quest and despite what the wiki says I wouldn't have complete faith that finishing the main quest will fix the other one. If you have a semi-recent save before Compelling Tribute bug, loading it and re-doing a little bit of what you've already accomplished will still probably be your best bet. If not, though, finishing the main quest appears to be your only shot.
  12. I've still never even been to God Wars. Good write up though, I enjoyed reading it.
  13. Did you attack the caravan BEFORE you talked to Hadvar? If so, apparently you are unable to complete the quest now according to the wiki excerpt that I posted above. It says that it can be fixed if you stop and go complete the main quest. If you've already beat the main quest you're probably out of luck unless you have a save file from before you made the mistake with Compelling Tribute. You should always have multiple saves for the same character at different points.
  14. Long time no see. :o

    1. Nathan


      I know, its been ages. :) Glad to be back.

  15. This is the only bug I found involving Hadvar: I'm assuming you're playing on the PS3/360, correct? If that wasn't the issue, check your quest log and make sure it's still directing you to Hadvar (in the log AND with the white arrow on the world map).
  16. The letters are tests. They're also not upfront at all in the beginning. You haven't come up with a single reason why it can't be the Greybeards besides reasons like "They can't find a courier!" when they're the same people that summon a thunderstorm and call you out from the SKY.Meanwhile your best theory is a stalker named Arnold with no motives other than lulz. Does he open all of his letters with "Hey!"? How does he contact couriers if he's invisible? How can he pick up a pen without seeing his hands? If he's the courier how the ef did you get the letter in the first place, did you just see it "floating in the wind" and catch it (i.e. Arnold try to play keep away like a little school girl.)?Talos is an INANIMATE God yet can still write a letter, give it to a courier, and even cares enough in the first place to help you? Lies. Why would he even bother with a letter? Besides, Talos doesn't give a damn. In fact he probably wants you to fail because you joined the Legion and tried to stamp out his Nord worshippers.
  17. The Greybeards know most of what you do and other things going on in the world without ever leaving. That's part of their enigma. They could easily just summon a courier themselves or use that dude that brings them supplies at the bottom of the mountain. The letter could have been a test, they don't actually tell you where words are until after you've completed most of their little quest line.Basically it is the Greybeards.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UEQFp4tzQc Summary [*]Dawnguard will cost $20, coming out June 26th on Xbox [*]New Dragon bone weapons; will be tiered ABOVE Daedric. [*]You CAN be a "Vampire Lord" which turns into this weird ass bat-man thing that allows you to fly. Also comes with it's own perk tree. [*]New Shouts - Soul Tear allows you to rip out souls from NPC's and make them your follower or something. [*]You can have your own... armored troll? Couldn't really understand that part. [*]Summoned Mount [*]Perk tree added for werewolf. [*]FROST ELVES MAYBE?! (Don't know why they're making this a big deal because I doubt most people care.) [*]10-20 hours of new content.
  19. It really doesn't matter which side you choose, just go with the one that you relate to ethically/morally. We have a couple good threads discussing that aspect in the "Skyrim General Discussion" forum.The only difference in awards that you receive is the apparel you get at the end for... I'm personally an Imperial guy because I think the Stormcloaks have a hell of a selfish sunuvabitch in Ulfric. Having played both sides back to back, I personally feel that the ending to the Stormcloak side opens a lot of "Well... Maybe I didn't just choose the right team." in your mind, but maybe it was just me.
  20. Try deleting the patches/game file again, there was one other person in this thread that had to do it twice. You are using the PS3, correct?
  21. It's Delphine/The Greybeards.Delphine admits to sending you on some goose chase like this, I don't remember the specifics to say whether or not it was this one though.
  22. That's when you're supposed to meet her in the camp's "command center" (the tent with the table with the map and flags), correct? I'm assuming that's where the arrow is pointing. Few thoughts... [*]Try visiting at a different time of the day. It's unlikely this is the issue, but if you first tried in the middle of the night she may have been off sleeping. [*]Go back to Tullius and make sure you've gone through ALL of the dialogue with him. I know when I was doing the Civil War quests the quest givers dialogue would often fail to trigger the next quest. Going through all the dialogue with them again always fixed the issue for me. [*]Check your quest log, and see if it didn't update with a new objective yet fail to move the map marker.
  23. Did you reinstall the patch after you deleted it? If not, make sure you do so. I've never heard of anything like that happening with this fix; the first 3 pages of this thread attest to that. Perhaps your save file is corrupted from something else. Try creating a new character and seeing if you have the same issues, If they're gone and the other save file still has them, that's probably the problem.
  24. I would like to welcome you into our clan. Congratulations on being accepted into The RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR. We all look forward to getting to know you! If you want, you can introduce yourself to other members by posting an introduction.
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