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Everything posted by David

  1. Guys.There is no such thing as a "CC Mod" position. There never has been. There HAVE been retired Council members who are given exemplary rebel and kicking powers.Dan was given kicking powers for one night Jeremy was trolling and no one ever took them off.
  2. Yeah, I'm not really a fan of the Stormcloaks. Remember to only post once in a row by the way, you can edit things into your posts if you forgot something or you can select the "Multiquote" button to select more than one quote response. :smile:Looking back, I may have been a bit harsh on Windhelm. I really enjoyed some of the city-specific quests it had, such as the murder mystery (even if it was horribly obvious).
  3. I'm assuming you're talking about how many skills you'll be able to get to level 100 before the game is over by just normally playing without trying to level them?If so, that really depends on your play style and what skill you're using. Some level up faster than others. Also, if you literally do EVERYTHING then you'll probably have more than enough time. Everything will take hundreds and hundreds of hours, though. I've beat the game a few times but I think I've trained my skills outside of the story each time... You should be able to get 2 to 100 pretty easily though if you do a lot of combat.
  4. Few things that jump to my mind. [*]There is a cool down time after using each shout. For example, if you use a shout, you'll have to wait a minute or so before you are able to use it again. [*]Make sure you have the shout (or the correct one) "equipped" - it's under the magic menu. If it's none of those just say so and we'll see what else we can do.
  5. Could you provide more information, please? Such as what console you use (360/PS3/PC), and more specific details on when this issue occurs? Is it just a time thing or does it happen right after you do some sort of action? If you use the PC, you should try out this test and report back on what it says (you should be able to link us to your results). /me facedesk.
  6. 700 members. Unfortunately there is no $10,000 prize to give.

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      what about a celebratory round of champagne? wait, i have a pair. make it a round of beers

  7. Jack Nicholson as a struggling lumberjack who is hired to watch one of the remote mountain inns with his wife and young son during the winter. Chris Sarandon as the vampire master of some cave. It's an easy cave. I would totally buy that movie as long as you take Robert De Niro out and replace him with Liam Neeson. The Dragonborn will be the fat guy from the Hangover.This is the best thread of all time.
  8. First of all let me just say that I'm amazed that that name was still available here. Congratulations and welcome to the site. :smile:Leonardo Dicaprio as a lovable vagabond in the thieves guild. Liam Neeson as some old wanderer that teaches you some ancient combat style. John Noble needs to be a beggar in Whiterun (he played Denethor II, the crazy steward of Gondor in LotR) that lays next to the white tree all day.
  9. You have 999 posts. Also, that post of yours I made fun of in IRC was the only one that had a "Like" after I checked. I have had my crow.

    1. Blake


      I still don't understand what "I have had my crow" means. But congratz on the inevitable 2k posts.

  10. Oh, yeah. Sorry, the threads are running together in my mind today and I must have thought I already linked to that test.I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what the problem would be at this point. I've ran into people who have had problems with the audio files, but your issues go beyond having audible dialogue. I'm not really a PC gamer/enthusiast/expert, so if you feel that the problem is PC-specific (i.e. hardware/software conflicts) you might be better off posting this on a more PC centric forum. I will say that it is possible that your game save is the issue, which would explain why re-installing the game didn't fix anything (assuming you just reloaded your same previously broken save). Sometimes using console commands during a quest can break things down the line later in the game, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. One quest that was legitimately bugged could have led to others after the console commands were used. Unlikely, maybe, but if creating a new character/save doesn't have any of the same issues, your original save was probably corrupted.
  11. Neat concept but I really don't know what was up with the acting/outfits.
  12. Alright, so let me get this straight. Is there just no dialogue at all (i.e. no text or anything)? Or are the NPC's going through their usual motions without audible voices?Oh, and can you link me to your results from the requirement test? Just want to know what your sound card/driver is.
  13. Make sure you've searched around the entire area for the staff. It could be in a chest, in the inventory of an enemy, or if it was separated during the fight it could be off somewhere else in the room. If it's for-sure disappeared, you may just have to reload a previous save and do that section of the quest again.
  14. Yeah, if you have a lot of mods installed I'd disable them temporarily and see if that fixes anything.
  15. Appendicitis? Interesting read, you've certainly done a great thing in your life that few others have. I know I personally could never do something like that, so thankfully there are people like you out there.
  16. You can update all of your drivers in the device manager. It's usually a pretty simple process. You can also generally download/install them from the website of whatever make your PC is (e.g. Dell, HP, etc.)
  17. The mask should remain in the stock of the store you sold it in for 2 days. After 2 days, the store's items will revert. After that point, I believe the wooden mask will respawn at Labyrinthian (according to the wiki).
  18. LOL this is the only thing I could think about the whole time the glitch was happening...I played that in the background while watching the glitch a good three times. Fits it perfectly in my opinion. :laugh:I've heard of this happening before but I'm not a huge PC gamer so I don't personally have Skyrim on it. Before anything else, let us know some specs by running this. You should be able to link us to the results you get. Remember to turn off your ad blocker for the site temporarily as the results aren't basic html.
  19. Unfortunately you're not able to get married more than once. For all we know this may change in some future patch/DLC, but as of now it's impossible - even if your spouse is killed.
  20. The Google user is Google's bot indexing all of the pages on the site in its search engine. Facebook is always on because they essentially follow you wherever you go when you're logged in on FB, which should probably scare you.
  21. I actually haven't done them yet, though I have most unlocked. I read somewhere that "they were pointless platformer missions" so I skipped. Are they worth doing?
  22. Here's information on how to delete it on the 360:[media=] Note that you likely won't be able to play on any save file that has already been saved over after having been used after an update/patch. Let us know if it works!
  23. Only when Google does something amusing.
  24. If you're going to use mstly 2h then you could use the perks for one handed in other things. It's really up to you which you choose, go 2h if you're going to try to be in more open combat. If you like the sneaky/stealth/backstab aspect of the game you may want to consider 1h/dagger.As far as health and stamina, I personally feel like health is a given and every build should put at decent amount into it. With that said, I've never done an archery build or one like this so stamina will be more important. Early on you'll probably want to put a bit extra into stamina like you said. When you get to higher levels you can always buff one with enchanting.
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