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Everything posted by David

  1. It's good to know you were able to find it. I don't think I managed to locate it until after I already had 100 Smithing/Enchanting.
  2. New Features and Updates Revised Content Page Our old "Guides" page has really been showing its age for a long time, and I've been meaning to re-code it for months now. I've finally gotten around to it, and although it's no where near where I think it needs to be, I believe it's much better than it was before. To better reflect the content of the page, I've renamed it from "Guides" to "Guides & Articles" (this will probably just be shortened to "Content" when people become more familiar with it). This change has also caused a slight re-ordering of the navigation bar, so that's why it was done if you've accidentally been clicking on the wrong application recently. Article Image Slider First up is a dynamic script that rotates articles and their descriptions alongside a large, related image. It has the usual features: automatic transitions, dozens of transition animations (some work better than others), manual controls, etc. The script in action, with all of its automatic glory. It's a pretty nifty addition, as it's able to pull the necessary information related to the articles out of our database automatically. It might not excite the standard guest much past whatever visual appeal it has, but as an Administrator I'm really excited about it. It only had a price tag of about $3.00, so as soon as Blexun stated he was in love with it I knew we must have it. New Block Designs To make a long story short, our old content page had a myriad of issues that began and ended with the blocks that featured articles. They had a horrific Web 1.0 look, wrapped unevenly, and always looked pretty messy in general. An example of our old look. After finally tiring of it, I spent a good two days and far too many hours trying to redesign the page. I made a lot of progress, and ended up with numerous different looks that I believed all look fantastic. Unfortunately, after implementing many of these designs I discovered just how impossible it was to look good on screens that were either small or have low resolutions. On my widescreen 1080p display, the blocks looked much different with one design than they did when I switched to a monitor with a 1024x768 resolution. A design would look fantastic on my high-res screen, only to look horrible on those with low-res. The low-res designs looked awful on high-res screens. I went back and forth for what seemed like ages, and I ended up trying to make a compromise so we have something that doesn't - at the very least - look horrible on either one. The end result should look more or less the same on all displays, and fortunately eliminates many of the ugly bugs that the previous incarnation had (in theory). The new look. Blocks should generally remain the same size as other blocks and center their contents, regardless of slight variations in screen resolution and size now. If you have anything 1024x768 or above, it should look pretty solid. I'm interested in hearing feedback from people as I can't really test this myself. Again, this is probably going to change eventually. I was much less happy with it than I was with a few of the other high-res looks, but the fact of the matter is that it's nigh impossible to code something that's going to look the same to all users. Different operating systems, browsers, screen resolutions, color settings, and many other things all factor in to vastly different looks. You end up having to try to go for the lowest common denominator, and more often than not it doesn't scream sexy as a result. Article Submissions Pretty much all of this is going to fly right over everyone's head, but I'll include it for the few of you (Blexun and future Editors) who care or will be using this in the future. The rest of you can hopefully just be convinced that I do occasionally accomplish something here. Form Redesign In one of those rare instances I'm actually trying to make something look worse in-order to improve usability, I've changed the article form to include way too many <HR> (horizontal rule) elements so publishers can actually see which directions go to what form. Part of the form required when adding articles and guides. Having done that, I also changed many of the fields and directions to be more self-explanatory. I've included the requirements for the images, maximum character lengths, and explanations of all options. Hopefully it helps make it all seem less daunting. Article Template As seen in the form above, I also created an option for an article template that I've custom coded for our content. Depending on whether you select "Generic" (normal articles) or "Skyrim" (everything somewhat related to Skyrim, obviously) guests will see one of two different footer messages automatically added to the end of your article. First of all, the default Generic... Or the often-used Skyrim version... In the future I expect the templates to be drastically different, but for now the guest footer message is all I've included. Custom Images and Advertisements If you were paying attention to those last two images, you probably noticed that we now have pretty sexy new images promoting Elder Souls. These were all made by our RuneScape Category Moderator, Anarchy, who was kind enough to devote his talents to us for free and has so far made us several different versions... These will slowly replace/rotate with existing advertisements in various locations on the site. Staff Updates Going right along with our re-worked articles system, we've recently introduced a new staff position: Publisher. This name isn't final, but I expect it will stick around a little while longer unless someone comes up with something more suitable soon. Anyways, this position will be primarily tasked with writing and submitting new articles to our database. Our most recent (and first) promotion to this position is Squishyman, who has already completed a fantastic article, The Different Types of Gamers. Open Positions We're always going to be looking to acquire new volunteers who are interested in writing and publishing their own content, so if you're interested in this position I recommend checking out our most recent staff application. Miscellaneous Last (and also least), was a small change to our forum navigation. I replaced "Elder Souls" on the forum tree navigation with a small home symbol. I don't know why I'm even including this; probably to see if anyone actually noticed it. It solves some issues with wrapping on low resolutions, although the benefit is probably negligible . A small, cozy home button. Please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below! I will be reading all of them.
  3. I just want a Nexus line QWERTY phone. Apparently Google is releasing 5 of them next cycle so maybe my dream will come true. I do mostly texting/internet-browsing on my phones so the sliding keyboard is way better than the virtual thing imo.
  4. David

    Dovahkin Sketch

    Pretty good, definitely better than anything I could ever draw. Dovahkiin has two i's though.
  5. The ones in my signature? They do look pretty sweet, don't they. They even have explanation text when you hover over them without moving the cursor. You jelly?
  6. The answer is the bar North of Varrok; the one right on the edge of the old wildy line. It's really quite obvious if you make a code out of all of his capitalized letters and take into account his intro story.Thanks for playing, losers.
  7. Just write a script that pings the link every 15mins.
  8. Do you mean Arniel Gane?You're supposed to be trapped in a room at one point in the quest. As soon as you pick up the Saarthal Amulet the trap is triggered. After that, you need to equip the amulet and then cast a TARGET spell at the wall to collapse it. You can use the "Flames" spell, which I believe everyone innately has.
  9. I've thought about it a bit, and I think I've come up with the "in-between casual and hardcore" category that a lot of people are talking about.I generally only buy/play the triple AAA titles; the biggest games of every year. With that in mind, I play all of the AAA titles across a wide range of genres: shooters, RPG's, Action/Adventure, etc. After those, I play maybe a few more "niche" games like NCAA Football that are specific to my interests.I don't know what I'd call that, but yeah.
  10. Yeah, you MAY have to download and install the packs specifically for your desktop. I'm not sure if they're just a file change or if they're something that actually needs to be installed, so that's something to look into.Bethesda also released this statement about the system requirements for the packs, which are higher than vanilla Skyrim... I still recommend turning down the graphics/details to see if that solves anything.
  11. I'm confused with what you've done with the packs. Did this issue start to happen after the high res texture pack was added? It sounded like you didn't originally have them on the desktop when it was working. Try removing them and/or lowering the graphics details a bit, if it's only crashing when you're in "Skyrim" as opposed to buildings it sounds like it could be memory.
  12. David

    Valentines Day Cards

    Just because it was taken from 9gag doesn't mean that's where it originated. Does everything that gets added second-hand to 9gag automatically become bad?
  13. Before getting into anything else I'd recommend disabling all modifications, as it sounds like that's your issue. Especially if it worked fine on the desktop before adding additional things when you used your laptop.
  14. Yes, assuming you're not stage 4, during which everyone will attack you indiscriminately. Here's a guide that has more information on the various stages: http://eldersouls.com/page/index.html/_/guides/skyrim/how-to-curebecome-a-vampire-in-skyrim-r15If you have any additional questions feel free to reply.
  15. A very well crafted article. I had quite a few laughs at the "how to find one" descriptions of each type.I don't really know what I'd call myself. I may have been hardcore at one point, but I've found myself slowly moving away from video games. I don't play them much anymore, though when I do I'm certainly not casual. If there was a Hardcore Lite, I'd probably award that to my former self.
  16. Wisdom teeth removed. About to begin day 3 of nothing but jello and pudding. The frightening thing is that eating is so lame now I'm never even hungry.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      You had me at pudding.

    3. Jake


      I'm probably going to get mine removed soon. Since I've already had braces, letting my wisdom teeth make my mouth all crooked would be a bit of a waste.

    4. Raidenaut


      I still have all my wisdom teeth ...and I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. My teeth been killing me for weeks! wish me well!

  17. I don't believe I welcomed you to the site, so... Welcome! I's always good to see a new member actively involving themselves in discussions. I've read parts of your fanfiction so far and it's quite good; perhaps you'd be interested in applying for an article writer position here. :)

    1. Phantom


      Thanks, if that other post worked, awesome. Otherwise I think the site ate my comment.

      And maybe...

    2. Phantom


      /feels like idiot... :P

  18. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  19. I hope it works for the PS3, I've wasted numerous hours waiting for items to appear in stores. What is the "Guide" button?I actually just recently learned it's possible to zoom the camera way out. I'd previously been playing with it completely zoomed in and thought I had some sort of bug.
  20. I think this is going to be my next character. Archery + One-Handed for combat, then Enchanting and Smithing. I don't know if I'd invest anything in Light Armor as I'd probably be running around in Nightingale most of the time.Option 1 is what I'd go with.
  21. We don't have a specific forum for it right now, but you can post it in the "Off Topic" forum. We may have a dedicated place soon.Oh, and welcome to the site! Feel free to PM me if you have any suggestions or anything.
  22. David

    Nocturnal on Skooma

    I actually just bothered to finish this quest tonight. Couldn't separate myself from the Skeleton key.
  23. This is a good thread, containing many good tips. Perhaps even worthy of being promoted to an article so it has more exposure. Did you write this yourself?I personally recommend Avira/Avast over AVG, but I've read that AVG has been stepping up their game recently. Similarly I would not buy McAfee due to horrible personal experiences, and Norton (although much better than it was) still lags behind some competitors if you're going to go the paid route.I also recommend WOT (Web of Trust), which is a free Firefox add-on (possibly other browsers as well). It gives each web site a rating based on what viewers have rated it; malicious sites are easy identified before you even venture to them on google listings and the like.
  24. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

    1. KingofSpain


      have you ever thought about putting a chatbox in your forum maybe where a member could ask a quick question

    2. David


      Yes, we've had one before but it's currently down temporarily. If you have a Skyrim Question, the forum of the same name is generally the best place because then others can look up the answers too. Things tended to get lost in the chat room/box.

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