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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Weet-bix, partially because I doubt anyone here will know what they are.But my all time favourite would be lucky charms, too bad we don't have them (or anything similar to them) here sine they would never pass nutritional standards. (Although its probably for the best, same with pop tarts)
  2. Until I saw this I thought this might have actually been serious.
  3. Also I noticed it says your a diplomat, is that a mistake? because I didn't see an application topic but we do really need more diplomats.
  4. Welcome to the clan. I look forward to having you around
  5. So my last post was about how I had finished exams and would be more active so i thought I should explain why that hasn't happened yet. Basically since I couldn't get the other members I was doing a group assignement with to participate and my lecturer couldn't even contact them he gave me last years data (since the other people in my group had all of our results) and asked if I could get the report done by the end of the week so I've been working my ass off on that. As soon a...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nathan


      Wow that's awesome. And I finished my assignement today so we should be able to at least get recruiting going well which will eventually make everything else in the clan run smoother.

    3. Tynisa


      Wow. We such a good team right now! Yesterday i nearly recruited nobody, again. Hard work.

    4. Nathan
  6. Yeah thats basically what I was getting at but in way too many words XD This is what Judges are meant to be for, to interpret what the purpose of the law was (eg, the "castle law" clearly isn't meant to allow someone to kill anybody who enters there house, and likewise safety laws aren't meant to cover people who are doing something illegal)
  7. I'm really surprised he got away with that, usually what i hear about is the opposite situation when someone robs someone then falls and injures themselves on the property they robbed then sue the owners. I know under Australian federal law you are allowed to defend yourself with equal force (ie. if someone tries to punch you and you feel its necessary you can punch them, but you can't beat them to a pulp or shoot anyone unless they try to shoot you) and I thought america had something equivalent (although I guess over there state law has control over a lot more). It really sucks that people can't work out the purpose of laws like this, or atleast have a reasonable idea of justice. The way the media covers this though is stupid, clearly these weren't lovely law abiding citizens (who somehow managed to legally attempt to rob a house) like this article makes out. Like you said popularity is completely irrelevant, if it was then it could be acceptable to just murder nerdy unpopular kids. Typical of the media to think popularity's is important though, and I guess that's partly fueled by the public who care far more about whats happening with celebrities than to someone they've never heard of. tl;dr? WTF! WHATS WRONG WITH THE WORLD!?!?!!?!!!1!!?
  8. Finished my last exam today, will be more active soon since I don't start back at uni for another few months. :)

  9. I voted yes simply because I don't think it will make a huge difference to me, I never really did much combat anyway so if I quit its simply because I've lost interest in the game as a whole.
  10. Sorry to double post but I just thought people might be interested in how I've found the app and this probably wouldn't be seen otherwiseOne of the main problems I've noticed is that it will often show the wrong avatar (eg the avatar next to a post made by traag will appear as squishys avatar), which makes reading topics sometimes quite confusing and difficult to follow.As mentioned before There are some weird problems when adding a community, for example when I tried to add elder souls it kept telling me the URL was wrong, and I couldn't close the add a community tab. Eventually I managed to close it and I'd given up on it only to see that it had added the site every time it told me it failed to. So I ended up with elders souls about 15 times on my list of communities.Typing is pretty good, particularly for a mobile device although some options such as bullet points and headings are unavailable.However the only thing it does that you can't just do using the Internet on your phone is that it sends you push notifications. So it's handy but if you did have to pay for it, it's not worth it.
  11. I just noticed this. Wow I really am tired.
  12. I take full responsibility for the lack of applications at the moment, since that's my responsibility and I haven't actually done much recruiting for ages since other things have gotten in the way, when I have though people generally aren't interested in joining our clan, they're either after an active clan with lots of activity or a new one with barely any members that they can start up.Add to that the lack of interest people have for Runescape now, and yeah, maybe it is time to look at expanding into different games.
  13. The only thing I can think of is that not as many people are interested in Skyrim now, and as you mentioned that people are busy with school. But I still find it weird that people aren't registering. Another thing I just thought of is maybe that we don't have a whole lot of discussion going on about more recent games that people would want to contribute to.
  14. That surprises me, I'm only about halfway through but from what I've played of it, its awesome, and I have no idea what that inconsistency remark is about. The only thing I can think of is that its inconsistent to the previous games, in that the gameplay is very different but it kind of has to be and it was made obvious way before it came out that it was going to be different.
  15. Damnit! I just read that its not going to have anything to do with the existing expanded universe stuff. Which sucks because canonically the major villain at the time this is meant to be set is Grand Admiral Thrawn who is freaking awesome and unfortunately won't be in it at all.
  16. Yeah, I heard it was going to be a trilogy based 20 years after Return of the Jedi.It would be interesting if they did something with the existing expanded universe canon (Like Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo, and Lowbacca etc.) but I doubt they will, they'll probably start something completely new that doesn't really fit in and clashes with canon.
  17. I'm pretty sure your allowed to use the lamps (it says in the rules that any xp given by jagex is okay)
  18. I found it really hard to get started, I used the same URL the whole time and eventually it worked. Basically there's bits of it, like adding a community, that aren't very user friendly.
  19. lol, best topic ever...of all time.My signature does need work...I planned to only use it briefly and then never changed it, and can never find the time.The colours do need work though, I'm gonna do that now. (I rarely look at my sig but I noticed it the other day when they were burning my eyes)Anyway once again awesome topic. [edit] changed the colours, there not great but at least their not as in your face as before.
  20. Cool, I'll check it out. Not really needed to much since you can access it through safari anyway but may be easier to use in an app. I'll let you know what I think of it once I've had some time using it. Thanks for letting us know
  21. Nathan

    Master Assassin Anarchy

    Yeah, I know right. Maybe it appeals to bots somehow?
  22. That sucks. Its strange that when I initially posted about that they said they were going to still stick to their roots and try and do the same stuff but in a different way, that was obviously bullshit though.
  23. Has anyone else been watching Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn. I've been meaning to watch it and only just watched the 3 episodes that are out at the moment (I believe another episode comes out tomorrow (Friday)) Its really cool, I highly recommend it.

  24. Yeah, I figured as much, thats why I said it might work in theory.
  25. Its seems so weird to me that you don't have to vote in the US, I guess in theory it could work better because then the only people voting are people who know what they're doing.
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