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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Awesome photos, looks like a really nice area
  2. Considering going, If i can wake myself up at 6am (and if i've converted the time right, lol)
  3. Nathan

    Dovahkin Sketch

    From the album: Deathirst's Gallery

    Just a really rough Skyrim Sketch
  4. From the album: Deathirst's Gallery

    Another Fairy Tail Avatar to match my signature, this one has more variations from the signature but still hopefully clearly matches it.
  5. Nathan

    Natsu & Happy Avatar

    From the album: Deathirst's Gallery

    Fairy Tail avatar to match my signature.

    © Deathirst

  6. Nathan

    Natsu Signature

    From the album: Deathirst's Gallery

    Signature Featuring Natsu Dragneel from the manga/anime Fairy Tail, with the Exceed (cat) Happy. With the Fairy Tail Guild logo in the background. The font, Characters and logo were not by me.

    © Background and the actual Signature (c) Deathirst, 2012

  7. Sounds cool, I don't think I'll be able to take part unfortunately, but still it seems like a really unique interesting event
  8. My internet has been shaped so I doubt I'll log onto rs today. If I do, won't be for long. Fortunately gets reset tomorrow so won't be down for too long.

  9. I got P2P Now :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anarchy
    3. Blake


      play with me

    4. Nathan


      Sure, but I'm still trying to get used to everything so im going to be a complete noob for a while.

  10. Congratulations and Good luck, I look forward to seeing how well you take on your respective roles.
  11. Nathan

    My return

    Yeah, Anarchy's probably the other person I remember really well other than you guys (at least of those that are still here and I have good memories of, like i remember Shampoo but mainly because of that stupid cancer incident.). And I thought that was probably the case...especially since I couldn't remember actually posting anything saying I was quitting for good.
  12. Nathan

    My return

    Looking at it now most of the results do link to this site, maybe it was just google trying to return results that it thought were relevant to me (ie the sites I'd been to more) since I think most of the times I tried it I was on my old computer that I probably used to use to play runescape and browse the forums. Really why? I can't even remember how I left, whether I officially quit or just gradually stopped logging on. Great to see your still here to, being one of the few members I actually remember fairly well. I was really pleased to see Traag was in charge and you were a high ranking member as well. Anyway, once again its Awesome to be back and I'm looking forward to getting p2p so that I can actually play with you guys and go to events and stuff since I'll actually be able to carry stuff...
  13. Nathan

    My return

    So, Finally returned to Runescape and to the clan For a while I've considered rejoining the clan but I couldn't find it since the old website was down (with no link to the new one) and through searching TRR or the Runescape Rebelz all I could find were old recruitment posts which linked to the old website (ironically many of them were posted by me from my time in the Recruitment Team). Similarly I thought about playing Runescape again but I really wanted my old account back (I'd forgotten the password) and I sent recovery requests several times but never even got a response until the last time I sent one and I was immediately sent a link to change my password at about the same time I decided to search for the clan on the official Clan list thing, and found it instantly so I decided to rejoin. And here I am. Unfortunately I haven't been able to do much on Runescape yet since my Bank account is far beyond the F2P limits (and theres nothing I really want to get rid of) so I won't be doing much until I get Members, (which I intend to do soon). My crappy computer doesn't really help either. Once that is all done I plan to do a lot more in the clan since I no longer have to work around school hours (I still have uni but I can be a lot more flexible about that). Its funny to think that TRR was actually what got me interested in Manga/Anime when there was a post about it and Death Note was mentioned so I decided to watch that and now I'm a huge manga fan (yes I have even gone to conventions, all though both times it was mainly because members of the RoosterTeeth Staff went). So yeah...brief explanation of what's been happening with me since leaving the clan, I really look forward to catching up with all the old clan members I remember as well as meeting newer ones
  14. I basically need to upgrade to members before I can do anything on Runescape :/

  15. Back in the Clan :D Now I just need to get used to RS again.

  16. Really interesting stuff, a lot of its from when I was last in the clan. Quite a bit of it I wasn't aware of at the time but it brings back memories of stuff I'd almost completely forgotten about.
  17. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Deathirst1 Your RuneScape account's... Total Level: 1321 F2P/P2P: F2P (Might get P2P soon) Combat: 82 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Umm...Yeah sort of. This one, lol Where did you hear about TRR? I was part of it Aaaaages ago, quit runescape and at somestage left the clan too. I recovered my runescape account so I've been playing a little bit and thought at the very least it would be awesome to catch up with you guys. What were your first impressions of us? AWESOME. and then once I was a member for a while STILL AWESOME. And then now, cool still some of the people I know and its STILL AWESOME Why do you wish to join our clan? I was part of the clan ages ago and had a lot of fun. I'd like to rejoin catch up with the people I know and meet some new awesome people. And hopefully since I now have a lot more free time than I ever did when I was last a member, since I've finished school I should be able to join some of the clan events. I missed you guys
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