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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Nathan

    Clan Citadel

    Damn, I thought so but oh well.
  2. Nathan

    Clan Citadel

    Just wanted to say good job guys Also how does the resource carry over thing work because if we get to keep all our bars then we have enough bars for a few weeks XD
  3. ummm...I don't think that counts XD
  4. Level Milestone 30100 PostsDonated $15I was going to wait till I got to 40 milestone to save some trouble but I thought you might notice I had 100 posts and award me in advance (like when i reached 50) so I thought I may aswell.)Thanks in advance
  5. Yep. Kind of stupid really...I used mine mostly on herblore (coz im so sick of trying to train that) and then the rest on summoning and construction.
  6. There's already a thread about this (in the link snuggles posted) but basically some people claim they have been able to while most people say they can't, so at the very least its glitchy. Hopefully its something that will be fixed in a future update, possibly even in Hearthfire, (which would make sense since its basically all about homes)
  7. The video is pretty lame, the actual content sounds good though,
  8. This looks cool, Its awesome that its coming out so soon too. I really should get back into skyrim and get dawnguard as well. It really sucks the way they're treating Ps3 users though.
  9. This is a really awesome and unique event idea. Great job
  10. That's a cool site, I've signed up on it and sent you a friend request
  11. I tried to check before but Solomons store always plays up on me. I'm glad they're also eventually going to add it to the loyalty store, that seems like a much better way of doing it.[edit] its 378 rune coins, not sure how much that is in rl money
  12. Nathan

    Clan Citadel

    Just capped, we're just 999 stone off upkeep for the week, that's one persons work, However if we don't get that in the next 17 hours, the extra 3000 wood we have for the avatar habitat will be for pretty much nothing. Pretty good effort this week (compared to usual) even if it is a little disappointing that we don't have as many resources as our visitor count would suggest. It's better than what we usually have where a few people work really hard to get upkeep but then we don't have enough visitors. To those that don't skill at the citadel, you should definitely consider it, see my previous post for some of the reasons why.
  13. Rofl, Jagex should check with Huygens for new ideas from now on, maybe that will help improve the game
  14. I plan on watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann at some point. Also its interesting that you say you don't have the time to read the manga, I actually generally do it because its quicker to read, but I can definitely agree with the multi-tasking thing, manga requires your full attention in order for you to have any understanding of whats going on...and even then sometimes its far more difficult than it would be in anime (mainly fight scenes)
  15. So as far as I can tell we don't have one of these at the moment, and I know there are quite a few people here who do like anime/manga, (Because there seems to be a lot of crossover between gamers and anime/manga fans. Anyway I decided to make one, I had started one in the premium forums until I realised that was a stupid place to put it.So anything you want to discuss about manga and anime can go here.Only rules are if you are about to talk about something that could be considered a spoiler put it in spoiler tags, and give warning that you are about to spoil something, and of course all the general forum rules including no flaming, so you can't just go bagging anime or manga, you were welcome to say why you particularly may not enjoy the genre or specific series but yeah...So to get things going what anime have you watched and Which Manga have you read? (also I'm assuming people know the difference if not feel free to say so)So I started watching anime a few years back (I actually saw a post about it in the TRR forums and that's what got me started) The spoiler tags below have my history of anime/manga, there aren't any spoilers its just kind of long.
  16. Nathan

    Clan Citadel

    So I've had a few people in the cc and on the forums what the benefits of using the citadel are. I recently saw this section of an article on RS wiki which I thought summed it up well."The immediate reward for skilling in the citadel is experience. For every action done, experience is gained in the relative skill. The experience rate in the citadel is not as fast as can be obtained on the surface, but it is completely free - no tools are required to do any action, nor is any resource gathered elsewhere. All the citadel resources are confined to the citadel.A secondary reward for helping in the citadel is a clan ring, which gives a limited amount of 1.5× bonus experience when skilling on the surface. For more details, see below.Consecutively earning a clan ring will award clan fealty, up to a maximum of level 3 fealty after 3 weeks. The fealty level gives bonus experience when skilling in the citadel, as long as a clan cape is owned (15%, 30% or 45% for level 1, 2 or 3 fealty respectively). There is also an additional reward at level 3 fealty, which provides bonus experience in a skill of your choice every week. The experience received is equivalent to what the Jack of Tradesaura gives, or what a pair of Strange rocks in the skill will give. Maintaining the rank 3 fealty means you can obtain the weekly experience.Finally and most importantly, you are directly helping out the clan. All resources you gather go directly into helping out the citadel in its upkeep and upgrades. "(Please Note this is copied directly from runescape.wikia.com)Also I'm assuming from the goals that we're aiming for an avatar habitat this week?
  17. So Hows my background looking at the moment, I know the right side looks stupid (in my resolution anyway) and so does the bottom part of the image where it starts to tile. I'm kind of thinking of just making one huge image with lots of characters, but the file size would be huge.

    1. David


      Looks pretty good. There's something on both sides even at max resolution all the way down to minimum, so it's already better than 99% of things people choose.

    2. Nathan
  18. From the album: Deathirst's Gallery

    Again just mucking around.
  19. Congratz Man, I'm sure you'll do a great job and I look forward to seeing your events.
  20. Nathan


    glad you like it
  21. There were going to be movies about them leading up to the Avengers similar to captain america and hulk, they're also 2 of the original Avengers. (I believe they almost had the full team, they were just missing Scarlet Witch, Ant Man, and Dr Strange[the latter 2 are probably going to have movies leading up to Avengers 2], there could be more though, I'm not certain). But I doubt they'll ever have the complete original team as they will probably put spiderman and maybe even wolverine in the next Avengers movie since they've been members of the Avengers/New Avengers/West Coast Avengers at some point.Also sorry for replying to such an old topic just thought I could share a bit of what I know/think in case there was someone who was interested.
  22. Nathan


    From the album: Deathirst's Gallery

    I was bored so I just did this quick sketch. I hope Traag doesn't mind (I don't think he will, it turned out pretty cool.) If anyone wants me to do something similar for them I would be happy to do so. (I'm thinking about doing something for Anarchy ie. Assassin in TRR colours)
  23. Its also not like its cheap either, I mean consoles sell appearance stuff now too, but its cheaper than there other stuff...on the other hand some of the stuff in Solomons store is really expensive, especially the assassins outfit.Not that I personally would buy it if it were cheaper but I'd be far more willing to accept it. More bank space would be awesome, and yeah thats something I would consider buying.
  24. So I've noticed a few things I need to fix with my profile background but I'd like some input from you guys before I actually do that. Also I strongly encourage anyone who is able too donate to become a premium member to support the site and access cool new features like this.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nathan


      Yeah, I'm going to have to work on trying to get it to fit, not quite sure how I'll do that to get it to work in different sized screens but I guess I'll figure it out. So I'll probably work on that tomorrow or the day after. At least it looks good when you can see it :)

    3. Nathan


      Just wondering do you know what size would be best?

    4. David


      1366x768 is probably the most common. 1912x1080 is the max. You can do the top 768 pixels and then place the images horizontally all the way across and then everyone can see it.

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