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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. I agree its not fair to stereotype Americans as the only country with gang violence. And I don't think thats being suggested however America as arguably the most powerful country at this point of time has far more gang violence. The examples you gave are countries that are not as economically developed nor are a lot of them recent (obviously the USSR has not been around for a long time). The claim that in the modern world guns are a norm is not really a valid statement. In most countries (I'm talking about more economically developed countries of course African countries still have a variety of issues including guns but they are also behind in terms of technology and social views, these are countries with lots of civil war and power struggles which America does not have.) I think you'll find in most developed countries (the UK, Australila, Germany etc.) guns are heavily regulated. And although there are incidents where people obtain guns illegally through the black market, its quite rare. I can only really speak from whats most relevant to me but for example uniform gun laws in Australia were only introduced in 96 and already gun violence is extremely rare. Something I heard recently is that one reason that may have worked so well is because it was introduced by a conservative government and perhaps if Romney had won the election and was put into the position where he had to review the gun laws then people would accept it far more easily. And of course people who need guns (eg farmers or even for recreational hunting.) can still obtain guns its just regulated far better. A lot of Americans seem to think that they are looking to completely outlaw guns which obviously wouldn't work. Anyway Traag your response seemed really well written and your opinion on it is clear and well supported. Good luck with it
  2. I like the new skin. It looks a lot more professional and organised to me. Most other sites I visit are fixed width as well, like you said. It is good though that the old one is still available to give people the choice
  3. As people have said above get the cops involved. I saw in the other post where this happened to someone else that the police didn't do anything because of lack of evidence but if she took a picture that should be evidence in itself. Also regardless of what she thinks if she gave it to you its still becomes your property (just like if you had bought it from her or anyone else it's a verbal contract) and you said you had it for atleast 6 months so that should be enough to prove its yours without going too deep into contract laws. So yeah you should be able to get reimbursed for the damages either through insurance or through the legal system. Obviously you won't get your save data back though. I would probably hold off on getting people here to harass her if you want something actually done about it since in their eyes thats just going to make you look just as guilty. So yeah, good luck. Hope things get sorted out without too many hassles.
  4. Politics/Politicians suck. I was going to say more...but then I thought why bother.
  5. Maybe thats why I'm still okay with him. If by all the characters you're including other assassins (Altair, Ezio and Desmond) then that would be because they're all modelled after one guy (I can't remember his name but he voices Desmond and I'm fairly sure he voices Altair at least in the first game). Also at least its not as bad as Lucy was in AC2. Also perhaps they made him an unappealing character on purpose Anyway I should probably play this more before getting too involved in this topic. And squishy just for future reference if your interested to add spoiler tags you can either click the "Special BB Code" icon (next to the eraser) and select Spoiler or just do this : [spoiler]Bruce Wayne is Batman OMG![/spoiler]Which will look like this (Not just included for your sake squishy but also anyone else who might want to know)
  6. Fine I'll switch my vote from you to me then! lol, but seriously you deserve it more than me. I've had several periods of time where I've been really active whereas you have pretty much been constantly contributing to the site.
  7. I spoke briefly about this in the chat but I like Connor. (maybe I'm biased because he shares my brothers name XD) I can understand how you feel that he lacks personality or relatability (I know thats not a word but it sounds better so I'm using it) I think he does have personality its just a really complicated personality that makes him unpredictable. Mind you that may be what I like about him a lot of my favourite characters in anime are the quiet mysterious ones (for those who might be familiar examples would be Byakuya Kuchiki, Yuu Kanda). Something I've seen a lot is people saying that they spent a large amount of the game playing as Haytham however for some reason I got through Haythams story in only a couple of hours so maybe I just never got as invested into his character as other people did. Mind you I also really like Haytham I also totally agree that Desmond is a useless whiny loser (although I did gain a little bit more respect for him with that mission where he's climbing the cranes and stuff but at the same time they didn't really achieve much from that.) I don't think anyone likes Desmond and the people who don't think playing as desmond was the worst part of every game in the series are a very small minority. Also I have to point out I still haven't gotten all the way through it (I'm basically just after the Boston Tea party) as I wanted to finish Halo 4 first and I've barely gotten a chance to play that.
  8. Nathan

    Anyone here?

    Okay, thanks for your suggestions. I might be able to make it work I just have to find my enthusiasm again.
  9. Nathan

    Anyone here?

    The things is people don't want to join a clan thats dead. Some people will join new clans but not a clan like this that has been around for a while but is no longer active. I've kind of lost enthusiasm tbh
  10. Nathan

    Anyone here?

    So since I was put in charge of TRR almost a month ago we still haven't had anyone apply for any of the vacant staff positions nor have we had any of the existing staff reply as to whether they are still active. The only people to reply to my other post about the future of TRR were people who either no longer played the game or have moved on to other clans (even if they were still happy to be involved here). I understand that some people may have been too busy during the holiday season but based on the fact that there has basically been no response I assume nobody is really interested in helping revive this clan.
  11. I almost don't want to say because i don't want to make anyone feel worse, but I don't go back until nearly the end of next month (about the 25th)
  12. Theres not going to be anymore Batman movies in this continuity anyway (which makes it really weird that they seemed to be setting up things for future plot lines). I've heard that there is going to be a new Batman movie (starting from scratch, and its meant to be more child friendly) to go along with Man of Steel and some other DC movies to eventually do something similar to the avangers but with the justice league.
  13. Its boxing day, so some decent movies from the last couple of months finally come out here. I hate how they hold them back for boxing day especially since we've started getting movies before the US.

  14. I got a pullup bar and a couple of discworld books. Interesting contrast... I agree, but I've had it since it came out and I'm still only about half way through it since I wanted to finish the Halo 4 campaign first but my brothers hog the Xbox and I can't be bothered arguing. I'm somehow still spoiler free for both though (probably shouldn't have said that, lol). I just really wanted to rant about that...
  15. Your thinking of Harley Quinn (real name Harleen Quinzell), it would have been cool to see her in a movie since shes such an interesting character, but she's a relatively new character (her first appearance was in the 90s in the cartoon and it was a fair bit later before she was in the comics)
  16. From my experience its fairly difficult, and probably something you'll actually have to want to know (as in you actually find it interesting rather than you just think its useful so that you can persevere with it). The reason its so difficult is that you have to not only learn new words and letters but you have to learn several different alphabets essentially (katakana, hiragana etc) Then there's all the different meanings to words, and if you wanted to be able to speak it (which I imagine you would) then you also have to be aware that the way you pronounce words can completely change what they mean. There are also characters that act kind of like punctuation and/or conjunctive words. The example I was taught is that the sentence "I ate a small fish" can be changed to "the small fish ate me" based solely on where you put the characters "wa" and "no" (or something like that). Anyway, not discouraging you, if you want to do it you definitely should, just wanted to inform you based on my experiences.
  17. English. I learnt Japanese for a couple of years in high school (yr 7 and 8) I've forgotten most of it other than the basics, I also learned a bit more from anime/manga. I also know a few Chinese (Mandarin) words, definitely not enough to hold conversation (even though I have had people come up to me at performances and try to speak to me in Chinese, which puzzles me since I'm white and they're are other members of my team who are Chinese so obviously far more likely to speak Mandarin). I've actually always thought Latin would be useful to know, since I'm a science student, it would make scientific terms (particularly Biol) easier to remember.
  18. Nathan

    Last day

    I tried to quote u then but your right quotes on mobile really are broken (I can't even scroll down which makes it difficult to add my comment) I think it may also be a problem with the version of the forums as I've had issues with formatting on of as well (see the recruitment guide topic, that's all messed up) it may have something to do with the two modes (code mode and the one where you actually see the post how it will appear)Anyway I was going to say traag can't really do anything about mobile, then I realised you may not be talking about the app (ie using through your mobile browser) in which case he may have a bit more control.Also crazycow for some reason that reminds me of SGT Frog, where one of the main characters travels to earth to destroy it in 2000 but she gets there early, has a nap and oversleeps by a few years (I doubt anyone cares, especially since its not a very well known anime/manga but I'm bored and its too hot for me to feel like doing something else so I'm just going to make this post unnecessarily long to somehow cure my boredom) if anyone reads all this WTF? couldn't you be doing something else. Also this post was meant to have paragraphs but they don't seem to work on the app
  19. Nathan

    Last day

    Okay cool, I just wanted to make sure, because what I said afterwards could have been taken that way.
  20. Nathan

    Last day

    I'm not too sure that TV is a great source either. The media in general tends to misconstrue the truth to get a better story (or just because they're stupid) So I'm an idiot thinking I'm being a clever non-conformist? I'm wasn't saying that most people think its real, I know most people are aware the world is just as likely to end now as any other time, but there is a very small number of people who are actually concerned, and I'm just saying that its stupid that there are even that many people who believe the world is going to end.
  21. ? Anyway, now that the Christmas Quest is out, if anyones interested in organising an event to swap Gifts of Giving and stuff let me know. Since so far you're the only one to reply to this thread I'm guessing no one else is really interested.
  22. Nathan

    Last day

    Since Australia is about a day in the future, it would have already happened here so I'm dead XD I find it funny that there are still some people who believe in this mayan end of the world prophecy, firstly they later realised they miscalculated the date (it was actually months ago) and secondly the two people who originally discovered the artifact predicting this independently went back to have another look and both realized they had mistranslated it, its actually talking about a new cycle of birth and prosperity not destruction, lol.
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