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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. The only problem with that is that not everyone will be using it on the skill they're grouped into (I know I won't be, I'll probably be using it on skills that are more difficult to train) However I doubt anyone will try and give themselves an unfair advantage, but its still possible.
  2. I meant in terms of cm, inches etc not in pixels
  3. Nathan

    Clan Citadel

    So I remembered that the Avatar can skill so I got it to cap. And then we celebrated together XD But seriously we still need 2 more visits and any more skillilng would be appreciated, preferably wood as its more useful for building (we always have way more bars than we need so try and avoid that)
  4. Nathan

    Avatar Disco 4

    I was bored, Shutup
  5. Nathan

    Avatar Disco 3

    I was bored, Shutup
  6. Nathan

    Avatar Disco 2

    I was bored, Shutup
  7. Nathan

    Avatar Disco1

    I was bored, Shutup
  8. My thoughts exactly, at the same time though, it would be difficult to stop people who can use it from doing so, especially since people who aren't participating should still be allowed to use the avatar. I was also thinking of the bonus xp from the promissary note (especially since we're meant to get more at the end of the month) that could really unbalance it.
  9. I thought the same thing until he said hes from Tanzania, and then I was like well crazier shit happens around there.
  10. I only just realized it is pretty big, The resolution is 1680x1050. I'm not sure on the actual monitor size (I cant find it anywhere on it, and I got it as a scholarship thing from my uni)
  11. Cool Desktops, This is mine at the moment http://i46.tinypic.com/2iidete.jpg kind of needs an update, Its also in desperate need of a tidy up, as you can see.
  12. Hope you're able to get your internet working again soon
  13. Owned Communications: Only IRC atm but I could easily get others if needed Xbox 360: BoneyDeathirst -Halo (all) -Assassins Creed (although the multiplayer in those isnt great. -L4D2 PC: -Runescape (obviously) -Minecraft Other: I've got more multiplayer games on Wii, but most of them probably aren't that good and I don't play much. The other games were all I could think of at the moment, might come up with more at some stage.
  14. Name: Deathirst Group:1 Other remarks:Just wondering what the rules are regarding boosts and the avatar etc.
  15. So I don't know who saw my Gaming News article, I was planning to do them weekly but I've missed this week because I've been to busy, so I'll catch up with it next week, I'm considering doing it fortnightly instead as that will mean I'll be able to put more content in at once and it will account for weeks where not much is happening.

    1. Nathan


      I was also planning to do a whole heap of recruitment stuff today but the internet has just been to slow for me today.

    2. Jake


      Sounds like a plan. At least it's more consistent than my articles. Mine are just done when they're done.

    3. David


      You can submit it a day or two late if you have delays, that's still better than skipping it until the next week.

  16. Hey guys, sorry for not being as active as I should be the last few days, I hoped I would be over it by now but I've still got a couple of assignements due in the next few days. After that I'll be working out a Recruitment event so hopefully that will make up for it :)

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      Awesome! good luck in your endeavors

  17. Nathan

    Clan Citadel

    so basically we are one visit and 414 wood off upkeep, it would be really good if we could reach that, also its a lot faster to reach that if you activate your buffs with the avatar. On that note, Where is the avatar? I haven't seen it in the citadel since Swaffle had it out a few days ago. And who is allowed to be an avatar warden? I'm just wondering because I'm thinking about using it as part of a recruitment drive soon if possible.
  18. I'll enter this, I'm just not sure which group I want to go in yet. Also I just noticed fishing is missing, Is there any reason for that? I would think it would be easier to group than dungeoneering.
  19. Thanks guys, I look forward to being able to help out more, and hopefully we'll get some diplomats at some stage to help with recruiting. :/
  20. Awesome Day, Promoted to Council and posted my first article, check it out if you haven't already.

    1. Jake


      You mean Content Team? We don't even have a council, unless you count Blex and Traag.

    2. Nathan


      No, I was also promoted to Council of TRR, lol

  21. Awesome I won't let you down
  22. Hi guys, welcome to my first gaming article. I'm going to aim to regularly provide you with gaming related news, including games and DLC that are coming out during the week, as well as new details on upcoming games and interesting news that relates to gaming from around the world. Game ReleasesThis week doesn't have a whole lot of games coming out, but here's we go anyway![*]On the 7th Mark of the Ninja will be released on Xbox Live Arcade. [*]On the 11th Double Dragon Neon will be released on the PlayStation Network and XBLA [*]Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will also be released on the 11th for PS3 and Xbox 360 and will also be released on the WiiU at the end of the year. [*]Again on the 11th NHL 13 will be released on the PS3 and 360 [*]Hearthfire is released on the Xbox 360 Marketplace on the 4th, and will be released on other consoles at some later date hopefully. Hearthfire is, of course, the new DLC for Bethesda's amazing RPG Skyrim. I'm sure your at least aware of it, and we'll be giving you lots of content on this DLC. To summarize, it gives the player the ability to purchase land and build their own house as opposed to just buying an existing one. More information can by found here. PAXNow although there weren't many game releases to tell you about this week hopefully I can make up for that as there is a lot of gaming news. As you may be aware, PAX Prime (PAX being the abreviation for Penny Arcade Expo) was held in Seattle last weekend and lots of interesting things came out of that.[*]Firstly exciting details on the convention itself were announced. PAX 2013 is going to be a 4 day event and also (and this is particularly exciting for me) is going to have its first international event in Australia. [*]The Crew from Penny Arcade of course gets along great with the team from Rooster Teeth who announced details at PAX about their own convention which in 2013 will be a 3 day event. [*]Several upcoming games were available to play at PAX including Metal Gear Rising: Reveangance which was generally positively received and also the new Tomb Raider reboot. [*]Epic Mickey 2 was also previewed and new playable characters for the MMO Marvel Heroes were also shown for the first time in a trailer. [*]We also got more details on Assassins Creed 3, particularly on the storyline behind the new multiplayer, essentially the evil company Abstergo which serves as one of the main antagonists of the games has released the Animus to public as an entertainment device. To serve as a nice segway, attendees at PAX celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the loveable pink Nintendo Character Kirby by setting the world record for the most people blowing bubble gum at one time and place To do this they had to hold the bubble for 30 seconds; 536 people participated to outdo the previous record of 304 people, and were rewarded for their effort with a preview of Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition which will be released on the Wii. Weird and Interesting News from the World of GamingHere are a few of those odd things that you just can't get enough of.[*]A blurry shot in a Trailer for Halo 4 was analyzed by NeoGaf and apparently contains important plot points and spoilers including the primary antagonist (don't worry I will keep these spoiler free) [*]Capcom is investigating an incident were stolen German PS3 copies of the upcoming Resident Evil 6 were sold in a store in Poznan. The game's official release date is October 2nd. [*]Many of us have been warned about how playing games for too long can damage your eyes but researchers at McMaster University conducted a study that suggested First Person Shooters can help improve the eyesight of people with disabilities such as amblyopia and cataracts. [*]After helping create Angry Birds Space, NASA now plans on creating a MMO that simulates life on mars. It is estimated to cost $100 million. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and look out for future articles! Click here to view the article
  23. Hi guys, welcome to my first gaming article. I'm going to aim to regularly provide you with gaming related news, including games and DLC that are coming out during the week, as well as new details on upcoming games and interesting news that relates to gaming from around the world. Game ReleasesThis week doesn't have a whole lot of games coming out, but here's we go anyway! On the 7th Mark of the Ninja will be released on Xbox Live Arcade. On the 11th Double Dragon Neon will be released on the PlayStation Network and XBLA Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will also be released on the 11th for PS3 and Xbox 360 and will also be released on the WiiU at the end of the year. Again on the 11th NHL 13 will be released on the PS3 and 360 Hearthfire is released on the Xbox 360 Marketplace on the 4th, and will be released on other consoles at some later date hopefully. Hearthfire is, of course, the new DLC for Bethesda's amazing RPG Skyrim. I'm sure your at least aware of it, and we'll be giving you lots of content on this DLC. To summarize, it gives the player the ability to purchase land and build their own house as opposed to just buying an existing one. More information can by found here. PAXNow although there weren't many game releases to tell you about this week hopefully I can make up for that as there is a lot of gaming news. As you may be aware, PAX Prime (PAX being the abreviation for Penny Arcade Expo) was held in Seattle last weekend and lots of interesting things came out of that. Firstly exciting details on the convention itself were announced. PAX 2013 is going to be a 4 day event and also (and this is particularly exciting for me) is going to have its first international event in Australia. The Crew from Penny Arcade of course gets along great with the team from Rooster Teeth who announced details at PAX about their own convention which in 2013 will be a 3 day event. Several upcoming games were available to play at PAX including Metal Gear Rising: Reveangance which was generally positively received and also the new Tomb Raider reboot. Epic Mickey 2 was also previewed and new playable characters for the MMO Marvel Heroes were also shown for the first time in a trailer. We also got more details on Assassins Creed 3, particularly on the storyline behind the new multiplayer, essentially the evil company Abstergo which serves as one of the main antagonists of the games has released the Animus to public as an entertainment device. To serve as a nice segway, attendees at PAX celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the loveable pink Nintendo Character Kirby by setting the world record for the most people blowing bubble gum at one time and place To do this they had to hold the bubble for 30 seconds; 536 people participated to outdo the previous record of 304 people, and were rewarded for their effort with a preview of Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition which will be released on the Wii. Weird and Interesting News from the World of GamingHere are a few of those odd things that you just can't get enough of. A blurry shot in a Trailer for Halo 4 was analyzed by NeoGaf and apparently contains important plot points and spoilers including the primary antagonist (don't worry I will keep these spoiler free) Capcom is investigating an incident were stolen German PS3 copies of the upcoming Resident Evil 6 were sold in a store in Poznan. The game's official release date is October 2nd. Many of us have been warned about how playing games for too long can damage your eyes but researchers at McMaster University conducted a study that suggested First Person Shooters can help improve the eyesight of people with disabilities such as amblyopia and cataracts. After helping create Angry Birds Space, NASA now plans on creating a MMO that simulates life on mars. It is estimated to cost $100 million. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it and look out for future articles!
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