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Everything posted by Nathan

  1. Its sad how many people don't even read LFC messages before posting their advertisement template, I keep seeing them posted in topics where the person is actually trying to recruit people to join their clan but posted in the wrong spot, and then theres the ones who have things in their message like "Hello there [insert name here]" and don't bother to change those bits to the persons name *sigh*

    1. Tcee


      They duno how to be pro like us? :3

    2. Nathan


      lol, it seems they don't.

    3. Blake


      The worse I've seen was somebody who attempted to copy and paste the guys forum name, but must of accidentally copied his member title and avatar too. And he never changed it which made it hilarious.

  2. Yeah, I realised I should be fine now anyway. Just gotta make sure I wake up early enough, lol.
  3. I would like to, but I'm not sure I'll be able to, I still don't have much equipment after being hacked. The times not too great for me but I would be able to make it if not for the previous thing of not having armour and weapons at the moment.
  4. I voted yes to both but really I'm unsure as to whether its worth changing, it does currently give the impression that this is mainly a Skyrim community but at the same time I understand it would be really difficult to recover from moving and could just make everything far more confusing.
  5. I didn't realise Australia and NZ were such a big part of that, and yet we only have like 4 of our own worlds.
  6. I finally saw the Amazing Spiderman, it was pretty good, seemed to stick to the comics as much as possible. Going to see Batman in a few days. Really need to read some of my dads old comics. I also recovered my very first RS account :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nathan


      Yeah, although I never really liked those that much. I found it a lot more canonical to the comics which I love and Gwen was a way more interesting character than MJ ever was, atleast in the movies. The bits I was unsure of I can kind of understand as its their attempt at modernizing it a bit. As they put it the role of "nerds" has changed a lot since Spiderman first started so Peter's "nerdiness" is sort of different (almost hipster). Also I found Toby McGuire's spide...

    3. Nathan


      Also I found Toby McGuire's spiderman far to serious, whereas although there's still that side to him this one is more of the classic fun-loving, smart-ass spidey that I really enjoy.

    4. Nathan


      Yeah, about the backstory, I saw that they're actually plan on doing at least a Trilogy and all of them are going to put quite a bit of emphasis on spidey's origins which could be cool.

  7. I thought you needed to have played classic during the time period where they were closing it again...(also making you eligible for the classic cape/hood)
  8. Glad to hear you'll still be around on the forums We'll be sure to keep up the recruiting for you.The most important thing of course is that you and the baby are happy and healthy so good luck with that I hope it goes as well as possible, we'll be thinking of you
  9. Sounds like it, thought it might have been. Still considering other programs though just for more advanced features and stuff and the whole thing with it not supporting my tablet, even though my tablet is pretty standard (Wacom Bamboo Fun, loads of people have problems with it in Gimp and not anything else)
  10. Nathan

    Hacking Recovery

    For some reason I never got notified of these messages so I only just noticed them now. Anyway thanks guys, I'm almost to the point where I can make a reasonable amount of money myself now.
  11. 2 recruits in one day! I feel good about myself now :D

  12. [*]Total level 1200+ [*]Level Milestone-10 actually now I need Level Milestone-20 [*]Diplomat [*]Max Clan Citadel Fealty
  13. Okay guys, I've known for a while that I really suck at creating backgrounds but I've never really found any decent instructions or tutorials on how to do them well. For a reference of my past attempts at backgrounds have a look at my gallery on this site or my deviantART gallery (link in my signature). So I've seen some nice looking backgrounds from you guys so I wonder if you'd be able to either give me some advice or direct me to a good tutorial or whatever.Also I'm considering getting Photoshop, but I'm not sure since even with a student discount its $200, of course I could just torrent it or something but yeah... I'm currently using GIMP but with the latest update I'm kind of sick of it, I'm not sure whether its something that went wrong in installing it but now its more difficult to switch brush sizes, you can't just choose a smaller brush because it will stay the same size you have to go into tool options and change the size there (which is stupid). I know there's quite a few other free or cheaper alternatives to Photoshop out there so your opinions on those would be good too before I go downloading them.
  14. Nathan

    Dovahkin Sketch

    Only just saw this comment (I don't know why) glad you like it. Damn I knew it didn't look right when I wrote it, its been to long since I last played Skyrim.
  15. Nathan

    New Diplomat

    Good advice, I haven't really used it much yet...wasn't sure how well it works, but I'll give it a shot.
  16. Nathan

    New Diplomat

    Yeah, I kind of worked that out myself. I guess that means they can't get any higher than recruit in cc without joining the forums, since the role that comes with the higher ranks requires forum activity anyway, and I've had some people that were put off by the fact that they wouldn't be able to progress any further in the clan without going to the forums.So far I've only managed to get interest from the official forums since the fan sites aren't very active, and like you said they have a right to be cautious about it and I can completely understand why. Hopefully it picks up soon anyway.
  17. I'll try and donate, I've just gotta get my bank account sorted out so that I can do online transactions and stuff. Hopefully I can get that done in time. (if all goes well I should be able to donate tomorrow)
  18. Nathan

    New Diplomat

    Your not wrong about it being difficult. Especially since we require people to join the forums, it used to be kind of expected but now that runescape has official support for clans people don't really see the need for it and find it difficult to trust.
  19. Definitely most looking forward to AC3 and Halo4, I've pre-ordered the special editions of both. But there are so many other games that are coming out this year (and like you said quite a few that have come out already) I've given up on the hope of ever being able to play all the games I'm interested in.
  20. Nathan

    New Diplomat

    Wow, awesome, Thanks guys :DI won't let you down.
  21. So I was hacked a few days ago, when I found out I planned on getting rid of all my stuff and starting a new account, Thankfully everyone in the cc at the time discouraged me from doing that and I decided to atleast wait till I had calmed down (it wasn't just the being hacked thing either there were a few other things that were on my mind as well, it was just the thing that sent me over the edge). I was so unable to think straight that even though i suspected it was a keylogger or something I hadn't done any virus scans and it was only when someone in the cc insisted I clean my computer that I actually went and did it. As expected it was full of malware, hopefully I got rid of all of it. So for the last few days I've been changing all my passwords, creating different email addresses for different things (previously it all ended up in one place) which was a priority since my credit card and stuff could potentially have been at risk. Still working on a few things to make sure its as secure as possible but so far I think I'm pretty safe. So yeah...I'm not going to quit runescape, in fact I'm not even going to create a new account (or atleast not as my main) and I can't thank you guys who were discouraging me from doing that the other day. Its going to take a while to recover since they took everything that was decent, all my money, my dragon hatchet (which was my main source of income), 2 sets of rune armor (one trimmed), dragon helm, platelegs, scimitar, dagger++, EVERYTHING. There's one place that I don't think they've checked that might have a decent amount of valuable stuff, so I'm really hoping thats fine. Its kind of ridiculous how thorough they were. I mean they managed to log in as me in a few seconds (which is stupid surely Jagex should be more suspicious of someone logging in as me on a completely different computer with a completely different IP as 5 seconds ago and every other time I've logged in) and I had logged back in within 10 minutes, I still have no idea why they left me with a heap of seeds and bird nests in my inventory as well as giving me a few emeralds, I mean its nothing compared to what I had but why bother doing that? Oh well, I'll try and log in soon but I'm going to be a lot slower for a while and it might be hard for me to get back into it but I'll do it. (Plus uni starts back next week [edit: no it doesn't it starts back in a bit over a week from now.]
  22. Please delete this
  23. The game crashed, I seem to have died without a grave...Kept more than 3 items (and not in any order of value) and had a heap of seeds and nests in my inventory. items in my bank were also switched with other items or completely removed. Really frustrated, dont feel like playing (hopefully they fix it up but I doubt it)

    1. Nathan


      And then they locked my account for submitting a message to Tech support...at least they did something...

    2. gotab0ner4xmas
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