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Everything posted by gotab0ner4xmas

  1. "Life is like a penis: simple, soft, straight, relaxed and hanging freely. Then women make it hard."

  2. scam? no scam here. just a business trying to make money
  3. clanchatgreenarrow.andyoushouldbeinifyourein.otherwisetypein'therebelz'butincludeaspace.improtestingthespacebar.
  4. utilize the clan vex. i was recruiter for a month..prolly less... and, well... i think i did okay.
  5. best advice i ever recieved in my life. "...and try not to be you"

  6. word. when you get on, try to get a hold of me, ill give a little to help yaaon yer footsies
  7. at least im not the only one who [plays without pants... i play wtih one hand tho as well.i just... do.if theres something in my invy when i log, its a start. otherwise ill shoot the shit with people until something sounds good. slayer it is!
  8. diplomats seem to be hot potatoes. just cant hold onto them....
  9. only thing i believe to be honest in last statement was "because i have nothing better to do." lol
  10. oh herro knee surgery

    1. Nathan


      I can totally relate :( (still recovering from my own knee surgery at the start of the year.)

    2. Tcee


      Hope everything goes well! Feel better soon, both of you! Or else!<3

    3. Blake


      I have long evolved past the needs of knees.

  11. kill em all... and let them rot where they fall

  12. i move like butter on a bald monkey.

  13. España!!!! lo chupa italia

  14. your poor niece.i couldnt imagine being in love with a lesbian.life would suck.but still clicking, kids should neither be deprived or spoiled...
  15. if youre looking for american participants, id recommend rescheduling, cause well... its not really a day to sit in isolation.
  16. dub fx. step on my trip.. check it out.i wish i had talents that were socially acceptable =(
  17. well, im sold. computers for porn only.i recall hearing that ad aware was shitmozilla and chrome have fair enough protection...
  18. 'met him in runespan' lol, where else have you been in the last month?
  19. 2 year old truck. less than 30k miles. ive never http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DL4BGOX9Kjo had such a nuisance vehicle

  20. on a less serious note, that ammo that kid bought... is like a dollar a shot. not sure bout you, but i'd be pissed to buy all them when i needed one.
  21. disease free patch?! wheres this?
  22. slayer. mature grotwoms. pkor you could just start hacking accounts. that seems to be the popular thing to do.
  23. left on bad note? for real? i was there when tai was talkin to apolly about all that. actually, from what i recall, the dialogue between the two was mildly amusing. he left cause he was sick of... well, enough.the fact that a tight-ass is getting stroked over everything is kinda sad.idve used the whole quoting thing... but in all honesty... not in the learning moodand not breaking it up into paragraphs makes it look like ive said more, sue me.
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