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Everything posted by gotab0ner4xmas

  1. france, taiwan, and oregon. i gave up on the game on the second one. i couldnt read that shit. for the third tho... you just know when your in 'Murica.. and i knew it was out west... and yea. i gave up quick.
  2. Dont hold your farts in. thats where all your shitty ideas come from.

  3. "i love you like a fat kid loves cake"

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I think that's 50 Cent?

  4. "three headshots is not gonna fly as self-defense."

  5. "every romantic comedy should just be called 'Tryin to Fuck.'"

  6. "Qucik! Get some help! My hand and dick are fighting!"

  7. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Cause your face is FUCKED

    1. Tcee


      (Y) TC likes this.

    2. Dy3nasty666


      I would call Heaven and say their missing an angel, but I was kinda hoping you are a slut.

  8. its apparent you did not read ANYTHING beyond the title..and maybe the first post.perhaps its actions of this nature by everyone thats piledriving TRR thru the tables and chairs and then into the groundand i assume english is a second language in the nethlands...so unless youre a canadian frog, id be embarassed to admit he helped me write a paper on anything other than quantum physics... if french is your primary language, obviously this negates the prior.just calling what i see.but i still dislike the french.
  9. idk. im the 'why not' guy.. i wouldve given it a shot.if it was a bad idea, o well... i was drunk and you all get to hear a great story
  10. mother & daughter threeway? add cocaine and ive already heard that story >.>drunk broads are hit or miss on the fun scale tho..fuck the games, just have Brad's Awkward Story Corner
  11. aside from the comic relief, i do believe something could be accomplished with henry in here.everytime i made an effort to IMPROVE[...or 'change' ] anything, it got shit all over. the fact i got grilled on an application for being a diplomat- after i had already recruited 5+ people. now, why bother trying for anything above when such a simple choice was scrutinized. look back on the recruitment tracker. i did my job, and then felt bad for false advertising. its not all traags job, agreed. whos job is it then to get new management? cause apparently, its complete shit.i did my time here, got fed up with how every fucking issue was hushed and swept under the rug. NOTHING was ever accomplished. so i left, simple, right? i like some of the people here, which is why im here.henry. lets sort this out. after school, at the swingset.
  12. people have no desire to do shit for the clan cause well... its falling apart. shit, its in pieces. it was falling apart back in June.mission accomplished? seems you have management problems. think i brought that up back in, hm, May. this is petty bullshit, and i have better ways to waste time.
  13. you led a clan for three years. youre not helping now. and youre calling the recruiters lazy... i know of..1. unless hes got experience, idk what kind of miracles you expect from him.well if youre so hellbent on keepin this afloat, why dont YOU try recruiting? youre right... and i couldnt give a shit even if you gave me a shit to give. as for me, im recovering from a knee op. not a whole lot i can do
  14. hahaha. always easier to point fingers.back in june, it was pretty good. fresh meat always there from tc and res. life happens, they're living - and others need to take the job. also, its summer. question for you. how come youre sitting at home playing with these forums? or why are you playing rs? summer. go outside. do something...
  15. budweiser makes you wiser. bud light makes you lighter.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gotab0ner4xmas


      you acquire 2horse power, i guess

    3. cheekychips


      ...Equis means "X" D:

    4. gotab0ner4xmas


      fuck me. i was a letter off. for as much spanish as ive learned,spoken,dealt with... never had to spell the sound of 'x'

      good save, cheeks

  16. Why do all these movie streaming sites try to get me to marry a Chinese or Russian native? Fuck, Alexa and Destiny sound more stripper than chink

  17. its compromise that moves us along....you lost cool points for using that band.be safe with all and enjoy
  18. "New car, the Ford Fellatio. It gets you off before it gets you there!"

  19. then your are not in this clan in jagex's eye. second arrow in the clan chat interface, join 'guest chat' type in 'the rebelz' and locate an officer of appropriate rank to send you a clan invite. you accept, and voila, alli esta
  20. kill myself for drinking before an open bar. open bars save you money,why spend before you get there? it like using a payphone to make a call when you have a perfetly functioning cell phone in your pocket...after any blackout, check for wallet, keys and cell- that order. then call who i was out with.. and if it starts like "holy shit dude. you..." listen, and try tonot go back to that bar- ever.
  21. theres never any questions left to ask after alma says something.. *applaud*im sure you wont liek my name either, my bad. as to your top complaint of a name, my blood boils...
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