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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. I find option two most likely. Either that, or the people in the country actually does something.
  2. It sounds like me. Just worse, since I just admit it at once instead of making it worse.Also, gratz on post #2,999!!
  3. I wanted to upload this to Das GIF Haus, but it wouldn't let me :( http://www.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2013124/falldown.gif

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Eric the Bard
    3. Blake


      I wasn't aware Europeans watched the Oscars.

    4. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I didn't, but it is more prestigious than any European movie award I know of.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Boooring! But fine...

    3. David


      Lol. What sort of answer were you expecting?

    4. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Liek; Check gelleri naw I a master nd god!

  5. Am I not one of your readers? And yes, I did notice these things... Like the logo at the bottom. I accidently hovered over it and saw it glow. It made me so amazed I had to click it!
  6. Would be interesting and annoying if it's first person. I've done no researche on the game nor read your research on it. It sounds interesting, but I'm not buying games until sometime next year. Probably. Then I'm getting a super computer and play all the games I missed. Probably won't do that realisticly. Especially as I rarely play much of any game.Edit: If it turns out awful I'll laugh at you.
  7. The picture of the controller didn't come up when I wrote that...
  8. Wasn't there something aboit a touchpad on the controller? Also, I though the controller was going to be completely different, but it's pretty much the same.Oh, and they stopped producing PS2 a few days ago. I'm surprised they still were making those...
  9. I knew that when I made it, but I hoped... I got winter vacation, and will be leaving today, and not come home until Sunday. So... Bye!!!
  10. Yeah, I felt that aswell Blex. I'm not really upset. And Brad, maybe I can come on Sunday. And I can't multiqoute on mobile...
  11. I was afraid of that.. Although, you could have come a bit later. I was there until about 6 EST, when my internet disconnected me.
  12. Although you failed me at my event, if you want to play MineCraft with me, I'm on server.minecraftomega.com

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Spoogan came in the end btw. But my internet was failing. So I kinda failed at my own event aswell...

  13. The turnout... wasn't great... I'll be on the TS server a little longer though. Only Blake showed up, a bit late. And he left shortly after. Not so odd though, since there was no-one there, and I was kinda busy with something else... http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/199/1exploitableiamdisappoi.jpg
  14. I really want to change the title to "tOfficial ElderSouls Gaming Night" now...
  15. I hope everyone who can come tomorrow at about 8-9PM GMT/3-4PM EST! TS server address - vs15.tserverhq.com:6174 Edit: That's the time when it starts, not how long it lasts. Another edit: It's very likely that I will be away this weekend, so if you want an event that you got to organize it yourself. It's not much organizing really. Third edit: If it wasn't clear, it's Realm of the Mad God. You don't need to be prepared. It takes a few seconds to create a character and it's pretty fun! It is possible to change the game if we find a game everyone wants to play something else when the event has started.
  16. Kinda unrelated: If anyone want to play MineCraft I'm part of staff on server.MinecraftOmega.com and play a lot on that server
  17. You didn't actually say if you could come though
  18. Wednesday GMT 20:00, 21:00 (EST 3PM, 4PM)? Who can come then for RotMG? And why hasn't David replied?
  19. Could we maybe have one during the week (wednesday?) and one in the weekend? I'm not sure if I can come next weekend, but I can during the week.
  20. Is everyone in on Realm of the Mad God then? Can people please specify at what time they can come/prefer?
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