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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. My sister does all those annyoing stuff on FaceBook, like instagram and hashtag, because she know people will get annoyed.

    1. David



      But seriously I can hardly get on FB it's so annoying anymore. On to G+! Or nothing.

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Well, to me it seems like G+ is about equal to nothing.

  2. I've heard of you. WB. People will be crazing.
  3. I haven't been playing for a long time, and probably won't start playing again. I got hacked, and I don't think I would come back even if I got my stuff back. I think it's pretty boring, and it have been boring the last few times I've tried playing again.
  4. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="APOLLYON" data-cid="24705" data-time="1355648916"><p>Sad, i enjoyed trr a lot, ahh the trolling and sharing, and annoying bastards, flame wars, name calling, events, laughs, genuine interest in the game and of helping each other out, hmm too bad. I just got started back into playing again.</p></blockquote>Deathirst is trying to revive it btw.Edit: it looks weird, and I don't know how to fix this!
  5. Didn't realize you were in Amsterdam... I knew you were going there sometime, however I didn't know you left already... WB:
  6. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Blexun" data-cid="24635" data-time="1355404874"><p>Radagast?<br /><br />J.R.R. Tolkien already beat you to the spoilers, sorry.</p></blockquote>I haven't read The Hobbit in a while, but I thought they only talkes about him in LotR. And he definetely didn't have the same role.
  7. Mario Warfare: Might watch it later, in class right now. Mass Effect 4: I don't play many games, and I probably won't play this game. I also don't think ME looks that good. I've played Portal 2. Barely. Never heard of that director, nor any of his movies. Good boy. There you go. I feel arrogant. I appreciate your work. Longpost.
  8. I've seen it. Now let me spoil everything for you... Atleast some? Please? Radagast.
  9. You're right. I found out. I thought I had checked that, however, I wasn't right...
  10. Noobs, it's out 12/12 in Norway Not sure about midnight release, I'll just fall asleep. Either during the movie, at school or both. It's actually 13/12. But it says it's 12/12, however it's at midnight, making it 13/12.
  11. We don't tip for pizza deliveries in Norway... Then again, the pizza cost the double + of what it does in America.
  12. How do you know a polar bear wouldn't eat a penguin if he got his hands on one?
  13. Remember, remember, the eight of december! I hope more people join in, like DAVID and BLEXUN(!).
  14. I need more info on the knight. Is it Sir Robin?
  15. i don't like the layout at all. It's all crap. Some of the things I might get used to, but some things I'm pretty sure I'll always think is crap. At the moment my YouTube on the laptop isn't updated, so I can't point out what I don't like. Except that half my screen was just empty and white.
  16. I went to YouTube. Then I started crying.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake
    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      it's like before on my laptop. Hope it stays that way... On the stationary half the screen is just a huge white space.

    4. Blake
  17. What should I wish for for Christmas? Relatives are nagging me. Also, they don't order online. Some of them could, maybe, but probably not. Not even my parents, they don't trust the internet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I had a feeling you would say something like that David, and I really do want it. However, as I said, they don't trust the internet. They don't buy anything online, and they don't understand buying something that you don't get as a real thing in the real world.

    3. Blake
    4. Jake


      If you have a Ps3, ask for Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, so we can play together.

  18. I think we should do this every saturday. Doesn't have to be ROTMG though. Although ROTMG is awesome. And I'm the best.
  19. Gladiator. I haven't seen that movie. I think. The Hunger Games maybe? Possibly 007. Or Prometheus.or TDKR.
  20. I played it once, I think sometime during summer vacation. My friend told me to wait at a spot, talk to some dude and become human again. That's all I've played of Skyrim at all. Looks like a great game though, but I never play singelplayer games. I'm afraid I'll just play it for like a week and then never play it again.
  21. I'd recommend everyone to watch Planet Terror. One of the few movies that actually made me cry. Not in a good way though.

    1. Blake


      Seen it in a double feature, along with Death Proof.

      Best scene: When that guys head blows up.

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I really liked the girls with a machine gun as a leg. Or actually, it changed weapon a few times. I also liked how it was very different how many shots the zombies took to die. One zombie got shot like 10-20 times, while others died after one shot, no matter where you shot them.

  22. I can come at about 8-9 PM GMT? 8-9 PM GMT fits possibly best for me in weekends.
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