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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. I'm most impressed by the fact that we were getting one new member a day. Why do they do it? Why do so many people make an account for no obvious reason, and never returns or post something?
  2. I kinda liked the movie. I thought there were too many suits, and too easy to rip the suits apart, even though they withstand bullets and explosions.
  3. Well, not sure if they wan't to advertise the fact that we leaked the video(s) and got a ton of members.
  4. I don't understand... What has Huygens got to do with this Abraham? There's not even pictures here!
  5. I'll be in Crete one week. Then I'll just stare out of the big top floor window and stare intently at all people at the beach for the rest of the summer. It's gonna be fun.
  6. Well, it probably won't be as dark and scary. Teens are scared of the dark and monsters, and thwy can't sleep after playing games like Skyrim. In fact no games should have a mature rating, not even teen. They should all be for everyone, because other games give people nightmares and they don't get all the sleep a growibg lad needs. Games are not for adults anyways. EDIT: I don't understand what I was writing here, nor what I was thinking. (1/18/14)
  7. It's a lot more fun if you don't know.
  8. Never mind what I just wrote. I was wrong.
  9. Yeah, I don't think I'll ever do a 40 hour gaming session... Not continuosly atleast. I'm not sure if I'm even able to do a 24-hour session.
  10. Yeah, it's my personal server.Or not. I've been on that server for years, and it always break down at some point, and I don't think it's far away now. Don't think it's ever been working for such a long period as now.Edit: OMFG POST No 500!!
  11. Hi!I do not even own a copy of any ES game. This didn't use to be an ES page, that's why. Now that it is, I'm just here. Writing things. And stuff.Hi.
  12. Hi and welcome to eldersloths. The site for all your sloth needs!
  13. Ive got no idea... Does have anything to do with the Avengers? Im going to re-watch that movie soon...
  14. I might read this at some point, but I usually watch movies without knowing anything about it except the title, poster and barely what's it about. I don't want to know if it's good. Sometimes I watch the trailer, but not usually. I don't know why, but I can't be dissappointed if I don't know anything.
  15. The chat on this site is always so full and aktive.

    1. David


      mfw people think the chat room is anything other than some free thing that's disabled 90% of the time.

  16. Y... Yeah... I don't know what to say.
  17. Eric the Bard


    I did want this in one of the "fun" albums, but Im not able to
  18. Eric the Bard


    From the album: EricBloodaxe stuff

    © I removed it. You're welcome.

  19. I just noticed this section. It was a good day.
  20. I made a blog entry yesterday, cause I came up with too many status updates.

  21. I think Brad is the only that play RS. I did come back for RS07, and it was fun, but I missed MineCraft.
  22. They ruined my great moment... I was watching that counter reach 1000. The last time I checked before the explosion was at 998.
  23. Isn't Iron Man 1 on netflix? It is on the Norwegian version.
  24. Crap. How did they get these views? How do people just end up on a blog about random things?
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