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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. I think Obama is gonna win with 79%. this is definetly something I came up with and everyone who claims to have come up with this before me is just copying.
  2. I think we should focus on a new game and recruit new members. I really want the community to grow, but right now we are mostly playing different games and just talk about random stuff. I don't really think that's bad, but I don't think we will get more members that way.
  3. I switch between laptop and stationary, one I got bookmarked homepage and the other forum index. I use them about the same amount.
  4. What, are they going to make Star Wars Episode 7 with plants?! Also, incase you are living under a rock and can only access these forums, Leia is now a Disney princess.Edit: The first sentence doesn't count anymore, title got fixed...
  5. I think we should have another game night... One that I actually can attend. I can't really host it myself, because I'm really unreliable. Also, we could use Raidcall to chat with, like IRC, but we can use mic.

  6. Oh... Well I'm in now.Edit: That didn't work very well, I can just see a white screen and some options, but when I try to do something, it can't open the webpage...New Edit: Now it works, it was just a bit confusing to start with...
  7. I got it, but I can't connect to the community
  8. I was too lazy to change it when it got edited... Just thought it would do. It was kinda funny too, although the joke is a bit old now... Huygens is from the Netherlands btw, which is pretty mysterious.Oh, and I like your siggy! It funneh!!!
  9. I like staring at the index...Really though, I don't have much to say... I can't really be bothered to engage in discussions I know little about, or other things I don't know about. I actually had a dream where I posted several really funny topics and got lots of replies this last night... I wish I remember what was so damn funny! Anyway, I don't know why I don't post a lot really, maybe because of this, I can't think straight and just rambles on...Also, I've been lazy recently and most of the stuff is TL;DR, I'm afraid...
  10. I really liked 300 actually... And Pulp Fiction of course. I kinda liked the Star Wars prequals aswell, and I really like Darth Maul. Episode 1 was pretty stupid though, but I watched as a kid and loved it... The Monty Python movies, mosly Life of Brian and Holy Grail, not Meaning of Life so much. Kinda unrelated, but I remember a really scary Winnie the Pooh movie. It freaked the hell out of me.
  11. This weekend there was an auction for two tickets to a concert and meeting with Justin Bieber, where all the money went to charity. Price? 151 500 NOK = 26 855.89 USD

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      just the fact that it has anything to do with Bieber makes this automatically gay,... cant beleive people pay that much to see a small fag sing,... but hey it went to charity so therefore i guess that makes it ok.. any idea what kind of charity it was?

    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      The national TV-station have a huge charity event every year, and this year the money went to Amnesty International.

    3. CarnivalofSoulz
  12. Most good movies have been mentioned, but I think maybe The Prestige is one of favourite movies of all time.
  13. I think white sites looks really boring, and bright.
  14. So you do play GW2, but didn't post your username? I thought you forgot sbout the game.
  15. Argh! Can't edit or quote on mobile...
  16. ^^ My doctor said the same thing, or I vould earn a lot of mobey from it.
  17. ^^ I knew, I got a long list. I only mentioned chocolate for tge same reason.
  18. Well, yeah. Try getting stuff and put them in the bank so you can transfere it to another character.
  19. So, I probably do have Wilson's disease. After having tiny parts of my liver removed and examined and several other tests, they have come to the conlcusion that I might have Wilson's disease. They are doing a test that will tell more certain if I do have it, however it can only confirm that I have it, and can not confirm that I don't have it... So I've started treatment today. The medicine will be sponsored by the state, however the first time I had to pay for it, and later get money back. The price is insane. 645 USD. It's a lifelong disease, and I might not ever drink alcohol :'( I'll discuss that with my doctor later though. There is also some kinds of food that I shouldn't eat much of, just once in a while. Chocolate is one of them, becasue there is copper in it, and that is what my body can't handle. Now I'm just waiting to se if my stomach starts to hurt because of the medicine...
  20. I was a beast at picking up items. You just switch them, you drag a crap item from your inverntory and swap it with the loot.
  21. I played this with a friend for like a week. I unlocked almost all the classes. Pretty fun, but I'm a bit bored with it.
  22. I tried it. A bit fun and addicting, however I didn't find it that interesting. One of those games I play once and then never plays it again.
  23. I really want to try and smash a guitar to see how hard it is, and my brother got a few guitars in the room next to the room I'm in right now...
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