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Eric the Bard

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Everything posted by Eric the Bard

  1. I think all your characters will be limited to one server, but I know that you can buy gems for real money and change your homeworld.Also, found these sites:http://www.guildwars...english-server/http://gw2news.net/w...lds-collection/I'd like to play on a low-pop English server. Then again, it's probably better with higher pop to do good in PvP. We need to decide what pop we want to play on aswell. Desolation sound alright to me, but that will probably be a mid/high-pop server.Edit: Maybe we should play on a server with mostly PvP clans, but few clans. Then we might do alright in PvP. Whiteside Ridge sound alright.
  2. I have read the Hobbit and started reading LotR some time ago. I'm a bit into the second book, but I can't be bothered to read more of it at the moment. The first book is pretty Much about walking, but I did not find it that boring, because of Tolkiens story telling. Also, one of my favourite characters has a part in it, but was not included in the movies.
  3. It seems Huygens leave whenever I get back...
  4. Do you mean that you're shutting down ElderSouls.com?
  5. I kinda want to play on Far Shiverpeaks, but if you know about a server that there will be many English people on, that's good. Far Shiverpeaks is German, Russian and Norwegian mostly (clans and communities have decided on what server to play on, and I know many Norwegians will be on Far Shiverpeaks). I think I would prefer an English speaking server. On the Beta it seemed like everyone was Spanish on the server I played on.Also, David, give us our forums!
  6. I prefer BÃ¥rd or Baard when you write it, if you must. But I guess... Boar is fine...
  7. I'm going to be gone for about a week or so. First I'll spend some time in our mountain cabin with my family, then we'll go to Oslo to help my brother move in. I'm not really sure if I should write aboutmmymabscence since I'm not really playing RuneScape atm.Bye!
  8. Cos you didn't get 1? They probably mean "Cos you didn't get 1 b4 beta"
  9. No need to be sad, I'm EU aswell, and Huygens too! I know that about people spreading, but it will be the same when it's released. I hope they will make it possible to buy more character slots to use all the profesions.Edit: Ofcourse you're EU, you're rhe #1 Brit... I can't see signatures on mobile version and I forgot.
  10. ^^ I lol'd. It it kinda true aswell. Even though you don't have to, I keep spamming the 1 key. Sometimes it really is too many players though and the creatures just one hit and you can't see anything with all the flashy lights. It's still awesome though.As for the server, I was playing on Ruins of something. I thought it sounded cool. One thing though, there are US and EU servers, where are you from?
  11. *cry*i think it would be great, eapecially if everyone had to start all over again. F2P was really good back then. Unfortunately bots would probably just ruin the game again.
  12. I agree. I love this game! The WvW is pretty epic, and it can turn around really fast. Yesterday we were loosing really bad, but today we made lots of siege quipment and now have the most buildings.Personally I like the Norn area best. I got my Norn Necromancer to level 12. I tought the Sylvari was kinda boring, and the Asura was alright. The thing I dislike the most is that your character is always so cocky and everyone is praising you...
  13. I like these old games. Some of the games are really poorly made, like this one it seems. I can see why someone would sell it. I'd never sell my Nintendo or any of the games. Most of the games don't work anymore though, that's a bit annoying. I got like 3-4 Super Mario Bros, and only one of them work. I really recommend "Nintendo World Cup", it's a soccer game where you can shoot down your opponents. When you have shot them enough with your football they just stay down.
  14. Really sad music on the radio today. 22. July.

  15. I think the name is good for a gaming community. I don't mind, as long as you change the Skyrim and Dawnguard thing.
  16. Looks like Finland really likes RuneScape...
  17. Is anyone playing the Guild Wars 2 beta this weekend?

  18. Don't think so, didn't need it when I played it some time ago.
  19. The thing in Croatian I just google translated, and it says Except For Hotel Guests. They seem to have forgotten the hotel part in their translation though.
  20. I guess my connection is alright.
  21. Big Headline Croatia Not long ago I was in Croatia, on the island BraÄ. I was staying in a nice little town called Postira. It was very calm and not so focused on tourists, so there wasn't people trying to make you buy crap everywhere. On the other side of the island, on the other hand, it was like that, in the city/town Bol. It was a huge tourist place because of their beach. But I liked Postira far better. We couldn't find any sandy beaches though, i was just stony beaches. They were everywhere though. I also got an awful heath rash or something on my back and shoulders and I couldn't sleep for two nights in a row because of it. I'm not tan by the way, as no-body in my family have the genes to become tan. We are very Scandinavian/Norwegian in that way. But here's some pictures: This is the town we were staying in. This is Bol with the beach. Here is a better picture of Bol. The beach kinda starts where this picture ends. Hospital Monday to Wednesday next week I'll be in the capital, Oslo, for some examinations at the biggest hospital in Norway. My doctor sent me there because she thought I might have a very rare congenital disease that affects my liver. So my liver isn't working very well. My doctor decided at one point to do lots of examinations on my. But everything was fine except my liver, and my heart has a bi-sound to it that isn't dangerous. But yeah, I'm going to Oslo after the weekend. I'm a bit scared, I don't really know much about what is going to happen. I don't even know if I get narcosis or local anesthesia. But I'm sure it will be fine. Not sure if the disease is treatable though. I might have to stay away from alcohol for the rest of my life. Guild Wars 2 Earlier this week I bought Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe. I'm not sure if I really needed the Digital Deluxe version, but now I got it. So this weekend, before going to Oslo, I'll be playing Guild Wars 2 in the beta-weekend! I'm really looking forward to Guild Wars 2 and I cleaned my PC for dust yesterday to make it go faster. Not sure if it worked, as I have mostly been using my laptop recently, so I wouldn't know if the PC goes faster. Anyways, I hope we could gather a small group of people on the forums to play together, since I don't feel like joining a big guild. Now, a funny picture I took in Bol outside a hotel. It's not a very good picture because I took as the bus I was in drove by.
  22. Changed my name back. Just wanted to confuse some people, but I didn't like the new name...

  23. Call the hospital, because my liver can't handle much. I'm actually going to get it examined at the biggest hospital in Norway next week...I was going to make a blog post about it and some other stuff, but I couldn't be bothered.
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