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Posts posted by Musclemagic

  1. With the changes to medium armor I could see myself going from 7 heavy armor to 5 heavy 2 medium 4/3 and all the way to 2 heavy 5 medium.I assume that there are sets which give you a bonus when you wear 2 pieces and a bigger bonus when you wear 5+ pieces.I would choose a heavy armor set which grants you a dmg bonus and a medium armor set which grants you also a bonus to dmg.I would entchant my2 rings and 1 amulet with dmg increase.All Heavy armor pieces with HP reg and 5 medium armor pieces with dmg increase (if possible)For PvE (Tank) I would go with 7 pieces heavy armor.For PvP (Bruiser) I would use 5 pieces medium armor and 2 pieces heavy armor.


    Yeah, I feel like some of the 3 or 4-piece bonuses will be stronger for certain characters than say 4% damage reduction or +10% spell crit chance for certain builds (although it might be rare.) So, depending on the stats I might even go a 4/3 even though it would lose the 4% mitigate.


    But, I don't think that the enchant will change based on the item you're enchanting (whether it's heavy or medium, you know?), so the enchants don't really matter for particular items per-say.

  2. I get the feeling that armor sets will give very very important passives.


    As soon as the endgame armor sets are released with the known set bonuses it will change our builds by a huge amount.


    Say, there's a two piece..maybe like.. Boot and Glove, so it isn't something with super high armor values... from a medium armor set that gives you increased melee power, and passive movement speed. Combining this with a 5 piece Heavy set might be better than taking 7 pieces of heavy.


    That's just one example, but I think it'll be very similar to the Diablo series in this regard--where item combos are really key to finalizing a good character.


     So, my question is, does anyone have a visual of any endgame sets yet? Of any armor type?

  3. Does anyone know if it's still true that you can spend only 30 points max on Health/Stamina/Magicka?



    If so it would make my decission easier,

    because than I would go with

    Health: 19

    Stamina: 30

    Magicka: 0

    for my DK Tank/Bruiser


    Good question.. If it is true and I go Temp Heals, I'd go 30MP : 20HP. Or, I'd go NB melee with 30MP : 20ST.


    Pure breads for the win. :P

  4. There might only be 303 spawn points for soul shards, but they've been adamant about being able to unlock every ability so I think you'll be able to get them multiple times from the same spawn points.. In fact I'm pretty sure I heard that in an interview...That they'll be randomly spawn at points throughout the world and anyone can pick them up.


    I did for sure hear that you can change your morph choice later on--you're never stuck with anything except the race and class choice you initially made.

  5. Are you sure it's thrown? I thought it was planted.


    That also raises the question of whether I should just be listing the effects of the skills (in a standardized format), or if it's more helpful (as stats will likely change) to have nothing but descriptions like Tamriel Foundry. I've been doing almost solely effects and pruning the more descriptive elements, such as "create a path of shadow" or "throw a standard."


    Even though it's subject to change, please do include the current resource and damage numbers, even include the rank that it's known for. Otherwise we have no direction for the spells.


    At least the information that's on the G-Sheet, the more the better please.

  6. Transformation into a werewolf will give you a completely different skill bar as far as info goes to date.It will also give you passives (including at least one weakness passive) when you are not transformed. There is no leaked or confirmed info on what these passives will be. Fire is a confirmed weakness for vamps.


    Yep, new skill bar, just like when you turn into Emperor. Except, I don't think Emperor will have a weakness passive. I also think that you'll still be able to use Emperor skills though, on any bar, after you've been Emperor once--except they'll be weaker. It was either that sexy little girl Maria... or maybe just Paul Sage who said that. XD

  7. you level a skill to morph. then morph skill.

    In the videos we can see that the morphed skill get a progress bar as well.

    how far can you level a morphed skill. not at all? 5 ranks...?


    or if it only scale towards your character level - does it even matter??


    This was the question I had too. I get the feeling that at level 5 it's considered "done", like you said. Another option would be if we're only able to decide if we want to change the morph to the other option once every 5 ranks (at 5, then 10, then 15, we're able to switch the morph--and it takes longer each time to level, so you don't really want to do this--kind of makes speccing even more focused rather than being able to swap morphs too easily..even though it does cost a soul-shard already.)


    This is something that doesn't bother me though, I just want to know the potential morphs already so I can start c-c-c-comboing! :"|||||||

  8. Yeah, that. So, there you go...


    Unless...if that was actually blur we were seeing...

    You see the futility of what we're doing here? We'd be better off waiting 'til open beta comes.


    At least we're coming up with a lot of cool ideas. Even if not all of them will apply directly to the game, some of the theories behind them still will. It's all for fun though..nobody's peer pressuring you into trying to decide anything right now. :P


    Edit: There's no meaning to the world, but being a nihilist is no fun!

  9. There is no cooldown on bolt escape (but you will burn magicka fast if you spam it, then again - it is cheaper than shadow cloak and most sorceres probably have a bigger magicka pool and wear more light armor pieces than most nightblades to begin with).

    Mage can also wield a two hander as secondary weapon for Critical Charge once he bolt into range of whoever he is hunting

    ...or instantly encase his target for several seconds

    And most ranged abilities are instant cast and can be thrown while running behind someone anyway.....


    So even if they are not great at hunting I would not say they are bad at hunting targets that tries to run either.




    "Best" pursuer would probably be a Bow wielding Dawn's Wrath sprinting Orc in full medium armor.

    First ability they get is a relatively cheap (and thus spammable) 28m range instant snare.


    I meant a pure caster, so like...someone who wouldn't be using a 2H or any ability to really close gaps.

    EDIT: I do understand that you can Bolt Escape to get close and then use Encase or something to keep them from getting away as a Sorc, no matter what weapon you're wielding, but being able to spam something like Fiery Reach would definitely be better to keep someone in 12m Radius for Magelight, so it's not that effective while playing a typical caster build that would want to kite someone within 12m Radius to begin with.


    If you're talking speed for pursuing then a NB with Cripple to drain speed as well as Path of Darkness would be better.

  10. The party in that video consist of:


    dual wield / bow dark elf dps templar (POV)

    dual wield dps dragon knight

    light armor restoration staff healer nord nightblade

    one hand and shield lizard nightblade



    Shadow Cloak rank I is a nightblade (Shadow) ability that give invisibility for 2.5 seconds

    Not sure if higher ranks give invisibility for a longer period of time (not at all unlikely) and if so, how long.

    It got no cooldown so you can re-cast it before it end to keep up invisibility.

    It is pretty expansive. At level 1 it cost 72% of your total magicka resource

    - and the caster does not regenerate magicka while invisible...



    The only other ability in the game that grant invisibility is the ultimate Consuming Darkness.

    This is a AoE that last for 12.3 seconds at rank 1. It snare enemies and grant invisibility to the caster.

    This invisibility is broken for 1 second each time the caster attack.

    The area also trigger the Slip Away synergy that let friends of the caster gain invisibility.

    This is a rather expansive ultimate.


    I think he meant at like 17:10 in that link where the NB healer was using his DW bar instead of Resto bar, he must have been Cloaking multiple times to stay invisible for more than 2.5s. Or, like you said, it could have been a higher rank where it has a longer duration.

  11. At first, all my builds took Magelight. But when the tooltip was leaked it was disappointing. The radius is so small that it's practically useless for keeping stealthies away, they can still get within 12m (which is closer than needed for almost every ability that's not melee...and since, unless it's a NB using Invis, you can see people sneaking when they're really close anyway--it's useless against a NB in Invis.). It only lasts 15s, I thought it was going to be always-on.


    Right now it feels like the only thing it realllllly counters is when a NB is going to use Consuming Darkness to run away, and even then..as soon as they're 12m away it doesn't work anyway. Also, a NB will be able to run away from most casters with ease because a caster isn't great at chasing...they're better at kiting..and the magelight will probably only be worth using on some caster builds if they change it to increase magic damage like they said they would (and they did on the Summoning abilities for Sorc, which was the same time they said they'd give Magelight a damage buff when it's out as well, so hopefully they do this.)


    It's just not that good in it's current form yet, but with a little bit of tweaking I'd really like to take it on my Temp healer. Although..if I go NB melee then I hope it doesn't get buffed! HAha

  12. The cost of abilities depend on your lvl.


    In Cyrodil your lvl gets increased to 50 so gets your stats, which also means that they skills cost increase.


    You don't unlock skills just by going into Cyrodil you have only those skills available which you unlock.



    Than the ability lvls but not past 5 (morph) and they don't grow stronger. They only get stronger depending on your lvl.


    The same thing is with entchanments they also get stronger while you lvl up.


    Ooh, okay, so when the ability levels it doesn't even get stronger? It only gets stronger based on cLvl? That's a simple way of making it balanced, I like it. :)


    EDIT: Irons, you said that when you switch bars the Ult also changes, right?

  13. Is this piece of information something you actually *know*

    - or is this yet another thing that you just have a feeling for?


    It's something I know through a'priori knowledge. This discussion could turn philosophical very quickly, but if you want to know if I've seen this happen the answer is no. Everything I've ever posted on this site is opinion based.

  14. I was aiming my question to someone that actually know.


    You seem to be answering by just going by feeling

    and looking for ways to exploit game mechanics


    Using game mechanics to your advantage is key to being good in any game. Nobody "knows" anything (not without breaking the NDA they agreed to adhere by.)


    I'm not claiming to know anything, I even said that it was just an opinion.. Are you offended that I like discussing potentials, which is the only thing that any of us are here discussing to begin with? Do you realize that everything could completely change by beta anyway?


    I'll continue to reply to posts until a mod tells me not to, because it's all fun and it's constructive in the sense that it gives us some game-mentality even if it won't directly apply to ESO when it's live..


    This post of yours, on the other hand, isn't constructive in any sense. I like your other posts, but if you have a personal problem with my posts, please continue this discussion in PM's.

  15. Evasion, being a medium armor active skill, will be grayed out on your hot bar if you don't wear at least one piece of medium armor.



    What make you think you will keep restoration buffs after you no longer wield the restoration staff....?


    If you cast Regeneration on someone else, then switch weapons, it'd stay. Blessing of Protection probably wouldn't, it shouldn't if it does! :P

    Force Siphon surely would, it's a timed applied effect rather than something that occurs passively within an ability.



    Edit: That was in regard to this build, right?

    Khajiit – NB – Heavy Armor – DW/Resto

    Resto (Power)-


    Mark Target - pvp and solo pve (Agony in Dungeon PVE)


    Force Siphon




    Evasion (Unlock this by using Medium Armor before switching to Heavy Armor)




    Consuming Darkness

    DW (Lifesteal Daggers)-


    Teleport Strike






    Siphoning Strikes


    Immovable (Cripple in all PVE)


    Death Stroke

  16. Not talking about exploiting anything (right now ;)

    I just want to understand if the skill cost is tied to your character level (at all) or if it is only tied to your rating of the skill.


    In Cyrodiil you get CHARACTER level 50 and your skill LINES rank 50.

    But your individual SKILLS does not level up as well.

    (For example, you can very well have Arrow Spray I and Snipe rank I if you not previously leveled them).


    ...at least that was the case in the only level 50 pvp video i've seen so far (from the september build).


    Did those ranks have a lower resource cost? This could be a pretty epic exploit until they patch it! You just started posting, but I'm loving how your mind works!


    EDIT: I get the feeling that skill costs will be tied to the character as a multiplier, but ranks of the ability increase the ability's base mana cost... So at lvl 1 something would cost 20 and then your cLvl @ 20 would multiply it by say.. 2, every 10 levels it doubles or something..


    Then, when the skill levels it costs a base of like 30 but since you're cLvl 20 it would cost 60.


    That's the only functional way I can imagine it working.

  17. For a non-dragon knight most [PvE] tank and mitigation abilities are fueled by stamina anyway. There might be one or two tankish class abilities (that cost Magicka) but for a sorcery using bound armor i would probably just dress up in heavy armor, one hand and shield and slot 4 abilities from one hand and shield, heavy armor (and possible wear one piece of medium armor to use the evade active skill and/or one piece of light armor for the spellresist active skill). Except for bound armor the rest will only cost stamina...


    By level 50 you will have over 1000 stamina without placing a single point into it (compared to maybe 1500 if you place every single attribute point into an attribute). The difference is not that huge tbh.... 


    It's my opinion that any build using 100% ST or 100% MP won't do very well unless you are using an ability that turns one stat into another stat, such as dark exchange or restoring aura.

  18. I just had an interesting idea:


    With only 1000 stamina, if you make all of your enchantments +ST Regen, and wear Medium Armor, then your ST bar will fill extremely fast... If you're a sorc, this would allow you to use Dark Exchange pretty much any time...... Medium Armor passives beyond the +ST Regen are also pretty good all-around, meaning that if you make a Casting-Sorc with Medium Armor, not only will you have an infinite resource of health/mp, but you'll also have a higher base-armor and the other benefits from medium armor. You won't have the +Spell damage things, or the lower cost of magicka abilities..


    But, if you're going to make a Healer-Sorc, rather than a DPS (that would be better with the Light armor passives), then I think Medium armor with an +ST Regen build could be really really cool!! :)

  19. Only one ultimate.

    To slot Nova you first need to advance you Dawn's Wrath skill line rank to 12.

    You advance your Dawn's Wrath skill line rank by having Dawn's Wrath active skills on your hot bar (such as Sun Fire which is the first you unlock... and at Dawn's Wrath rank 4 you can buy and slot Solar Flare). 

    Once you have Dawn's Wrath skill line rank 12 you can buy and slot Nova as you ultimate ability.


    Yes if you have at least one piece of an armor type then you can use the active skill (if you have it slotted)

    There are 7 armor pieces in total.

    You might want to wear at least 5 pieces of one armor type for the 5-piece passive.



    Just to be clear; The ability "Nova" is unlocked at Dawn's Wrath rank 12.

    Not character level 12.

    You need to spend at least one skill point in Sun Fire and slot it on your hot bar and let it stay on your hot bar long enough for your Dawn's Wrath to increase to 12 (and/or to rank 4 at which point you can spend a skill point to unlock Solar Flare and you can slot Solar Flare on your hotbar to keep level up your Dawn's Wrath rank).



    When you switch to destruction staff at character level 15 you will still have rank 1 in the Restoration Staff skill line. To level the Restoration Staff skill line you have to actually wield the Restoration Staff. The Restoration Staff skill line rank will not advance while you dual wield.



    No. But Force Siphon will be grayed out if you don't have a Restoraton Staff in your hands (so basically yes - you basically have to wield a Restoration Staff to have Focus Siphon slotted on your hot bar). Force Siphon also require rank 50 in Restoration Staff so you will have to wield Restoration Staff for a very long time before you unlock this active ability.



    No, you can have up to 5 active skills. There are active skills in the weapon skill lines, armor skill lines, class skill lines (3 of them), mage guild skill line, fighters guild skill line etc etc..... When you use the weapon switch you get a new hot bar. So you can slot 5 other (or same) skills more suited for this weapon. This mean you can have 5 abilities suited for long range combat while you wield a long range weapon and then 5 other abilities suited for melee combat when you weapon switch to a melee range weapon.


    You can have one ultimate skill (pretty sure it does not change when you weapon switch). You can also have one potion.


    There is no limit to the number of passives you can have, but most passives only benefit you if you wear the armor it give passives for or have class skills the passives are for. Some might benefit you though... like wielding a restoration staff give a templar bonus to his templar actives (but templar actives and passives does not benefit restoration staff actives).




    All class abilities cost magicka. All restoration staff abilities cost magicka. All destruction staff abilities cost magicka.


    light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, dual wield, two hand, bow and one hand and shield abilities all cost stamina.

    blocking, sprinting, moving while sneaking, dodging etc all cost stamina


    all 3 resources seem to deplete quite fast and regenerate fast as well. even at high levels.



    Great summary of a lot of things at once!  :) I've never seen an ultimate change when the bars are swapped, so I believe that you'll only be able to equip one ultimate ability.. but I haven't looked at it much while watching videos.


    The Light armor active ability currently costs MP not ST, was this an accident or are you sure this is true?

    And, are you sure you need to have 1+ piece(s) of the armor to use the active? I was under the impression that we could use any of them as long as we unlocked that active.

  20. When you say x7 at level 50, do you mean character level 50 or individual skill level 50?

    If we assume that Encase I cost 50 magicka at level 1 (on a leaked video from the september build it cost 70 magicka)

    Would Encase I cost more than 50 magica when you are at character level 50 (hovering your mouse to check the tooltip of Encase I that you never put on your hot bar before)?


    The problem with trying to exploit this is that in Cyrodiil we're all considered level 50 with maxed skill levels and skill costs. So, even if we were able to save leveling Encase for PVP or PVE at high levels where you'd be able to spam it all the time since it'd cost next to nothing...


    Hopefully they'll implement a system where that ability would *miss more often, or something, to avoid this. If your cLvl is that much higher than the sLvl (skill level) though, you're going to level up that sLvL really quickly anyway though..so you probably won't be able to exploit this for long, if you're able to at all.

  21. Yeah, mage tanks are going to be a bitch in PVP. In PVE they won't be that special because with S&S taunt you need a pretty big amount of Stamina, so Dark Exchange won't be a huge bonus for PVE tanking.


    PVP tanking..something like this, just really hard to kill:


    Altmer - Sorc - Heavy Armor - Lifesteal Resto & Power Destro

    Resto - Hard to kill.

    Blessing of Protection

    Steadfast Ward

    Lightning Form

    Bound Armor

    Dark Exchange

    Negate Magic*

    Destro - Kills you fast.


    Weakness to Elements

    Lightning Splash

    Mages Fury

    Dark Exchange


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