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Posts posted by Musclemagic

  1. Muscle, it was my intention to have an ultimate slotted in set 1 and actives in set 2. Clearly it would be retarded to not have an ultimate ability slotted. I was under the impression that ultimates had a high cost to make them not spammable, meaning that an active ability, though maybe less powerful, would be more efficient in certain situations.


    No need for sarcasm. You just reminded me why i stopped playing mmos.


    That's a good idea, usually only one ultimate really fits a character's playstyle anyway. I wasn't being sarcastic at all. I really do wish it was possible; I like having less choices because it forces thoughts but I also think that if something's available for a slot then it shouldn't be constrained to one type of ability.


    I really didn't mean to offend you... If you're that touchy then not playing MMOs is a good idea. XD

  2. It's the same reason that Diablo 3 plays with 6 abilities. It works best for console controllers.


    I do wish that we could put a regular ability in an ultimate slot, it would screw people over who don't use an ultimate. A whole resource gone to waste, using more of your magicka/stamina instead of having an epic game-changing ability to use strategically.


    I love being forced to make decisions! This is where theorycrafters trump in PvP.

  3. While I disagree with Brad in the sense that I think ESO will have a bigger skill curve than most games..

    I do agree with him that we can't know until it's live and people have end-game characters. In every game there is a skill curve though....so if you're good you'll still be better than the not-so-good players unless they can quantity > quality on you with items.


    The only real thing that will ruin this game for me, personally, is the siege weapons. Tanks/war-mount type things....such an IDIOTIC thing to put into a game that's 100% based on your character development...


    But, anyway, all that matters is if the game is F U N or not! If it requires a buttload of skill, that would just be a contribution to the fun factor. This game'll be cool, I know it'll have my attention for at least a few months. :)

    • Upvote 1
  4. hmmm this game looks too point and click for my liking :/ like anyone can be as good as the next... I like my games to rely on a bit of skill, but we'll see I guess


    What game relies on skill these days??  XD


    Honestly though, this game is very skill based compared to most. Even in 1v1 your character setup is HUGELY important. Think of Cyrodiil as a giant 3v3v3 map in Starcraft..combined with the building of Diablo 3 characters..combined with the aiming of an FPS (almost, just with a bit of a target lock) that you can actually dodge attacks in, as well as activate synergies with companions??


    This game is the bee's knees. There's no other game out there right now that takes as much "skill" at all!

  5. For everyone who is unsure what class he should pick here is my view on them.Templer:Is the best overall class.If you are unsure what role you wanna play pick Templer they can play them all and are good at them.You can be a good Tank, Dps, ... however some other classes will simply be better at some of those roles.Nightblade:Is the best single target Dps class.If you want do deal the most possible dmg on a target Nightblade is the way to go.However Nightblades lack AoE you have access via your weapon skills but you can't compete with others when it comes to AoE.Dragonknight:The best Tank and Tanky melee Dps class.DK's have great survibility and a good dmg output which makes them the perfect choise if you like tanking or melee combat.But don't expect them to be that great at range this class really excels in close combat.Sorccerer:Is the most tricky/fun class.If you want to troll others in PvP sorc should be your class of choise.


    idk if I agree entirely, there are so many niche's that each class can fill better than the next. Even changing one weapon or armor ability on one bar could change which class you should be using.


    NB for burst // DoT+HoT // sneak playstyle. Sorc for pets // burst // CC. DK is for any heavy armor user, passive health regen, passive tanking, better in melee range. Templar should only be your choice if you want to heal others and you don't want to only use a Resto Staff-- If you aren't in it to heal others, you're better off using another class. If you want to be a templar to self-heal then play a DK instead of Templar, their self-heals are the best. Templar is a good reaction based class, if you are an offensive player who likes to overwhelm the enemy then don't play a temp... I would actually say that templar is the best "trolling" class just to fuck with people.

  6. I could see ESO beeing some how like GW2 where a group is strongest when they all stand at 1point.Just think about all the great support skills most of them are AoE, when you stand as a group you easily activate synergies the tank is close to group and can take over the aggro faster.So basically I could see it work like this.The group stays behind, preferable in a edge where they are safe of range attacks.The tank runs in hits the mobs and runs back to the group where the fight starts.


    This is similar to how I see it. Focusing fire is always the best way to deal with hard packs, starting with trash as long as the big guys are being tanked.. No matter how bad ESO wants to be different without relying on taunts and traditional aggro it's still going to have similar enough mechanics that we can predict how some things have to be...and yeah, definitely stacking will be the best. I'm really curious if multi-boxing will be allowed because with just 6 skills it could be very easy to make a very efficient multiboxing setup that could dominate pretty dang hard in ESO.. =

  7. Hey guys,I've been following your comments about various possibilities for Tanks and want to throw a couple ideas your way to see what you think. With what we know so far I'm leaning toward either a DK or Templar tank. 


    .... [Long post]


    I read your post and I like your ideas, most if it we'll just need to wait and see how it plays out in end-game.

    My opinion-

    For 2h I would go Nightblade. 1h/shield tanking is best fit on a DK.

    I also really wouldn't recommend having two people similarly skilled on the same team, there's too much synergy in this game that you really should try to be diverse to overcome as many situations as you can.


    Utility Temp/Summoning Mage will most likely be the strongest 2 man group in PVE. I firmly believe this to be true.


    Irons point of wanting to have Stam and Magicka is a point well taken, at least enough to use the stat you use least up so it doesn't go to waste. My real concern is that between bracing, power attacks, dodge rolls, sprinting, stealthing, etc... if you wouldn't use all of it even at endgame during combat? Does it scale at all with how much you have, or is it constant--in which case it's unlikely we'd use it all just on those mechanics...

    This right there makes me re-think my strategy of using both staves....


    I really get the feeling that at endgame through the gear's enchants (Well, unless it is entirely +stats and not +damage types or anything...) that I'll probably only be using one weapon's bar 80% of the time anyway.

  8. Being more into either stamina or magicka, and not mixed in between (as much as possible) will be best.


    It wouldn't be, if the only stats were +X Magicka, +X Stamina, or +X Health... But it looks like a lot of the time it's going to be +Xof stam, mp, or hp.


    If you think about synergies at all, this is the most important thing. +20% of 150 is more than +10% of 125 and +10% of 125.. You get a lot more out of your stat buffs if you're a purebread. Even in this low of an example it's still almost 17% more effective (+30 stats rather than +25 from the %'s).


    If I was going 2h or 1h/shield DK (especially with Heavy) then I'd definitely go as minimally into Magicka as possible... Especially if you plan on having a pocket healer friend with you, rather than relying on your DK tanking as much..


    It really does depend entirely on your build. I'd like to make a 100% stamina build as my next toon (in a long long time...after my 100% magicka!) Being as pure as possible is best, by a long shot...

  9. I would like to go with a pure stamina/hp build for my DK tank, but it seems a poor choice when comparing the skills available in the DK trees to those of the sword/board tree


    Mainly because the sword/board tree lack AoE abilities, making me think it would suck when clearing trash (and the Fighters Guild skills just seem bad)

    But perhaps the leveled/evolved skills could make it worth it?


    Making a pure stamina/hp or pure magicka/hp tank, sadly, seems doomed to fail.

    Like irons says, we will probably have to spread the points to make an effective tank build as DK. :(



    First I wanted to make a HP/Magicka build but it seems to be more effective to have a balance between Stamina and MagickaThat way you can use the full amount of your ressources.


    Even as a full HP/Magicka build, you'll want some stamina for heavy attacks and sprinting/dodge-rolling (esp. if you're not in light armor).


    Even as full HP/Stam you'll need MP for some abilities, no matter how badly you want to avoid it..you're doing a huge disservice to yourself if you don't take some MP.


    I am trying to go 100% HP/Magicka on nearly a 1hp:2mp ratio. But, I believe that I'll absolutely require a bit of additional stam to not be gimped on the battlefield.

  10. The strategy of this game will hopefully come from when we use our abilities, more than what abilities we have active. I think passives will be huge, keeping out Magelight/Summons/etc. while keeping maybe ONE offensive ability and ONE defensive ability might turn out to be the very best option in almost all situations.


    This would be due to the lack of being able to use abilities as frequently as desired.. The reason why I hope that it's like this is simply because without any cooldowns it would cause huge imbalances. Of course they need to scale things perfectly or else the difference will still be huge.


    Yes, certain abilities like Dragon Blood will cost a huge amount of our resources.. but I think it will play similarly (even at endgame) to that of the gameplay videos-- About one activated ability every 2-4 seconds seems right.

  11. It's 10 per point at least in early levels but it might could go up. In an interview the said that you can only enchant your armor with stamina, magicka, health and ressistances.From the numbers we saw where players had over 1000 points stamina without spending any points on stamina it looks like the points we spend doesn't really matter because the stats on gear are way higher.

    It must go up then, that's good to know-- first levels won't hurt your balance that much if you decide to change at like lvl 10 you'll still get a lot of stats to distribute.


    Is that only what you can enchant with enchanting? They said there are a ton of weapon/armor enchantments that come on them.. I think I heard that there are more than in Skyrim.. but this was a while ago so they probably changed it? Do you have a link to the interview?



    Don't forget that you have a second set of abilities which means that you basically have 12 abilities.


    The Ultimate doesn't switch when you swap bars, does it? (from vids I've seen it doesn't appear to)

  12. RedguardNightbladeHeavy ArmorI'm assuming the attributes work like skyrim (choose one to upgrade 10 points per level). Unlike skyrim, there will be a cap to each attribute (words of zenimax), and I'm making an educated guess it's 30 upgrades (300 points).Health 400 (30 upgrades, max)Stamina 275 (15 upgrades, plus 10% redguard)Magika 140 (4 upgrades )My goal is to get as much health as possible while still finding a sweet spot for............ maintaining 100% uptime on momentum, immovable, and haste.Two Handed weapon bar1 Critical Charge2 Shadow Cloak/ switch skill3 Immovable take 20% less damage, immunities to disabling effects4 Momentum 10-30% damage increase5 Haste - 30% light and heavy attack speed increaseShadow Cloak gets a spot because it will trigger stamina regain and damage reduction due to passives. It'll get switched out a lot depending on what I'm doing.I have this idea in my head. So, I'm fighting some guy in cyrodil. Then I turn invisible and charge someone else. He's like "Holy handgrenades batman, this tanky thing appeared out of no where!". And then While the first guy turns around to chase me I do it again... and again... And...I'd feel like a pinball that can only be seen when it hits the bumpers, who are actually enemies.I couldn't think of anything really great to couple bar 1 with, so I defaulted to healing.Restoration Staff bar1 entropy2 siphoning strike3 force siphon4 regeneration5 guardian circleUltimateDeath Stroke - looks like a solid burst skill. But I'm mostly interested in the 75% healing reductionI also looked at the redguard racial that grants "power". The only other mention of "power" that I know of is the siphoning ability drain power. It could be good to stack them. I don't know what power is though. Maybe it's just like attack power in wow.Can't wait till this game comes out!


    It's quite a bit higher than those numbers, I think it's 20 per level + %'s/#'s from enchants and abilities(all passive, except for regeneration, it looks like.)


    That's a solid build, it's pretty much the exact build I'd use if I use a 2H. I'd be a khajiit though to synergize with the +crit dmg even harder. (And, of course, I wouldn't take shadowcloak--but we'll have to wait and see how worthwhile it ends up being.)


    Love it though, even if it's not going to get you a victory, that pinball thing sounds pretty epic! Haha

  13. This is great news! Should end the "guild-hopping" fears that many of us had. Nice to know that you can play the virtu-conomy while still being able to stay a loyal member to several guilds.




    The only question is will this be a "strictly" guild shop, where all guild members have equal access to post goods, or will there be any "individual" shop, where one player (character) can post all their wares, or will they have on screen competition with their guildmates.


    With the first you have easy access for shoppers, while the others allow certain players to become renowned vendors, and even focus on a better return investment by using "loss-leader" tactics to get a loyal following, that might be more difficult to brand across an entire guild depending on size.


    What do you all think on the virtues of the two options?


    Can't find the interview, but Matt Firor said that the guild leader dictates the freedom of posts.

  14. Right now Capcom has the smartest business model. Despite it being a huge project, AAA title, and widely advertised pre-launch, Deep Down will be a free to play online dungeon crawler.


    With the big-title competition at the best it's ever been, this is pure genius. People will still pay for content if they like the game. I think enough people will try it and be hooked instead of trying the games that cost them the money up front.



    Edit: I also like the Wildstar business model, being able to sell game-time to other players in the game is huge for people who can't pay-to-play, it's kind of a... play-to-play (?) model where the game-time's still purchased from them, just traded between other players if they choose... EPIC!

  15. Is invisibility and sneaking the same thing? I know that magelight is supposed to reveal you if you're sneaking/stealthing, but I was under the impression that invisibility was a totally different animal, one that the nightblade abilities touch on. 


    They specifically mention sneaking characters when referring to magelight's ability. But I might just be nitpicking.


    Anyway, thanks for the input! I think I'm going to go with Nightblade and check out some of the siphoning abilities, see if I can't make myself a loose set of skills to play with. 


    The sneaky-heals I had in mind wasn't so much spamming heals while stealthed/invisible, but being viable enough in stealth (having a bit of medium armor for the bonuses) to sneak past enemy lines with a group of stealthies and then act as a support and heals for them. I'll see if I can do anything viable with a bow for that, but if worst comes to worst, I suppose I could use a destro staff. I just hate the aesthetics of staves- it's bad enough using one for resto!


    My other nightblade is going to be tank/DPS, that should be fun too. :D


    Yeah, stealth/invis are different. Magelight will only effect Stealth. Invis won't be gamebreaking, so don't choose a character off of that. The best use of Invisibility is to use it while stealthing on a melee character so that you can get on an enemy without breaking stealth. ;)


    Mark Target is an amazing spell for NB DPS and that may actually be one of the best abilities in the game. For tank build though I'd recommend not being a nightblade, there isn't enough passive damage reduction.


    There are ways to make everything work, and gear is going to be more important for pushing you into a role than abilities anyway, so unless you're going for an extremely specific build-type then I would just play what you think will be the most fun!

  16. You underestimate invisibility, yes it's nice to open combat but it really shines as a escape skill. A stun isn't half as effective as invisibility lets say you are in a combat with 5 others you maybe stun 1 of them he stays in stun or he decides to use stamina to break your stun however the other 4 will keep attacking you with inivisibilty you got 2.5s where they can't attack you directly that also means that they are unable to use CCs on you. 2.5s doesn't sound much but it could be enough to use a health potion or to get far enough way to go stealth.


    If you like the idea of not being seen for 2.5 seconds more than you like the idea of any other ability (you only get to choose from 5 per bar + ult) then you can use it. You won't find it on my bars though, there are many better options for specific builds. Yes, going invisible is nice in the sense that it's universal..but you should have counters to most things already so that you can (and should) be using something else that's more specific, and therefore stronger for what you need than stealth.


    We'll have to wait and see how it unfolds in endgame though, there might be an awesome way to ninja a siege weapon if you have invisibility and you can't any other way (or something similar like that). We'll see mate! But most of the time there will be better options, for sure.

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