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Everything posted by Blakelington

  1. Event: 1st Ever TRR Hide & Seek Tournament Where: Meet at Dual Arena - World 93 Date: July 20 RULES There is to be an entrance fee of 100k, and the winner will claim it all. The hider shall be Kaiden for donating 1m, unless someone sumbits more for the job (in which case Kaiden will be able to withdraw his donation and/or use part of it to pay the entrance fee). We will meet at the Dual Arena where contestants will pay the entrance fee, and when everybody is covered we’ll log out into the Lobby and wait until the hider is ready. The hider is allowed to hide anywhere except the Wilderness, Daemonheim, Karamja, P2P only zones, and places that have requirements to enter. Clues will be released in our friend chat every 10 minutes from the start of the each round. The tournament will consist of 3 rounds; the contestant that has won the most will be declared the winner. After each round, contestants should return to the Dual Arena so the next round can begin. If there is a tie (likely) the contestants involved will enter into a tiebreaker round that includes hints every 5 minutes and restricts hiding underground. Good luck! TIME CHART ----------------------------- 11:00 p.m. GMT Time (GMT) 7:00 p.m. Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 5:00 p.m. Central Time (GMT -6:00) 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 2:00 p.m. Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 1:00 p.m. Hawaii - Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Timezone Converter Directions 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". Also, is required by his hider duties to decide a hiding place and come up with some clues beforehand to prevent delays. Thank you.
  2. We'd have to make sure that everyone could find the person (so like no underground mines that require a certain level) and also no wilderness.
  3. So I've been thinking about different F2P events that we could have and researching a bit, and then I remembered one time Roach offered me and I forgot who 1m to find him. Of course I won, but that's not important. I just need to know if anyone is interested. I was thinking if we set up some kind of entrance fee then it would pay for itself. Not sure how much that should be, but yeah. That's all I got! And if someone had another way of running it that would be fine with me..
  4. Sorry for being so secret about it, but my name's Blake.
  5. Also, Tlol sucked in my opinion. I wouldn't even classify it as a clan because of the amount of inactivity.
  6. Yeah, having this as a weekly event sounds awesome! I think we should have at least 2 people say that can come in advance though, just so we can cancel early if there's not even anyone sure if they can.
  7. Yippee! I did not expect it. Also, what's the curse?
  8. http://runescapeclans.wikia.com/wiki/The_Runescape_RebelzToo tired to comment. I have stuff to say but it can wait 'til tomorrow.
  9. So we've got a lot of advertising pages on different Runescape-related sites, and I noticed we didn't on this one. It's the official Runescape Clan Wiki. I think it'd be a good way to publicize us in a way we never have. We can talk about our history, what the clan is like, and all sorts of stuff. So if someone would like to volunteer to do this that would be great. If no one else will though, I'll gladly do my best to fill it.Runescape Clans Wiki Home
  10. Since you're on a lot, I can use that to my advantage when I start recruiting again. We can quickly accept and add them, which is great for impatient hopefuls.
  11. I could convince him, yes.
  12. I'm fairly certain Tyn was it last month.
  13. Well I edited the pictures and moved them around in Word, then did screen shot into Paint and saved as .gip.
  14. Hmm...would making the background transparent in Microsoft Word fix it?
  15. You've uncovered my secret method!...*shakes head*
  16. Ha. Thanks. Though I like my hair long and I don't decide how it flips, thank you very much.
  17. PWell since I'm only F2P...Prince Ali Rescue.
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