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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. It's not like HTML couldn't be learned very fast anyway... It's just a bunch of tags. Anyway, not going to apply of course because I don't have the time, but what other site(s) are you making? Just out of curiosity.
  2. The game has been out for a bit now, well not that long really, anyway, to help kick activity David asked me to do this. So yeah, games pretty damn good, loving it, despite the amount bullshit that makes me rage, but that's just me. Anyway, if you have BO2, post your PSN ID/Gamertag or whatever below and if we get enough people we can add eachother and play a little together. List: PSN: ZohanDaGreat (Fergal) Wolverine408 (Traaginen) Xbox: Shubadub (TheAwesomesauceBritishGuy) PC: (If this is in the wrong section, move pl0x; couldn't really find one though, or maybe I'm just blind.)
  3. Yeah, sure. But I'm slightly afraid that there are very little on PS3 besides you and me... But I'll make the list anyway.
  4. A new game besides Skyrim, because as awesome as it is, it's getting a little old. Although that doesn't mean we can't just do 2, but I mean proper emphases on a game.
  5. ^ I would say Xbox has a better controller if it charged as easy as PS3. Like seriously, what's with all the battery packs and stuff? Anyway yeah, the new PSN store is amazing. Takes a bit longer to load though.
  6. To be fair, I think Trayarch have done a great job. I loved all the CoDs up until MW3, which was just shear disappointment. And BO2 is actually a bit different than the usual copying of previous CoDs. Campaign: Done it, the campaign is very well done, and depending on what decisions you choose during the storyline, it will change what further missions you do and the final cutscene, awesome idea. Multiplayer: My only complaint is that the health is too low and it's almost 9/10 always who shoots on target first will kill the other person. However, it is really fun. And the sniping is quite balanced, much easier than BO1 but not as easy as MW. Anyway, hopefully they will bring the health up a bit so I don't die every second from behind. Haven't tried zombies, but heard its amazing, at least if you are a zombie fan already anyway. Overall, the game is definitely worth buying.
  7. Great. My last PS3 controller's analog fucks up. 2 days until Black Ops 2, pre-oredered. *headdesk x 10*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      I was kidding, lol. Don't take it to heart.

    3. Blake


      Remember remember the 11th of November.

    4. Fergal


      Lolz, I didn't. Just saw it coming when I posted it. xD

  8. Lol, I remember that. I failed with Photoshop though, I'm a bit better now. But don't have time to make them - but looks like Anarchy already volunteered.
  9. I know that I don't have much to do with TRR, don't play RS, and never will again. And even though I post sometimes now, that'll change once BO2 is out next week, but anyway.You guys have to realise that this is all or nothing. You have the choice of EVERYONE giving it their best, and eventually (but slowly) gaining activity - getting a small bit of activity if the hard bit, after that it gets easier and easier tbh.OR, you could just accept the fact that FaGex ruined RS and a lot less people play the game now than in say, 2012 - so clans have dramatically died since, obviously not fully, but the top 10 clans aren't even overly active. But on that note, it would be an idea to not close it down and never hear about it again, just keep going on more-so as a very laid back community. Because seriously, TRR has such a great history and it would be a shame for it to close.Maybe you guys could make the clan more fun, make events where big amounts of members aren't required, just for fun - hell, even clan wars, recruiting to clan chat and owning other clans ftw.Now yeah yeah, I can't say anything, I'm at least going to admit that I'm not going to help much so maybe me saying this is just a load of bs, but I'm just throwing some ideas out (even though they might have already been said, didn't read other posts).
  10. Hmm. 24th June 2010 (yes, I remember the date for no reason, and that's correct).Can't believe its actually already been a full year since those penguins.
  11. Ctrl+T + e + enter ftw. (That'll bring me to the homepage, not forum index)Google Chrome. <3
  12. :(Your signature is awesome btw.
  13. Not a top list, but a few off the top of my head that I loved. :PThe GodfatherCasinoGoodfellasHarry BrownTakenUnknownThe Shawshank RedemptionThe Dark Knight (/Rises)The Bourne SeriesSaving Private RyanBlack Hawk Down
  14. It's alright. I find it really irritating, but the actual music is pretty good - just don't like when he says anything other than "gangnam style". Bit overrated, lol.
  15. As said above, dark definitely fits better to Elder Souls. There's an option for a light skin already though is there not?
  16. I get the banner, if that's what you mean. At least on the dark skin.
  17. Went with Khajiit, but yeah, probably going to try to max out a lot of stealth skills as well as archery and mage in the long run.
  18. (If this should be in the questions section, move it. ) TLDR; Altmer, Khajiit or Nord? Well, my Skyrim has been broken for a long time for my PS3. And my computer's graphics card is too outdated to run Skyrim (I have 2 working versions downloaded - hoped redueced textures might have worked!), so my friend who is done with Skyrim said I could borrow his for a while. Going to start fresh - narrowed it down to the following races: Altmer/High Elf (mage) Khajiit (stealth, nightvision, and looks so cool, lol) Nord (warrior type again; went Imperial last time because it looked the most normal) Can't really decide, leaning towards Khajiit because they look awesome, and don't really like being an elf. I feel Nord would be slightly boring too, because I used melee last time. Bearing this in mind, I will probably level as mage, archer and melee eventually. ~Fergal
  19. Gone awful quiet around here... :(



      stop farting in here, it makes it awkward

  20. Because I amen't technically apart of TRR anymore, nor do I intend to be - I'm not trying to defend the activity. I know it's less than pleasing, but if you look around, finding an active RS clan is hard. I also feel that while people should always try to help improve the activity of the clan, recruitment should be left to the people have taken on that responsibility - I should know, I spent 90% of my time in TRR recruiting.Don't take this the wrong way, I would love nothing more than TRR to return to it's former glory and activity - I just feel that RuneScape (not TRR) has gone to a point where effective recruiting of proper members is almost impossible for any clan. By this I mean, I would love to see new members join TRR, that's not what my previous post was about, it was kind of more explaining why Dan and others miss some of the "oldies" of the clan that made the experience that bit more.
  21. I see your point, but TRR was a MUCH different place a long time ago, he just wants some vets for old times sake. If RS wasn't half as dead and TRR actually had a strong amount of members (which little clans have nowadays), I bet you I'd be on RS every day, instead of once a year. Lol.Recruiting is also a lot harder than you think, when there is hardly no one to recruit, but you are right in one sense.
  22. Lmao, I know, it's rediculous. But my brother built this computer when he was around me age, so like 12 years ago, pretty old...Should be getting a gaming laptop at Christmas though, so yeah. But meh, I can still get kills like this.
  23. Thanks Tynisa! Starting to really get into LoL now, even with 5 fps. (*facepalm*)
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