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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. It's still in beta, I'm sure people will realise that there is plenty of time to improve. But seriously, people are expecting far too much for an MMO, especially with this "Mega-server" technology - having high detailed graphics would be very intensive to render in high traffic areas. That's not to say the detail may not have been up to the last, and the quality of the video wasn't that great. All I'm hoping is they can still keep intact with the feel of Elder Scrolls and not turn it into a complete MMO - what I want is like Skyrim but with people to play with. This doesn't look exactly like it would feel that great to play - When I play Skyrim, it feels like you're actually there, as opposed to the graphics of Morrowind, which reminds me that I'm still just sitting in front of a computer, something which ESO seems to be doing. Anyway, enough rambling, this will surely be forgotten by release, people will still buy it.
  2. Well actually because I needed to get a monitor and everything else, used no old parts besides mouse + keyboard (need to get a gaming mouse, this one is having that ol' problem if randomly reconnecting and disconnecting every 2 seconds, literally) - and was about 1100 EURO, but keep in mind that I could have built it in much less in the US with Newegg. Other one was around the same, cheaper processor but the motherboards were basically the same. AMD are cheaper, but I got a better quality one. Oh and god how I love this SSD, didn't consider it at first because they got so much, but I already feel like I couldn't go back.
  3. Got my PC build yesterday, aweseomsauce. Bit different to the one I originally posted though, got FX-8350 CPU, Asus M5A99X Evo R2.0 and a MSI GTX 660. Also slightly changed monitor, PSU and case - and added a 128gb SSD boot drive.
  4. Torrenting ftw, already had it for ages. Won't run on my current PC, stupid inaccurate systemrequirementslab.com - lol. Gonna mod the shit out of that game. Will probably play a lot of League, Skyrim and maybe Planetside 2. Will try some other to see if I like them. After that I'm gonna actually buy some games, new PC set me back a lot of money.
  5. Yeah, of course. Can't stand it, I see literally no point in doing Irish - it's a useless subject unless you want to become a teacher or maybe a guard (Irish police brah).
  6. Looks good, hopefully these downloads aren't too large, my internet is terrible.
  7. Was thinking more along the lines of a FPS or MMO, i.e. something I could get use out of by actually having a graphics card. I will check it out though, thanks!
  8. Now would be a good time to actually take advantage of David's constant spamming of video game deals that no one responds to. Right, my gaming PC will be FINALLY here Tuesday (quite a lot different to the specs I posted in that thread I made I while ago), but whatever, it'll run any game, not necessarily on ultra with playable frame rates, but yeah. It's a MSI GTX 660 if you're wondering. I have a torrented Skyrim already on this shity old PC that won't run it, so I'll play that, but before I go spending money on games I actually know I want to play - what are some good free ones? Thinking of re-downloading League of Legends. And then there's Planetside 2, etc etc.
  9. Hmm, not much interesting about me... [*]Well, I guarantee you I eat more than anyone here, just like how I eat more than anyone in my school - YET, I weigh less than like 55kg. [*]I don't always spend every hour of my day in front of a computer or PS3, I train Gaelic Football, TaeKwonDo and Boxing. [*]I'm Irish and not actually ginger, contrary to what down through the years Dan, Ozzeh, Lorena and BGS/Jeremy insisted on. [*]I fail with foreign languages, including Irish - although I don't think I should call that foreign... [*]I know too much about computers and programming for my own good, programming my own 3d game engine at 14 (was when I last did anything to it, 15 now). Lol. [*]Not unheard of in Ireland, but if you saw how I dressed, you Americans would probably pass me as a drug dealer.
  10. There's no hope it'll come out this summer, announcements are too late. I can see it being around the very end of the year, perhaps December. They aren't releasing an awful lot of info... [/Late post much]
  11. Fixed width is fine. Perfect for my monitor which is pretty low res, not really sure what it'll look like on my new monitor I'm getting.
  12. That's pretty bad David, I mean come on, the Companion's were pretty good, finishing Thieves guild is awesome, and why the hell would you bother buying the other DLCs if they didn't start playing the first one? xD I'm sure I have plenty of confessions, can't remember much, even though I have 2 50+ characters, lol. Out of what I have anyway, I'm sure none are from not finishing quests, I've done pretty much all of them aside from most of those really small quests that random people off the street give you.
  13. Every time I watch the Pirates of the Caribbean, I keep thinking of David as Captain Jack Sparrow!

  14. I think it will because I'm pretty sure I've seen some pictures of night, or at least getting darker in the evening. After a quick skim through IGN's ESO wiki, I saw something about NPCs not going to bed during night so people can play anytime, so I assume there is.
  15. Lol'd. I'm looking forward to trying out some guild v guild stuff - but I'll probably suck, so really just another Elder Scrolls game.
  16. Wish I could go to that shit. New-egg posted like 40 videos of it.
  17. Every time I watch the BF4 trailer, it gets better every time. And the 17 minute gameplay was awesome. Anyone else gonna buy this?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. David


      I've noticed statuses are slowly replacing topics. The best BF4 answer I can give right now is "maybe." Could say more if I was able to watch said trailer in some sort of medium where an original post is made with a plethora of media-input options and an easy-to-use interface for discussion and replies.

      We should invent something like that.

    3. Fergal


      These get more attention. ;)

    4. Tynisa


      Only for xbox and only if others do the same.

  18. Lmao, these are like the Battlefield Friends series for BF3.
  19. Okay David. Listened to ALL of them. Still love Skyrim + Morrowind though, but that's obviously because those are the only 2 I've really played. (come@mebrah) They are all awesome though!
  20. Why do all Americans say lame? Can't stand that damn word, lol. Lol, I was in a rush, only checking this, might listen to it later, can't atm.
  21. Skyrim > All. Okay, fine, it was the only one I actually listened to...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fergal


      It's about €20. Has to be a glitch. On the German amazon it's about €1900, which it should be. I'm SO tempted to have just about €25 in my PayPal account and just buy the damn thing.

    3. Fergal


      Nevermind - Appears to have fixed itself. :(

    4. Huygens


      Aw, they probably HAD to sell you the computer if you ordered it and already paid for it before they fixed it.

  22. What frame rate are you getting and at what resolution?
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