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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. My approval? Psst, you people are the events people. :DAnyway, looks perfect. Oh and another thing, if any event is planned as F2P, and only P2P members turn up, there's no problem in changing it up a little, e.g. P2P Clan Wars (actually a lot of fun).
  2. Nice work Anarchy, I love the way the star blends in with "Jamie" as an "A".
  3. Psst. P2P. ;)Again, I'd suggest making events a little bit earlier (unless at weekend) - that is, if you can still make them. If it's a case of only being online at these times, no problem. Just saying, it tends to die down in the CC around that time because of school etc.
  4. I'm pleased that everyone online turned up. But I've noticed the lack of activity during that time of day. Try earlier events, like 3x more people are usually on.Anyways, well done on hosting your first event after coming back.
  5. You cannot be serious. How on earth could that be rune, it looks like some fairytale clothing, lolz.
  6. What armour is that? O_oI can't stand these updates, Jagex are really screwing around with RS graphics, and now all the graphics look fucked up.
  7. Yep! More promotions have arrived! To those promoted, we have high expectations of both of you, keep up the work! Council Mageman Event Coordinator Jamie Want to help the clan out yourself? Apply here!
  8. Maybe a poll to see who thinks it's a good/bad idea? I'm kinda neutral to the idea - would say yes if damn Jagex didn't remove the F2P hiscores.OR - we could bring back those "Skilling Weeks", they generally went well. Would be easy to host the P2P skills too.
  9. Any moar votes? I know people are reading the topic, but aren't voting. I don't necessarily need to make a separate topic because I get hardly any votes either way, so I don't think it makes a difference.
  10. Totally 12PM Mr. GMT. Unless you've moved to a different timezone since I last have seen you... O_oBut yeah, as Jamie said, the more the merrier.
  11. Damn, you must be rich! xD Really big goals you got there, best of luck. 99 Construction party ftw?
  12. Oh totally, when I warder off through Skyrim exploring sometimes, I do crave to experience that time of age.However, that's not to say it wouldn't be the other way around if I was alive back then and knew about the future to come - technology is awesome.
  13. Don't really think there are many people left here that were good with graphics - we had a graphics team before because there were so many talented photoshoppers.Good luck finding someone though.
  14. The timetable is completely wrong, I would fix it, but I don't know what time it starts at anyway. Since these are all MINUS GMT times, the hour should be decreasing from Atlantic onwards, instead of increasing.
  15. F2P here, but I remember last year I just no life'd combat because it was the only thing that would benefit me since I don't like skilling anyway. The time before that I did do a lot of woodcutting though, but I was going for 99 then (I failed).
  16. Yeah, good idea. I mentioned it last night in the CC too along with the battlefield wars. Did them in my old clan (Legacy of Legends) and it went well. Maybe citadel night can be our third event in the week that could be added?
  17. Yes, after our discussion of it, we've decided to bring back the clan citadel!Although it seems like pointless hours of labor, this time, instead of forcing people to max out their resources each week - this is optional. So this is a good way to get free xp and have fun with your fellow clan members!Please note that this is P2P only!Hopefully we can have fun and maybe raise a few tiers.
  18. I guess so. Is this starting at 8 or 9? I should be able to make 9, but not sure. Clan cloak/vexillum has been updated to a pretty bright green, which looks nice, thanks to Anarchy/Constanci0. With the updating of that, and the re-opening of our citadel, we decided to leave off this until next week, so be sure to be there!
  19. Training isn't the point, lmao. The point of them is to have fun PKing and stuff.
  20. Oh hmm, it was on last night too? Forgot the dates. lol.Okay seriously, everyone be there tonight! *sets alarm so he won't forget*
  21. Seriously, I've got no MotM vote yet, so yeah, vote please?
  22. I agree with you, it's really stupid that you need to go through the loading screen just to fast travel. Really annoys me too.Tbh, I don't see what harm there is from fast traveling indoors, was it like this in the previous Elder Scrolls?
  23. Alright, so boss hunting next Wednesday. Any ideas on what boss? Damn P2P only bosses, psst.
  24. Are people interested? I guess I can open it though whenever, because it's not like it does harm to the clan if the citadel isn't used much anyway.
  25. Although a lot of these topics are left un-replied to, why not - looks like it's already been done anyway.I honestly lol'd when I saw Captain Falcon and Like a Bo(t)ss. xD
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