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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Hmm. Raids would have been cool, would be a nice implantation - I do however, see his point, this isn't WoW, but rather still Elder Scrolls.
  2. I didn't say it wouldn't handle it okay, but on a high resolution screen with ultra, the framerate just wouldn't be high enough to play enjoyably.
  3. YESSS! Elder Scrolls just looks so much more awesome in first person - although I will probably still use 3rd person in serious combat situations.
  4. Pretty much the same as you guys. Bit of a PvE player myself, but I do enjoy PvP, particularly in groups e.g. guild vs guild.
  5. Agree with this list, especially because of what S.H.I.T really stands for.
  6. After looking it up, it seems to be something about American sports...
  7. Holy shit, that's a lot of options. Nice job David!
  8. I said in their eyes. How the hell are you a stranger to me? Lol.
  9. I'm pretty much broke. And I can't get money out of bank because I'm saving up for a new PC. I could pay by PayPal, not really sure what my parents would think if I was donating money to strangers though. (In their eyes)
  10. Holy shit. That's cheap as shit. Considering the price drop, you wouldn't custom built it that cheap, unless you maybe bought the shittest H77 mobo and a $10 PSU. Don't like locked processors though. And a 7770 will run games just fine, although I'd stay away for Cyrsis 3 on high res. and ultra settings. xD
  11. My internal is higher, but not very. My voice is pretty deep, at least in real life, mics might mess around with that.
  12. Yeah, still doesn't look amazing. But still an improvement, fairly wreckless are it is. Not going to buy it, but I'll torrent it. Or else just play the normal version because I never cared about the detail of graphics in any game (maybe besides Elder Scrolls), was always just a bonus for me.
  13. I wouldn't have noticed without the "Like a Bo(t)ss", lmao.
  14. Nice build, the 660 will run modern games very well. What particular i5 cpu did you get? If you got a unlocked cpu (e.g. i5 2500k) you should get an aftermarket cooler and overclock.
  15. Like 1 day of voting left, and less than 450k votes. So much for F2P.
  16. Same, to a certain extend. But that's just my friends, they'd probably get you fine, but then take the piss out of you instead. ><
  17. Hmm, how did I miss this, lmao. Can't say I've seen full vids of actual gameplay, but I have seen quite a lot of snippets. I really can't find much more than this, but for some reason I found a lot of gameplay before, don't really think it was on YouTube though, so eh. Below is more of a third person without hud view, that good enough?
  18. No weapons and hands shown in first person? Why the... I think it would look awesome running around in first person fighting, at least it did in Skyrim. Anyway, guess I'll use third person in combat as it's the best option anyway, and first person for adventuring.
  19. Now to remember. Think mine was 21st October, but I'm leaning towards November now, lol.
  20. Pfft, David thinks we don't notice his changes!
  21. Oh my god - If I see one more video on Facebook or YouTube about the stupid Harlem shake, ugh.

    1. Blake


      May I direct you to my topic in the Spam section of the forums?

    2. Fergal


      Hmm, wonder where I was on the 21st. That's another topic I never saw. Anyway, Harlem shake was funny at the start, but now it's more than annoying. However, the link in that topic was more than awesome. ;)

  22. I was going to post, but it has only returned for members. Has to be like 750k votes for F2P or something. They can go to hell if they think Imma pay.
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